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"You better believe I am! Let me plan the weekend, if that’s all right with you, I mean." The young woman waited for approval. "After all, I’m not the one who’s been up and on-call twice this week. Okay?"

"Be my guest," she chuckled. "All that I’m interested in right now is going home and sleeping until tomorrow morning." The surgeon stood up grasped her small duffel bag and daily planner in hand. "Come on, I’ll walk you down to the E.R. on my way out." She tapped her coat pocket in search of her keys and followed the nurse out of the small office.

Seeing her colleague, Dr. Chabot, coming down the hall, she held the door open for him to enter the office. "I’m going home Rene, the office is all yours." She smiled at him politely. "I hope you have a good night."

"Thank you for the kind thought," he tipped his head towards the two women as he passed by and partially entered the open office door. He turned and watched as they made their way down the deserted hall. He studied the relaxed stature of his tall, fellow surgeon and enjoyed the friendly banter that he could hear coming from the pair as they waited for the elevator. A smile slowly crept across his face as his mind thought, ‘Let yourself be open to the thought, my friend, love will find its way in.’ But his whispered words were in his native language, " Ouvre toi a l’idec, mon amie, l’amour trouvera son chemin." He stepped back so as not to be seen watching. "You will see, love always finds a way in," he said under his breath, as he resumed his journey into the office.


The auburn-haired nurse had just caught up to Karen, as she reached for the door leading into the hospital. "Gee, thanks Mom!" She smiled and walked into the lobby bustling with visitors at this hour.

"Don’t mention it," the older nurse came back with, as she entered the building. Her eyes roamed over the activity of the lobby and stopped dead at the sight of a certain pair coming off of the elevator. "Look!" She tugged at Rosie’s sleeve and once getting her attention, motioned with her chin in the direction of two women. "I hope everything went all right," she whispered.

After watching for a few seconds, she witnessed the close proximity of her two pseudo-daughters. As their steps brought them closer to her, she could hear their gentle banter.

Putting her stern, motherly face on for the occasion, Karen waited only a few seconds before calling out to her fair-haired nurse. "Well, you going to come to work or lollygag with friends all night? Hmmm, young lady?

You’ve got a job to do, you know."

Danni scanned the lobby filled with moving bodies for the source of the familiar voice. Upon seeing Karen and Rosie, both in a crossed-armed glaring stance, the petite nurse could feel the flush rise up her neck and spread across her face. "I should have known it would be you," she aimed her speech at the Charge Nurse.

Garrett altered her course to go in their direction, gently nudging Danni along with her. "Hi, Mom, Rosie!" Her voice sounded playful as she continued. "I’d make her be Trauma One for the rest of the week if I were you, Mom," she winked, "especially for the way she bailed out on us last night." The surgeon coughed as Danni slapped her stomach with the backside of her hand.

"That’s enough out of you, my friend." The blonde countered. "It’s time for all good surgeons to go home and get some sleep." Her tone turned full of concern. "Garrett, be careful and call me when you get in, okay?"

"What…" The surgeon looked at the trio of concerned faces staring back at her. "What am I…five or something?" Seeing that she was outnumbered, she tipped her head from side to side, "Oh, all right." She kicked her foot at an imaginary stone, "but I don’t have to like it." She looked at them again and found that each one in their own manner was shooing her towards the door and home. "Okay, I get the picture. See you guys in the morning."

The nurses stood there daring her to head anywhere but home.

"And we’ll be timing you. We know where you live." Rosie voiced as the surgeon turned to walk away. Garrett nodded in assent and raised her free hand to wave weakly, as she walked out through the door and into the chilly fall air.

When the tall surgeon was no longer in sight, the sound of laughter filled the air around the trio of friends.

"I guess she accepted your apology," the older nurse inquired, wiping a tear from her eye.

"Well, we accepted each others’ and decided to learn from our mistakes." She smiled and looked back to where she had last seen her tall friend. "It feels good not being at odds with her." She turned and looked at Karen.

"Thanks, Mom, for your advice."

The Charge Nurse winked at Danni. "Any time, little one." Glancing at the huge clock in the lobby, she attempted to hurry them along. "We’d better get moving or I’m going to have to have a talk with all three of us for being late." With that thought in mind, the three women scurried into the locker room.


The week passed by rather quickly with each of the roommates anticipating the relaxing weekend awaiting them. Garrett had no idea of what to expect from her friend, but was sure that it would be delightful for them both. After all, Danni had grown up around this part of the country and probably knew some very interesting and picturesque places. The tall surgeon found herself willing to follow her friend just about anywhere, especially if it didn’t have beepers or a paging system involved. She definitely knew that she needed a break from her routine and hoped that this weekend would help her regain control of her life.

It was almost a month now since that night when the past had come rushing headlong back at her. The taunting dreams that crept into her mind while she slept would never let her go on with her life. They always reminded her of her inability to hold on to anyone that she cared for. For the longest time, she had given up and chose not to allow her heart or hopes to be placed on any one person in particular. That had seemed to work for the most part, but proved to take its toll, as the surgeon walled off the exposures of her heart. It had made her a better surgeon, being so independent of others and able to stand on her own two feet when those around her seemed to be floundering. But the skills that she lacked because of it would take a long time to nurture.

She had thought enough about her past. It was time to live in the present and dream of the future instead. With that thought in her mind, Garrett threw back the covers and greeted the new day. The chill of the early morning air inside of the house exhilarated her as she made her way around her room, taking the time to cover her naked form with her long silk robe as she headed toward the bathroom.

The small blonde was already busy in the kitchen getting things ready for the day that she had planned. By the time she was done packing the cooler with the necessary supplies, the tall surgeon was standing in the doorway dressed and ready to go. Looking up from her position seated on top of the large cooler, the nurse first noticed that she was being watched. "Hey! You been standing there long?"

"Just long enough to see you sit on the lid to get it to close." She shook her head in disbelief. "I hope that is not just for lunch." She teased the small woman, knowing her ravenous appetite.

"Nope, it’s our food for the weekend, two lunches, one dinner and one breakfast." She fastened the latch on the cooler to keep it closed.