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As the cold rain pounded from the heavens, he walked to his truck. Once inside the ‘89 Chevy Blazer, he quickly radiated enough heat from his body to warm the entire truck and melt the ice from the windshield.

Couldn’t Arim have sent them to a place where the weather was at least comparable to Tanselm’s warm temperatures? In the miserable year he’d been in this Seattle, he had yet to see a day’s temperature near that of Tanselm’s growing season. He sighed and pulled out from the parking lot. Heading for the house that he shared with his brothers, he felt another bout of homesickness coming.

In his mind’s eye he breathed the pure air of his homeland, saw amidst the clear blue sky canopies of the western territory’s legendary rilk trees. Funny, but the glorious leaves dotting Tanselm’s sky were the same shade as Samantha Brooks’ eyes.

His thoughts took a swift turn as he drove towards Greenlake. At this rate, Tanselm would be all but destroyed before they returned. Not for lack of trying, but because not one of them could find a woman with the fortitude or mindset to accept their way of life.

In the beginning, Darius had figured to use sex as a means to find a mate. Unfortunately, his many couplings left him physically sated but spiritually drained. At least in Tanselm the women he slept with fed that natural part of him needing a deeper contact, an awareness of life around them.

Here on this plane, the women he’d joined for sex had given him physical pleasure and little more. And truth be told, the sex hadn’t been that great. There had been no mental stimulation, just games and more games, especially once they realised he had three identical brothers.

Grimacing, he pulled into the drive of a monstrous house overlooking the lake, an abode barely befitting the Royal Four, but it seemed the best they could hope for in this world.

He parked his truck behind Cadmus’ Jeep and next to Marcus’ BMW. Aerolus had yet to purchase a vehicle, and considering his new penchant for teleportation, Darius didn’t see his oddball brother buying one.

Much as he was glad for the respite from the rain, he couldn’t help glaring at the insides of his truck—a mechanical monstrosity shielding him from nature. What he wouldn’t give for a horse.

Climbing down from the bulky vehicle, he headed for the front door. He entered to find the house dark and made his way quietly to his bedroom on the second floor. Having lived his first few months in this realm in the wilderness, living off the land, he freely admitted to liking the comfort of this house, as small and feebly constructed as it was.

Not made of rock or steel, the house had been built of wood and brick, all substances that would melt under his blistering touch. In fact, nothing here could withstand a sorcerer’s attack, save him and his brothers. They never used the odd security device previously installed in the house. As if four Storm Lords needed protection from any of these inhabitants.

In his room, he discarded his clothing, draping his coat on a chair but dumping the rest on the floor. Moving into the adjoining bathroom, he gratefully removed the contacts clouding his vision. Setting the brown lenses in solution, he looked up at his reflection, glad to see himself once again.

His hair and face looked the same, his crimson irises dull with fatigue. His body however, had begun to thin. With critical eyes he perused his upper body. The heavy muscle that he’d exercised daily at the castle had disappeared, leaving him leaner than a true warrior of Tanselm should ever be.

His legs, however, had gained some muscle due to the amount of walking he did here. Without a horse for transportation, Darius often walked around town, not wanting to remain cooped up in his relic of a conveyance.

If not for the large interior, which fit his frame, and the fact that his job was too far to reach by foot each day, he would never have bought it. But working at Outpour meant constant exposure to potential brides, and he had to continue his exploration until he found his affai.

Sighing, he left the bathroom and slid between the sheets in his king-sized bed. The rustle of satin over his body made him uncomfortably aware of how long it had been since he’d last had a woman and how very attractive he found Ms. Samantha Brooks.

His cock stirred, the memory of her nipples peaking under his hands, of her curvy form locked against him making him hard and throbbing in an instant. Cursing her timing and his tiredness, he rolled onto his stomach and tried to find rest. But throughout the night dreams of her tantalised him, to the point where he woke up in a sweat, his body begging for completion.

Imagining Samantha’s hands trailing his body, he reached for his cock and began stroking, all the while visualising Samantha on her knees, sucking him deep down her throat. His breath grew ragged and he increased the tempo, growing unbearably aroused at thoughts of her swallowing him, of shooting deep in her mouth. He varied the fantasy, picturing her bent over to receive his cock, riding him with her breasts thrust out, begging for his touch. He felt again the weight of those globes in his hands, the pert nipples standing at attention, spiking in him a powerful lust.

In his mind’s eye he could see her deep green eyes rich with yearning, her swollen breasts begging to be sucked. The petals of her womanly softness would be plump, her clitoris rosy with need for him and him alone.

With a sudden groan he climaxed, spending into his fist again and again while thoughts of Samantha filled him with ecstasy. Stunned at the depth of his need, he couldn’t help wondering about Samantha and the strange fascination he felt for her. It had been ages since he’d felt so aroused by the mere sight of a woman, and even longer since he’d felt the need to take care of his own urges.

After cleaning himself with a nearby towel, he settled into a precarious state of rest, his body humming with satisfaction while his mind raged with the need to reason out this newest puzzle.

He found it hard to believe a woman of this world could be his affai. Attraction and lust he understood. Hell, he freely admitted to wanting Samantha’s body. But to find an affai here on this plane? A woman to complete his spirit, to join with him into unending life? Despite Arim’s and his mother’s claims to the contrary, Darius doubted he would find a true mate in a world devoid of magic.

As his mind tired and he drifted into sleep, he realised he would see Samantha again tonight. And when he did, he would set the rules and the stage for seduction, and praise be, get the sexy vixen out of his blood for good.

Chapter Three

Samantha moaned and thrashed her head from side to side, needing relief. Darius, however, wouldn’t let her go. His silky black hair brushed her inner thighs as his tongue danced over her folds and sank deeper, seeking her ripe clitoris.

Again and again he took her to peak, only to leave her dangling perilously close to the edge.

“Tell me, affai, how much you want me,” he said thickly, the rumble of his voice stirring her to new heights.

“I want you, I want you.” She reached for his head, running her fingers through his hair as she brought his mouth closer to her centre. “Please.”

She felt him grin before his mouth completely closed over her. With a small shriek she arched into his touch, completely enthralled by the heady licks and nipping bites that brought her to the verge of climax.

He sucked hard on her clit and thrust a thick finger inside her, increasing the friction on her swollen nub. A second finger entered her, stretching her, preparing her, and she couldn’t wait any longer.