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He blinked, as if surprised such words came out of his mouth, and she couldn’t help grinning like a fool. “Oh, God, Darius. We are alike! I can’t believe my arrogant overlord just said something so poetic, and neither can you.

“You’re bossy, too used to getting your way, and too handsome for your own good. You don’t drive a decent car and you’ll never make a believable bartender. You’re too intense.”

He grinned. “But you love me.”

She rolled her eyes. “I love you. Now I suppose I’m supposed to be so blindsided that you love me I won’t realise you’re asking me to leave behind everything I know to live with you in your foreign kingdom.”

His cheeks flushed and she saw chagrin in his eyes. “I, that is, I was just going to mention the necessary move to Tanselm.”

“Cad was right. You don’t know how to deal with women.”

His red eyes blazed. “I’m charming.”

“Like a rock. So are you asking me to leave with you or not?”

His eyes narrowed and she knew he’d hit her mental shields. “You aren’t close to your family, you have no ties here other than your job and you love me. What’s to decide? Once I can return to Tanselm, you’re going with me,” he almost growled the order.

Amazed at his gruffness after such amazing lovemaking and considering her heartfelt declaration, she gradually understood that her fiery bully was scared, nervous she might reject him.

Her comprehension stunned her.

“Besides, the wraiths are here now.” Satisfaction echoed in his words, as if he’d found the final straw to convince her to join him. “It’s not safe for you without me.”

She wanted to grin, instead she nodded soberly, as if considering that viewpoint. “Okay, I’ll come with you.”

Her easy acquiescence bothered him. She could see it in the dark scowl growing over his handsome face. “Samantha—”

“Can it, Darius.” She laughed at his anger. “I love you, and I wouldn’t dream of living without you. Besides, I have a feeling you’re going to need someone to help you manage your anger, especially if they really are going to let you run a small kingdom.”

One black brow quirked in arrogance. “Let me? Samantha, I am a Storm Lord. The Prince of Fire. I was born to rule Tanselm. Need I remind you how fortunate you are to have found me?” His lips quirked and she knew he baited her on purpose.

Shaking her head, she pulled him to her so that their lips almost touched. “I think you’re the fortunate one.” So saying she reached down and began fondling his growing erection, pleased to see she had such an effect on him.

“I do believe you’re right,” he said on a sigh. She began pumping him, stirring his desire all over again. “Samantha, ah, love, as my affai commands.” And he proceeded to make love to her far into the night.

Chapter Twelve

“How many for dinner tonight?” Samantha asked as she tossed a large green salad.

Darius stretched, loving the way she looked in his kitchen, in his house, in his life. “It’ll just be you and me, love. Cadmus is taking over at the bar for me fulltime. He thinks since I found you there, the place is lucky.”

She grinned. “It is. Make sure he spends a good amount of time in the basement. Who knows what he might find down there.”

“True,” he agreed in a husky voice, ready for another round of erotic play with his affai . It had been a month, but the more they touched and teased, the more they desired one another. Funny, but he never would have imagined it possible to be so satisfied and fulfilled outside of his homeworld.

His constant cravings for Tanselm no longer bothered him. Through Samantha he’d found an inner peace. He just hoped it hadn’t taken all the fire out of him. He’d never hear the end of it from his brothers if he turned into some kind of besotted moron.

“So Cadmus is working tonight. What about Marcus and Aerolus?”

“Marcus is working late again. I swear that woman he’s been working with has him in knots.” He grinned, recalling Marcus’ less than flattering comments about Tessa Sheridan. “I think he’s threatened by her.”

Samantha wiped her hands on a dishtowel. “Good. Marcus is too arrogant. You know yesterday he had the gall to tell me I didn’t dress ‘as befits a Storm Lord’s queen’?” she mimicked his haughtiness.

Knowing better than to agree with Marcus in front of his affai, Darius said nothing. Personally, he planned on buying her more extravagant gowns and silks when they journeyed to Tanselm. Jeans and T-shirts were fine for him here, but on her they were seriously wasted.

“I think it’s great a woman is giving Marcus a run for his money,” she continued, her eyes full of fire.

“Right, well, me too.” She beamed at him and he knew he wouldn’t have to wait long until they burned up the bedsheets. “Anyway, with Cadmus at the bar, Marcus at work and Aerolus holed up somewhere practicing the mystical arts, whatever the hell that is, it’s just you and me for dinner.”

She grinned and blew him a kiss from behind the kitchen counter. “Too bad. I wanted to talk to Cadmus again about how he controls his visions. I’m starting to get the hang of them.”

Thanks to Cadmus’ instruction, Samantha had begun strengthening her inborn gift. She’d been more than happy to resume using her extrasensory ability, having learned about Cadmus’ role in their rescue that fateful night near Golden Gardens. Only through one of Cadmus’ visions had he and Marcus known to arrive in time to save her and Darius from death and worse at the hands of the wraiths.

Thoughts of what might have happened still pained him.

“I love you.” He reminded her of that at least once a day and never failed to bask in the glow of her warm smile. She sent him a mental image, a scorching impression of bedplay that had him hard and ready at once. He wondered if they really had to eat dinner or if they might adjourn to the bedroom now…

A disgusted sigh sounded behind him and he whirled around to find Arim shaking his head.

“Can’t you think of anything else, Darius?” Arim asked in a mocking tone.

“Ever think of knocking, Uncle?” The anger he once would have felt for Arim didn’t appear, as enraptured as he was in thoughts of passion with Samantha. Despite no word on a return to Tanselm from the one man that could put them there, Darius smiled his welcome.

A pleased look appeared on his uncle’s face. “She’s made a true prince out of you.” Arim nodded. “Now it’s time to go.”

Darius blinked. He couldn’t mean…“Tanselm?” he croaked, not able to believe it.

“Well, I’m not here to whisk you off to Disneyland.” He turned to Samantha. “You’re ready?”

She nodded. “I packed yesterday when Aerolus told me you’d be coming.”

Darius blinked, shocked. “You didn’t tell me about it.” Anger stirred. “Neither did Aerolus.” When he found that grey-eyed traitor, he’d pound some sense into him.

Arim rolled his eyes. “It was too good to hope she might have permanently disabled that streak of rage within you.”

Samantha joined Darius in the living room, worming her way under his arm. “Now why would I do that, Arim? After all, it’s that spark of impatience that lights his fire.” Her eyes sparkled. “And we wouldn’t want that fire to go out now, would we?” She kissed him on the mouth with enough force to make him consider the merits of lovemaking on the couch, regardless of Arim.