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The minute she left, Marcus glared at Cadmus.

“Darius specifically asked us to let him explain the affai situation, when the time comes. And the time isn’t now. Want to scare her off before he has a chance to propose?” he hissed quietly.

Cadmus shrugged. “What was I supposed to say? She asked me what affai meant out of the blue.”

“I’m surprised you didn’t see that one coming, soothsayer,” Marcus drawled, though for once Cadmus didn’t see the humour in the situation. “I can see I’m needed more here than at work.” He exhaled heavily, as if tasked with a great burden. “What say I take the day off and help you out before you help her right out the door?”

“You’re an asshole, you know that?” Cadmus scowled, clenching his fists to keep from punching Marcus in his conceited jaw.

“I know, but just because I’m better than you doesn’t mean I can’t tolerate you.” Marcus’ eyes shone with laughter, and without another thought, Cadmus launched a fist.

Chapter Nine

When Darius arrived home promptly at six, it was to find Marcus and Cadmus glaring at each other over a chessboard with Samantha laughing as she watched.

“What’s going on in here?” he murmured, entranced with her laughter. He’d never seen her so free or so happy, and he hated the niggle of jealousy that she’d found joy with his brothers instead of with him.

When she turned to face him, her eyes lit with welcome, it was all he could do to nod and smile, as if his cock hadn’t hardened to the point of pain, as if every breath she took didn’t arouse him on some level.

Giving her space to accept him, to come to grips with this whole mess, was killing him. He’d gone out of his way to avoid her this week, continuing his work at the bar even though he’d rather have watched over her at home. But spending the night so close to Samantha without being able to touch her, well, it was more than he could handle. He needed space to adjust to her presence in his life too. But if this past week was anything to go by, he knew he could never let her go.

“Darius, welcome home.” Samantha glowed, and only by sheer will did he force himself to remain in place.

“Who’s winning?” He nodded to the game.

“I can’t tell. Every time Cadmus moves a piece, the game board shifts and water pools under his bishops.”

“You always were a sore loser.” Cadmus sneered at Marcus across the table. He moved his queen. “Check.”

Marcus raised one brow and the board flooded, pieces going everywhere.

Darius rolled his eyes, his lip curling in humour. “Come on, Samantha. We’ve got a date, remember?” He watched her with hungry eyes, aware she felt his need. The closer she drew, the more she tensed. When she bridged the gap between them, he reached out and took her hand in his, stifling a groan at the sensual burn spearing his body.

“Guys? I’ve got her. Thanks for all you’ve done this week,” he said gruffly. “Why don’t you celebrate? Go out and get laid—” he stopped that train of thought when Samantha glared at him. “I mean, go out and have a good time, at a bar or something.”

He grabbed her coat from the hall closet and helped her put it on, waiting for her response. It wasn’t until they entered his truck before she let loose.

“Nice, Darius.” Her words were clipped, and he stifled a grin. “Go out and get laid. You are such a man.” He gathered man was supposed to be insulting. “What’s wrong with your brothers hanging out together, or staying in tonight? Maybe they’d rather get to know a woman before banging her brains out.”

He laughed and reached for her hand to give it a squeeze. “Come on, Samantha. You’ve spent a week with my brothers. Do you really think Marcus and Cadmus are the type to get to know a woman? All touchy-feely?”

“I’m not sure about Marcus,” she answered slowly. “But I like Cad. He’s been nothing but a gentleman all week long, and I felt bad he was made to stay inside because of me.”

Darius groaned. “He volunteered to stay with you, Samantha. I’m not the bad guy here. The only reason he wasn’t trying to get you into bed is because he knew I’d kill him if he tried. Gentleman, ha.”

So Cadmus had tried impressing Samantha with manners and compliments? Nice try, and apparently Samantha had fallen for it.

He only hoped she didn’t expect pretty words from him. He paused in thought. “So is that the kind of guy you like?”

It would kill him if he had to act like a ‘gentleman’. He’d tried it once and had met with disastrous results. The woman hadn’t cared about his words, only his looks and position in high court, but his brothers, well, they still liked to tease him about the ‘bouquet’ incident.


“The kind of guy you like, a guy who’ll flatter you and bring you gifts.”

“Please.” She huffed and he felt the tension drain right out of him. “I’ve never been one for false praise, and I’m not much on flowers. They last maybe a week before you have to throw them out. Now chocolates, on the other hand,” she paused and licked her lips, making him groan silently. He shifted in his seat, his erection straining his jeans. Damn, he needed relief.

“We shouldn’t have to wait long to eat,” he said to change the subject. “I made reservations for six-thirty. I would have been home earlier but I had a few errands to run.”

“For Father Denton?” She stared at him with a strange glitter in her moss green eyes.

He flushed. Cadmus and his big mouth. Now she probably thought he was a soft touch. “It’s no big deal.” He tried to shrug it off and felt his embarrassment grow as she studied him like an exotic bug. “What?” he barked.

Her lips pursed in a smile. “Nothing.” She cleared her throat and he relaxed. “I appreciate the time you’ve given me lately, to gather my thoughts I mean.”

“Oh, right.” Keep your mind on the road, not on the fullness of her mouth.

“I haven’t seen you much. I hope my being at your house hasn’t kept you away.”

“Not at all,” he lied. “I’ve been putting long hours in at work—”

“And teaching self-defence classes.”

“—so I’m sorry if being watched over by my brothers has been annoying.”

“Not at all. Still, you were gone an awfully long time this week. Even Cadmus commented on it.”

“Did you miss me?” She coloured and satisfaction filled him. Deciding to give in a little, he admitted, “Staying away from you has been killing me. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’m not a patient man.”

The startled look on her face was priceless, as was the unadulterated mirth that followed. Husky and deep, Samantha’s laughter encompassed the whole of her, making him really look at her. Such genuine caring lingered around a heart that had been battered but held strong—and that in itself was a powerful magic.

The pure joy of the moment, of just being with her, convinced him he would succeed, that he could persuade Samantha to accompany him home, to join with him as his royal affai.

“So pensive,” she murmured, studying him with curiosity.


“It means thoughtful, preoccupied, brooding—”

“I get it,” he growled, but couldn’t contain a chuckle. “You’re as much a pain in the ass as I am. Maybe that’s why we get along so well.”

Her eyes shone bright and her lips drew into a large smile, one that made his heart beat faster. As he drove into the parking lot, he wondered how fast he could end dinner and begin making love to her. He sent out a subtle probe and felt an answering response lingering in her thoughts.