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"Yes, Dr. McMurray. Right away." Then, she set out to make contact with the requested physician.

The Chief of Trauma Services settled in to his high-backed leather chair. He sat there with his elbows resting on the padded arms of the chair, the fingertips of one hand pressed and flexing against the other. "Well, my dear Dr. McCormick, let’s see how you react to this idea. You always want to get your nose into my projects and grab some of the glory. I wonder how you’ll view this proposal?"


The raven-haired woman let her long legs carry her down the hallway towards her office. The look of determination mixed with happiness was an unusual one, especially for her, drawing stares from those who she traveled by. As she made her way further down the hall, she was oblivious to the hushed whispers that came filtering back from the passing groups of nurses and residents. They were not used to seeing anything but the stoic façade that she had worn daily since her arrival, the first day of her Fellowship. The surgeon was eager to get started on the proposal, but she needed to get to Danni. ‘I can’t wait to tell her.’ She imagined the face of the petite nurse. She thought about Danni’s normally radiant glow of enthusiasm.

‘I bet it will be intensified ten…no, twenty times with the news I am going to tell her.’ Garrett was finding it hard not to let her mouth spread into that seldom seen brilliant smile of hers and her mind thought back to her father and his teasing.

It was a game that all parents and children play with each other, but Garrett loved it especially with her father. He was a tall man with enormous hands with which he would hold her and slowly start to tickle her until she produced a smile that was so brilliant it could outshine a light bulb. Well, at least that’s how her father described it. The best part of the game was not the tickling and squirming to get away, but rather the warm feeling that she would have once that smile was produced and her father would acknowledge it. Her usual response was to put her small arms around his neck and hug him until he would whisk her up in his arms, twirling her with him as they danced across the floor, her laughter mixing ever so sweetly with his.

Then as she grew older, the tickling was replaced by playful teasing and the making of faces as he tried hard to get her to laugh. Somehow he was always able to do it. No matter how hard she tried to keep that stoic mask in place, she could not do it when he was around. Now the reward for that smile would be a loving pat on the arm or a quick hug as he gently kissed her forehead, whispering words of encouragement to her. She had always thought of the game as something special between them.

She thought about her father, pulling from deep in her memory to conjure up an image of him in her head. Then the image began transforming, soon being replaced by the radiant smiling one of Danni. It was funny that one smile from out of her past lifetime could equal another in her present life today. She chuckled to herself as she entered her office. ‘I never thought I’d be able to smile in response to someone like that again.’

The small room didn’t seem to bother her today as she sat at her desk waiting for the computer booting up in front of her. She glanced at her watch, taking note of the time. It was 1500 hours. She drummed her fingers as she tried to make her mind up as what to do. Finally, she had made her decision. Pushing off of her desk with her out-stretched fingers, she swiveled the rickety chair away from the desk and moved fluidly to her feet. A step or two of her long strides brought her to the door that she readily opened. As she prepared to advance through the doorway, she looked up to see the thin build of her colleague who appeared out of nowhere.

"Rene!" Her voice sounded startled.

Looking at her with large eyes of surprise was Dr. Chabot. "Oh my dear…Garrett!" His feet started backing up to get out of her way. "Is there something wrong, some kind of emergency?" Concern filled his eyes.

"Sorry," she apologized as she reached out to stop his retreat. She paused only momentarily, then started edging her way down the hall towards the elevators. "No, nothing bad. In fact, you could say that it was something very right." That smile was spreading across her face again, with each word, as her mind thought about where she wanted to be right at that moment and with whom she wanted to be telling her news to.

Rene winked and called out. "Must be something pretty good to make you smile." ‘Maybe all of my prayers for this one have not been wasted, no?’ A sly smile came to Dr. Chabot’s face as he thoughtfully scratched his chin. ‘You don’t think…maybe.’ He watched her get into the elevator, noting the spring in her step and the anxiousness to get to her destination shown by her fidgety fingers tapping away at the button trying to hasten the slowly closing doors. ‘Perhaps she has opened her heart to someone.’ Rene smiled smugly satisfied that his attempts to get the stoic and reserved woman to embrace life had finally worked. He shrugged his shoulders and continued into his office. ‘Well, whoever or whatever it is…it sure is making her happy.’


The ride had only been a short one but still seemed too long. The trauma surgeon’s pace was quick but not rushed as she moved through the still opening doors of the elevator when it came to a stop. Her body language alone cleared a path in her intended direction as it always had. In the almost little over four months since her arrival, the staff had learn how best to stay out of her way. Today not being any exception to that rule. Only a few, slow moving visitors obscured her path, which she easily moved around, never altering the rhythm of her steps.

As her hands came in contact with the large Emergency Room doors, she remembered her first trip through them. Her eyes roved the hall on the other side, as they swung open, looking for the same three people in a Déjà vu effort of that first encounter. She sighed when she realized that the only occupants of the long hallway now, were an empty stretcher or two and an occasional I.V. pole that littered the way. Garrett turned her head in the direction of the nurse’s desk, her eyes moving constantly to find the familiar faces that she had come to rely on. Then she remembered. It was still the daylight shift. Two of the three faces that she was hoping to see would not be here. The only one that would be possible to find now was the petite blonde nurse, Danni.

Seeing the tall surgeon come into her E.R. with such enthusiasm in her step, Dr. Potter hurriedly ran through the list of patients, trying to find anyone that could possibly be a candidate for surgery. There was none. Jamie quickly checked the computer monitors for any indication of an impending trauma. Again, there was none. Resolving to find out why the surgeon was here, Dr. Potter leaned on the counter with her elbow and greeted the Trauma Fellow.

"Dr. Trivoli, anything that I can help you with or is this just a social call?"

Hearing the name of one of the women with whom he would love to get closer too, John peered up over the monitor screen that he was sitting at. The adventuresome nurse had to admit that with the smile on her face, Garrett Trivoli never looked more appealing to him. ‘Those blue eyes of hers are searching for someone…God if only it could be me.’ Then he heard her voice and his dream burst. Leaving him to deal with reality once again.