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Inquisitor Vance smiled sadly. “There are two answers to that question, Arbiter. First, you have heard of my gift, no doubt. Do you believe in it?”

Beck nodded. Everyone knew Hironous Vance had inherited the witch sight from his mother, the ability to see into the future.

“And did Captain Morrass ever speak to you of an oracle he visited?”

“Yes,” Beck said. “It was you?”

“It was me. Captain Morrass asked me to look into the future for him. He wanted my help in building an empire out of nothing but water and criminals. I told him half of the truth. He could bring the pirates together, unite them, and win the throne he desired. What I didn’t tell him was that if he ever sat upon that throne, it would all crumble around him. A good leader in times of war does not necessarily make a good leader in times of peace.”

“Why not tell him the whole truth?”

“Do you believe he would have heeded my advice had I told him he would have to step down at the very moment that he acquired the throne?” Inquisitor Vance shook his head.

He was right. Beck had known Drake well by the end, and she knew there was nothing anyone could have said that would have convinced him to abdicate the throne. That knowledge didn’t make her betrayal hurt any less though. Months drifting about the Pirate Isles after the battle had tempered her anger, but they’d done nothing for the guilt she felt over carrying out her orders.

“What’s the second answer?” she said bitterly.

Inquisitor Vance snapped his tome shut and fixed the clasp that held it before standing and hanging the heavy book from his belt. He shuffled around the edge of his desk and approached the window that looked out over the City of Sun.

“I have seen the future of our people, Arbiter Beck. Not just our people, but all people. There is a darkness rising that has not been seen since before the Inquisition existed, and we are not prepared to face it.

“But I believe I have also seen a way for us to survive it. I need the Pirate Isles to be united, and I need them willing to fight on our side when the time comes. I am playing a long game, and Drake was but a pawn to be sacrificed for the greater good.”

“What about me?” Beck wasn’t sure she wanted to hear the answer. “Was I a pawn too?”

Hironous Vance glanced over his shoulder and smiled. “Yes. But I knew you would survive and return to me, Arbiter Beck. Your part is not yet done.”

Books by Rob J. Hayes

The Ties that Bind

The Heresy Within

The Colour of Vengeance

The Price of Faith

Best Laid Plans

Where Loyalties Lie

The Fifth Empire of Man

It Takes a Thief...

It Takes a Thief to Catch a Sunrise

It Takes a Thief to Start a Fire

Table of Contents

Part 1 – Batten Down the Hatches

Chapter 1 - Starry Dawn

Chapter 2 - North Gale

Chapter 3 - Starry Dawn

Chapter 4 - North Gale

Chapter 5 - North Gale

Chapter 6 - North Gale

Chapter 7 - North Gale

Chapter 8 - The Phoenix

Chapter 9 - Fortune

Chapter 10 - The Phoenix

Chapter 11 - Fortune

Chapter 12 - The Phoenix

Chapter 13 - Fortune

Chapter 14 - The Phoenix

Chapter 15 - The Phoenix

Chapter 16 - Fortune

Chapter 17 - The Phoenix

Chapter 18 - Fortune

Chapter 19 - North Storm

Part 2 – All Hands on Deck

Chapter 20 – Land's End

Chapter 21 - Starry Dawn

Chapter 22 - Fortune

Chapter 23 - Starry Dawn

Chapter 24 - The Phoenix

Chapter 25 - The Phoenix

Chapter 26 - Starry Dawn

Chapter 27 - Starry Dawn

Chapter 28 - The Phoenix

Chapter 29 - Starry Dawn

Part 3 – X Marks the Spot

Chapter 30 - Fortune

Chapter 31 - The Phoenix

Chapter 32 - Starry Dawn

Chapter 33 - The Phoenix

Chapter 34 - King’s Justice

Chapter 35 - Starry Dawn

Chapter 36 - The Phoenix

Chapter 37 - The Phoenix

Chapter 38 - The Phoenix

Chapter 39 - Starry Dawn

Chapter 40 - The Phoenix

Chapter 41 - Starry Dawn

Chapter 42 - The Phoenix

Chapter 43 - The Phoenix

Chapter 44 - The Phoenix

Chapter 45 - Starry Dawn

Chapter 46 - The Phoenix

Chapter 47 - The Phoenix

Chapter 48 - The Phoenix

Chapter 49 - Starry Dawn

Chapter 50 - The Phoenix

Part 4 – Dead Men Tell No Tales

Chapter 51 – Fortune

Chapter 52 - Fortune

Chapter 53 - Starry Dawn

Chapter 54 - The Phoenix

Chapter 55 - King’s Justice

Chapter 56 - Fortune

Chapter 57 - The Phoenix

Chapter 58 - North Storm

Chapter 59 - King’s Justice

Chapter 60 - The Phoenix

Chapter 61 - Starry Dawn

Chapter 62 - North Storm

Chapter 63 - Starry Dawn

Chapter 64 - The Phoenix

Chapter 65 - North Storm

Chapter 66 - The Phoenix

Chapter 67 - Starry Dawn

Chapter 68 - King’s Justice

Chapter 69 - North Storm

Chapter 70 - Starry Dawn

Chapter 71 - The Phoenix

Chapter 72 - Starry Dawn

Chapter 73 - The Phoenix

Chapter 74 - New Sev’relain

Chapter 75 - North Squall

Chapter 76 - Starry Dawn

Chapter 77 - Starry Dawn
