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His cock ached, needing to fill her hot, wet little pussy with his seed. Just thinking about it pushed him nearer the edge, and he decided to keep his boxers on, weak deterrent though it was.

Samantha, however, would have none of it. She smiled, a sultry grin that had his attention focused on her full, ripe mouth. Then she licked her lips and he couldn’t help the groan that escaped. Staring down at his huge erection, she grasped his underwear and slowly dragged it down his legs, her face coming uncomfortably close to his cock.

He wanted to shout with frustration when her breath fanned his shaft.

“I want you, Darius. Here, now, my way.” Boldly taking the lead, Samantha made his heart stop when she knelt and took him into her mouth.

“May the Light grant me strength,” he moaned as she began to suck. Her mouth felt warm, her tongue excitingly rough against the underside of his head. He knew he wouldn’t last long, and when she stroked and sucked him deeper, it was all he could do not to come.

“Wait, love,” he gasped, grasping her silky hair to still her movements. “Let me.”

In a flash, he pulled her to her feet and lowered her onto the bed.

Surprise lined her lovely green eyes until she saw his intent. She swallowed audibly but made no protest when he spread her thighs wide and knelt between them. He lowered his head, the heady scent of her arousal luring him closer.

He blew a soft breath across her clitoris, satisfied when she moaned his name. Lowering his lips, he drank of her sweetness, fingering the opening of her vagina but not entering. She writhed and he increased the pressure of his mouth, dying to suckle her hard nub until she screamed with pleasure. Again and again he lapped her essence, rubbing her cream over her folds and back towards her anus, enhancing her desire. Her breath now came in pants, and he knew she was close.

“I need you,” she cried and wrapped her legs tighter around his head.

You need me. Remember that,” he threw at her as he licked her clit and suddenly thrust two fingers inside her. She bucked up and he began sucking in earnest, determined she should find her pleasure.

He wanted her to come, to feel her body tense in a quivering mass of ecstasy. His cock hardened and he pressed deeper into the mattress, needing relief for his swollen shaft. But not before his affai found satisfaction.

Removing his fingers, he shoved his tongue into her channel and was rewarded with a high, keening cry.

“Darius,” she breathed, “I swear I’m going to kill you if you make me come without you.”

He looked up from between her legs, staring at her heaving breasts and flushed face, and knew he’d never seen a more sensual woman in his life.

“Yes, affai, as you command,” he said thickly. He crawled over her, resting the head of his cock between her soft, white thighs. Teasing them both, he coated himself in her cream and groaned at the exquisite sensation.

With one thrust he penetrated, the feel of her welcome indescribable. She immediately came, her walls closing around him, the sensation on his stimulated shaft bordering on pain.

“Samantha, love,” he rasped as he continued to drive into her, “you’re so tight. So wet.” He groaned.

“More, Darius,” she demanded and locked her ankles around his waist.

The action drew him deeper inside her and stars began firing behind his eyes. He pounded hard, riding her with a desperation born of worry, love, and need.

She cried out and squeezed around him harder, and he came in a gush. Over and over he spurted, flooding her womb with blazing hot seed.

He shuddered and cried her name, overcome with the lingering rapture killing him softly.

When finally he caught his breath, he felt her push his hair out of his eyes. Staring down at her, he saw satisfaction and if he wasn’t mistaken, a warm blaze of tenderness.

Her smile widened as she gazed up at him. “We’ve got to stop meeting like this. People will talk.”

He looked at her in surprise for a moment before he began laughing. He laughed so hard he almost cried, and his mirth caused him to physically withdraw. The loss of her body caging his finally sobered him enough to pull her close under him once more.

“You have a hell of a sense of humour,” he complimented, pleased when she blushed a pretty pink.

“I need one to deal with you.” She traced his lips with a finger, gasping when he sucked on the digit and nipped before letting go.

Samantha’s eyes clouded, the feel of his mouth over her finger as erotic as his mouth over her clitoris. Impossible, but there it was. She was a walking hormone around him, or under him, as the situation now dictated. She sighed with pleasure.

“You know you love me,” he said quietly, his eyes focused and intent on her face. “Why not admit it?”

“And you love me,” she gave, tit for tat. “Why don’t you admit it?”

She waited for him to deny it, to frown and dismiss her as an irrationally emotional female. Instead, he nuzzled her cheek with his nose and stared down at her, his eyes blazing red. Full, masculine lips quirked down at her and her heart seemed to stop.

“As you command, affai. I love you.”

She could only stare at him, stupefied. Then a thought hit her and her eyes narrowed. “You’d better not be playing with me.” Not about this.

His lips were still curved in a half grin, but his eyes remained focused and unblinking on her. “I would never make light of such a serious topic.”

She didn’t know what to say. “Well, uh, okay then.” Should she really tell him the truth of her feelings? That even the thought of living without him could destroy her?

He grinned and shook his head. “Tsk, tsk, Samantha. I tell you what you want to hear and you think to deny me the same assurance.”

She glared. He’d been reading her mind again.

“I know you love me. I would only like to hear you say it. And as your king and overlord, I command it.”


His stare grew hotter, the elemental fire at his command fusing them together. “I will soon be a king in one of Tanselm’s four corners, Samantha. And as my affai, you will be my queen.” He paused, as if to let his words sink in, for which she was grudgingly grateful.

Loving Darius and admitting it was one thing. She had just summoned the courage to do so when he hit her with news of her impending queenship.

“I’m not queen material.” Hell, I can barely manage my own life, let alone be responsible for the welfare of hundreds of others.

“And yet you’ve managed me since we met.”

“Stop reading my mind.” She wished he’d stay out. Trying to think and be honest with herself would be much easier if she didn’t have to guard her thoughts.

“I can’t help it, affai. We are bonded now. I have given you my heart. And you have given me yours.” He smirked, the insensitive clod.

“So what if I have?” She knew she sounded defensive and felt stupid for it, but old wounds still had yet to heal. “You have a kingdom to return to. A war to fight and people to govern. You don’t really need me.”

The teasing glint in his eyes faded. “You mean I won’t have time for you with so much else happening in my life. But you’re wrong.”

She felt vulnerable lying naked under him and reached out for the covers. A ball of fire suddenly appeared, licking her palm, stilling her movements. She watched in awe, still not understanding how the fire didn’t burn.

“You share my spirit, Samantha. Only a woman of great power and control could contain and withstand my fire.” He waved his hand and the fire vanished. “But only a woman as stubborn, intelligent and courageous as you could command my love.”