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"That's good information," Kalvan said, although he had suspected this was the case. It was hard to get good intelligence on Grefftscharr this far away. Not a lot of Grefftscharri ships traded regularly at Ulthor Port due to the high tariffs instituted by Prince Kestophes. If he'd had a good crystal ball and known how important this part of Hos-Hostigos would turn out to be, he'd have kept Kestophes on a much tighter rein.

He nodded. "As long as the War of the Great Kings is still in progress, I don't see many gunsmiths relocating to the Middle Kingdoms, nor any gun mills exporting many firearms, except at very high prices."

Tortha nodded, pointing his pipe stem at Kalvan: "King Theovacar has already been after the Verkan Fireseed Works to start turning out reliable smoothbores. Verkan never had time to found the musket factory he wanted to build since he spent so much time here in Hos-Hostigos, which is just as well. The King also complained about the problems enticing Great Kingdom gunsmiths to relocate to Greffa when there was so much business at home."

Kalvan said, "Locally, the gunsmiths are loathe to take on apprentices, and from what I've heard this is true throughout the Great Kingdoms. I've had to create a Royal Riflemakers Guild to get more rifles made. The gun makers have tradition behind their reluctance to expand their guilds. In the past, when they have let too many new gunsmiths into the Guild, they were faced with a surplus of masters and apprentices once the war ended. And, that's bad for business."

"True," Tortha replied, "which leaves only antiques and broken handguns for export to the Upper Middle Kingdoms, usually at ridiculous prices. Which means, regardless of what Theovacar or any other ruler desires, Hostigos is not going to face very many fireseed weapons. But, don't discount those crossbows; they can shoot a Zarthani Knight right out of his saddle!"

Kalvan's own military situation was unique in that he brought with him his own gunsmiths and Royal Riflemakers. Unfortunately, he couldn't sell-or make guns-until he established a stable base or colony somewhere, either at Thagnor or somewhere else. However, he did bring with him a lot of firepower, since the Royal Hostigi Armory had been stacked to the roof with the loot of Fyk, the Chothros Heights and Phyrax, most of which he'd brought with him in his wagon train. Maybe he could trade the older smoothbores to cement future alliances?

"One thing you have to remember, Your Majesty, is that the Middle Kingdoms are much more populous than the Zarthani Kingdoms. Also, they have a long history of frequent wars between competing princedoms and petty-kingdoms. Still, wars have been limited in scope and fought mostly for reasons of trade, not conquest. Therefore in the Upper Middle Kingdoms a two to three thousand man standing army is large. Most princes depend upon mercenaries to fight their battles. Armies have grown considerably larger since the Fireseed Wars but those large armies have almost exclusively been confined to the Great Kingdoms. With the Army of Hostigos bringing some thirty thousand seasoned veterans into the area, things are going to change-and in a hurry."

"You're right, Tortha. That means we need to take advantage of our military superiority while it lasts. As we've seen, things can change very quickly, especially since the Army of Hostigos would be outnumbered were all of the Upper Middle Kingdoms to mobilize their vassals and band together."

"Not much chance of that, Sire. Some of these states have been warring against each other for a thousand years. Despite a lot of efforts over the centuries, no one warlord or prince has ever got them all to band against their common enemy-Grefftscharr, the biggest and most bellicose of the Upper Middle Kingdoms. You, however, may be able to use some of that historical enmity for our own purposes."

"I plan to. If my subjects are going to survive and ever return to our lands, we will need to establish a refuge, or should I say a Hostigi colony, so that we'll have a base of operations to work out of when the Styphoni come. And come they will."

"Agreed, Your Majesty. The current Styphoni stalemate is more a question of operational tactics, than grand strategy-which is to destroy yourself and the Hostigi people."

Kalvan grimaced. "Yes, that's why we need to find a temporary colony and some allies who can help redress our own weaknesses."

"But weaknesses only to the Grand Host, Sire. And I don't really believe that any of the Middle Kingdom rulers--Theovacar included-have any idea of what kind of warfare you are about to bring to their lands. By the time they wake up you should be well situated."

"We'd better be, or the Hostigi-as a people-will cease to exist. This war with Styphon's House is to the last man standing; I believe both sides understand that now."

Tortha paused to knock the heel out of his pipe. "You're right. Styphon's House is determined to destroy all of Hos-Hostigos. However, I don't think that's going to be as easy as they believe."

"I hope not," Kalvan said, "may Galzar aid us in our war. But, back to Grefftscharr, how big is their navy?"

"The Grefftscharrer Navy is the biggest navy in the Upper Middle Kingdoms. Over three hundred fighting ships, a hundred transports and as many grain ships as King Theovacar needs. Their problem is that their Navy is spread over a large area-three of the Saltless Seas, which means it takes time for them to concentrate their forces in any one area."

"That's very good news. Our navy is pitiful, a score of confiscated schooners and maybe a dozen galleys and triremes. Some small transports that might hold fifty men and half that number of horses. I've got some ideas for ships, but never had the time to develop them."

"I'm not surprised, Your Majesty. It's a wonder you've found time to sleep with all the battles Hostigos has fought since your arrival."

"Sleep is a luxury I often can't afford. Despair threatens our Army as much as Styphons troops. I need to find some solutions to our current difficulties before the Grand Host goes on the offensive again." Kalvan knew his greatest strategic challenge was to develop a strong navy since the Upper Middle Kingdoms were centered around trade and travel along the major waterways and the Great Lakes. He already had a group of Ulthori boat builders working on gunboats, basically a mobile platform for some of his lighter four- and six-pound guns. They were a good idea, but only a temporary solution. Soon everybody would have them, although the shortage of light guns would slow the locals down considerably.

Most of the Upper Middle Kingdom guns were the heavy iron bombards, useful in sieges or for shore batteries. Not even a fool like Prince Varrack would think of mounting one on a small craft.

If he and his people were going to survive, Kalvan would need every advantage he could squeeze out of his head, or dream-up on the spot.

"I will set up a meeting this evening with Ambassador Dykar from Nythros. It's time to discuss hiring their Navy to transport some of our troops and subjects to Thagnor."

"Why Thagnor, Your Majesty?"

"Because of its strategic location for one. Another is that of all the local kingdoms and princedoms, not one of them has fewer friends and allies than Prince Varrack."

Tortha burst out laughing. "True, Your Majesty. King Theovacar cannot speak the Prince's name without sputtering. The man's arrogance and naked ambition are singular in an area where it's expected and even condoned. Still, Thagnor is nominally a Grefftscharri vassal. Theovacar will take its conquest as a personal affront."

Kalvan shook his head. "Theovacar has already taken our presence in his sphere of influence as such. This will draw a line in the sand. Our choices are limited: Either we go south into Hos-Rathon, which will mean war with King Nestros and would place us even closer to those territories owned by Styphon's House than we are now. Or we move into the Upper Middle Kingdoms where we will be encroaching upon Theovacar's power base. The advantage to being in the Saltless Seas is that Styphon's House will be as bereft of allies as we are, and even farther from their lines of supply and reinforcements."