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“Yeah. Once you bring it up, just let Sean know. ” Ellie turned to help the next customer and Samantha left to grab the supplies. She refused to glance at Darius before she left, more determined than ever to avoid him in the future.

The minute Samantha left the floor Darius turned to Mike. “I’m going to grab some more house bottles. Need anything while I’m gone?”

“Yeah, a break,” Mike muttered under his breath as another customer grabbed his attention.

“Carla and Todd are working their butts off and here comes Dave to take my place.” Darius raised his voice to be heard over the women vying for his attention. “Sorry ladies,” he apologised and nodded towards Dave, “but I have an errand to run. Be right back. Until then, Dave’s your man.”

Several complaints floated but Darius ignored them. He’d been waiting all night for the opportunity to corner Samantha. And he couldn’t have asked for a better window. She had disappeared behind the ’employees only‘ door, no doubt to help Ellie, who seemed overrun with men wanting more than drink.

He shook his head and followed after Samantha. Too bad Ellie did nothing to heat his blood. She had the looks, the brains, hell, a body to kill for. But something about her failed to draw him. Samantha, on the other hand…

He found her in the basement struggling to unlock a loaded dolly and quietly crept behind her.

“Back in the basement again, hmm?” he said in a soft voice, grinning when she screamed and spun around to face him. He caught a subtle whiff of perfume that went straight to his head and narrowed his intent focus.

She looked good enough to eat.

Her eyes sparkled with anger and she crossed her arms over full breasts, her mouth a tight line of pink indulgence. “Don’t you have a job you should be doing? Why are you down here when your bar is overloaded with customers?”

She sounded high and mighty, her husky voice surprisingly prim. She made him want to throw her down on the cold floor and fuck her until she screamed his name, begging for mercy.

Something of his desire must have shown in his eyes for she backed away nervously. “Darius?” She cleared her throat and planted her feet, though he could see the tension in her tight frame. “I asked you a question.”

He smiled, a feline grin not meant to reassure. “I followed you down here, Samantha.” Her name rolled off his lips like molten hunger. Before this night was through, he intended to conquer Samantha, to once and for all purge her from his thoughts. “Now why don’t we finish what you started last night?” he asked silkily and stepped closer.

“Last night?” She had to tilt her head to look up at him. “What I started? Are you saying I initiated those touches? That embrace?” She glared at him and poked him in the chest, her nerves vanishing in a flash. “Look, Darius, you came on to me.” She scowled at him, making him wonder just what she’d found so disgusting about his behaviour last night. He clearly remembered her body’s response to his nearness, and it had been more than welcoming. “You lost the blonde today at breakfast, so now you want to try me on for size? Forget it.”

He frowned. “What blonde? And what the hell are you talking about?”

“What?” she asked innocently. “Can’t remember her name? Or are you finally feeling guilty for dumping her in public?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. The only woman on my mind lately is an irritating consultant with flashing green eyes and honey-spun hair.”

Before she could say anything, he yanked her to him, pressing her against him to let her know of his intent. Her eyes darkened, a dusky leaf-green colour that made him think of the wild forests of Tanselm. And when her nipples brushed his chest, she created a storm of need that had him pressing harder against her.

He felt no shame in sharing his want. His cock felt unbearably full. And despite the battle raging within her, he could sense her passion equalled his. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath and smelled the feminine desire emanating from her very core.

She shoved at him once, then again, trying desperately to break his hold. When he looked down at her, he saw the confusion lining her face, her lips parted in silent question. She met his fierce gaze and like a switch that had been thrown, she stopped struggling, her gaze wandering from his eyes to his mouth.

Taking the opportunity as an invitation, he wasted no more time. With a swiftness that took her breath, he latched onto her luscious lips, groaning at the contact. She tasted sweet, fresh and dangerously addictive. At first her body tightened, then after a moment melted in his arms.

Fierce satisfaction blazed through him, setting his body aflame. Excitement grew to a fevered pitch as she not only returned his kiss, but met his tongue with her own in an aggressive battle of wills.

Several lightbulbs popped, leaving the basement in darkness save for a dim light against the wall, throwing them in the shadows. He couldn’t believe this woman had such an effect on him. With just a kiss she made him lose control of his powers, made him want to unleash all his frustrations and hungers in her scorchingly lush body.

He deepened the kiss, trailing his lips across her cheek to her throat as he brought a hand around to her front. She moaned his name as he sucked her neck and gasped when his hand stole under her shirt to caress her lace-cupped breast.

Rocking against her, he left no doubt as to what he intended. On the cold floor, against the wall, it didn’t matter as long as he felt her melt around him. And bless the Light she felt the same, for her hands crept around his waist, pulling him closer as a part of her cried out, More.

Touch me, he answered, mentally linking them closer while he ravaged her body. He deftly unfastened her bra beneath her shirt and quickly stripped her of both garments. Then he removed his shirt, needing to feel her flesh against his.

She rasped his name and his desire increased threefold. He could feel her need pressing at him, demanding he give her what she wanted. Startled at her response, one he might have expected had she been from Tanselm, he couldn’t help taking a breath to study the passionate creature before him.

“I want you,” she said breathlessly, eyeing his broad chest with slumberous eyes. “I need you inside me.”

Her face flushed and her lips swollen, she made him think of everything that was feminine and desirable, everything a man could ever want.

Not able to understand the powerful urge to take her, he nonetheless stripped out of his clothes in record time and knelt to remove the rest of her garments. On his knees, he jerked her clothes down, his mouth dry as he eyed her golden curls glistening with desire—for him.

Unable to resist, he parted her thighs enough to push a finger deep inside her, glorying in her erotic response. She felt so tight around him, her passage slick with cream, her nub tight and ripe. He rubbed his thumb against her clit and watched her arch her head back as she begged for release.

So passionate, so responsive.

He lost patience, stood, and stripped the remaining clothes from her body before backing her against the nearest concrete wall. Their forms played in the shadows, and despite the dim light around them he saw her clearly, a beautiful spirit of light shining just for him. He dropped to his knees and spread her thighs wide, waiting until she made eye contact again.

“Mine,” he growled and pressed his mouth to her mound.

Samantha forgot to breathe, forgot to care about making love in a public place. Everything had ceased to exist the moment she surrendered to overwhelming temptation and accepted his sexual offering.

Her heart felt as if it would leave her chest as she felt his hot mouth licking and nipping at her clit. His tongue, oh my God. He pressed up into her, lapping at her arousal and she felt her orgasm fast approaching. Like a huge wave, her climax seemed to grow and build, hovering before it would come crashing down over her.