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“Save it,” Arim grumbled, a hint of humour tingeing his curling lips. “I’ve already informed your brothers of your departure. It’s best you leave now, while they attend to their affai.”

Both Darius and Samantha stared, openmouthed.

Darius was the first to regain his tongue. “You’re telling me they’ve each met their affai?”


“Do they know?”

Arim’s brows rose. “Did you?”

“Well, I—”

“Exactly. Let them flounder on their own. You don’t need a Knowing Crystal to find love.” He smiled. “Of course, a small spell cast here and there to hasten love’s journey can’t hurt.”

“Arim!” Samantha looked shocked. “You can’t put a spell on someone and expect them to find love.”

“Why not? It worked on Darius. My spell only speeded the process. The love itself came from Darius. Ever wonder where that blue fire came from that tried to destroy you two?”

He turned to Darius. “Once you finally admitted to yourself deep down that you loved Samantha, the Wraith’s Kiss was unlocked within that tainted charm stone. It was you and Samantha all along. All I did was cast a spell to let fate find its way into your lives.”

Darius stared at his devious uncle in astonishment. “I thought you didn’t believe in interfering with free choice and all that bullshit.”

“Nicely said,” Samantha murmured under her breath.

A firm look from Arim had her biting her lip. “I haven’t impacted your choices. But with Tanselm hanging in the balance, do you really think I’d let you four Storm Lords dally with love? The women you choose and who choose you are out of my hands. The timing of your found mates, however, indicates how serious the situation with ’Sin Garu has grown.”

The laughter left them at mention of the evil one’s name.

“The spell I cast was designed so that the Storm Lords would find their mates in time to prevent a divergence of destiny. Apparently, ’Sin Garu has found that which he needs to retake Tanselm. Hence your sudden return to our world.”

Turning to face the window overlooking the mountains, Arim threw out his hands. He closed his eyes and began chanting, and soon a large black void appeared where the window had been.

“Are you sure, Samantha?” Darius had to know she felt comfortable with the move. He’d promised, and he meant it, that she came first with him, kingship or no.

She nodded. “I’ve said my goodbyes weeks ago. I’m ready to begin a new life.”

“Then step through the portal, hand in hand, and be ready to face an uncertain future,” Arim warned. “Aerolus will transport your bags when he returns to the house.”

“He can teleport things now?” Darius asked. His eyes widened. “Across dimensional space?”

“Yes. You’ll be surprised at how much all of you can accomplish with the aid of your affai.” Arim smiled, a dazzling grin that dazed Darius, and, he frowned to note, Samantha.

He hugged her to his side and she grinned slyly.

“Don’t worry,” she teased, “I’m not into tall, dark and handsome. I love you.”

“Very funny. Come on then.” He held her hand tightly and led her to the portal, Arim trailing them. “This is it, Samantha. This is the path to our future.”

She nodded. “To our future, and the future of Tanselm.”

He laughed suddenly. “I only wish I could be here to meet the woman made for Marcus.” He shook his head, grinning. “She’s got to be a doozy.”

Arim smirked. “You can say that again.”