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Were he free to act, Anaxthenes would have had Roxthar ambushed and murdered before he reached the Holy City. However, the Investigator had strong ties to High Marshal Xenophes, the head of Styphon's Own Guard; the Temple Guard would have taken the loss of their benefactor badly, maybe even sacking Balph in the aftermath of Roxthar's death. If Grand Master Soton had been more forthcoming with his support, this would not be an issue. Unfortunately, Soton was another true believer and refused to do anything that might cause a schism within the Temple.

However, once the Usurper Kalvan was removed, Anaxthenes would deal decisively with all of these issues: Roxthar would be stilled permanently, Xenophes would be dismissed and Soton tamed. For his peace of mind, it couldn't happen soon enough.

The shouting in the outer chamber was now loud enough to carry through stone walls and his assistant, Highpriest Valmoth, opened the door. "Your Divinity, Archpriest Roxthar demands to be admitted to your chambers at once." Valmoth, usually unruffled by any crisis, appeared shaken.

I'd better let that madman in before he demoralizes my staff!

"Valmoth, you may grant permission to Archpriest Roxthar to enter."

The Highpriest let out a sigh of relief, spun around and returned to the outer-chamber.

Within a breath, Roxthar ran into the room like a caged wolf that had just escaped from the Balph Menagerie. "How dare you take control over the Inner Circle while I was doing Styphon's Own Work in the False Kingdom of Hos-Hostigos!"

"I took nothing that was yours, Archpriest. In future, when you speak to me-my proper address is Your Divinity, not you."

Roxthar's mouth actually foamed, like a rabid opossum. He sputtered, his arms windmilling, as he tried to contain his temper. Clearly the Investigator had been among those who feared his every breath for far too long. It was time the dangerous fool learned some humility.

"Your Divinity," he sputtered. "Our agreement was that Dracar would become Styphon's Own Voice On Earth while I concentrate my Investigation on the heretics outside of Balph."

"Wrong, that was your agreement with the former Styphon's Voice Sesklos. I only abided by those terms as long as Sesklos was alive. When he died, I was surprised as anyone to learn that he had entrusted the Temple's fate in my hands." Anaxthenes who had orchestrated his own appointment as Styphon's Voice, tried to appear perplexed. The fire in Roxthar s eyes told him he probably wasn't doing a very good job.

"I would personally escort that old fraud to Hadron's caverns were he still alive!" Roxthar cried.

"Unfortunately for you, he's dead and so are any agreements he made with you and anyone else. Now, I'm Styphon's Voice and I'll make my own arrangements."

Roxthar looked as if he was about to swallow his own tongue.

"Maybe it's time the Inner Circle reviewed the success of this Holy Investigation that many in Balph are calling Roxthar's Reign of Terror." Anaxthenes did his best to keep the smile he felt inside from showing on his face. After all, he couldn't single-handedly dispense of the Holy Investigation without taking on the Temple Guardsmen. That day, however, was coming.

Roxthar snarled. "Don't you dare threaten the Holy Investigation of heathens and apostates! If you dare, the streets of Balph will flow with rivers of blood." Then he leaped, like a beast, over to the drapes and pulled them apart-revealing Yagos, with blowpipe in hand. He held up the smaller man by the front of his black robe, lifting him half a rod off his feet. Yagos face was stretched in terror.

"What does this mean?"

"It means I don't trust you, Archpriest. Now, release my Deputy. I have work for him."

The look of gratitude in Yagos' eyes reminded him of his favorite hound's face after he'd removed a brace of porcupine quills from its hindquarters.

Roxthar reluctantly released Yagos, but not without a loud slap across the face.

"That was unnecessary. Archpriest, obviously you've spent far too much time amongst the helpless women and children of Hostigos. We will not tolerate such arrogance here in Balph." He made a motion of dismissal to his Deputy:

"Yagos, go and bring Archpriest Grythos and have him bring the Sephrax Guard with him. I would hate to see Archpriest Roxthar lose his self-control again."

He could hear the grinding of Roxthar's teeth.

While his Deputy scurried out of the room, he said, "In the future, I do not want to see any more of your Investigators within a hundred-march radius of Balph. If I do, I will have my Guard tie them up, fill their orifices with boiling lead and shoot their worthless bodies out of the Balph guns. Are my words clear enough, Archpriest?"

Roxthar's mouth was gaping open like a deep water ocean fish just come to surface with a hook in its mouth. When he'd recovered, he spat out, "High Marshal Xenophes will have something to say about that!"

"About what?" Archpriest Grythos asked, as he entered the room-a silvered back-and-breast over his yellow robe with a red border. Four Sephrax Guardsmen wearing silvered armor chased with gold with a red Styphon's sun-wheel with sparks at all four corners enameled on their breastplates, and tall-combed morion helmets, followed behind. They were four of the biggest men Anaxthenes had ever seen.

Archpriest Grythos, who had organized and trained the Sephrax Guard, had handpicked veterans of the border wars from the Princedom of Sephrax. Sephrax was the youngest and westernmost of the Ktemnoi Princedoms and bordered the Sastragath. Many of its subjects were of Urgothi descent. They were known throughout the Five Kingdoms for their height and girth, and feared for their fierce temper and fighting prowess. There were over three hundred of the Sephrax Guard stationed around and inside the Great Temple and all the important Temple buildings, including the Temple Treasury.

With Styphon's Own Guard subject only to its own commanders and Archpriest Roxthar's orders, Anaxthenes had commissioned Archpriest Grythos to establish a new Temple guard. They were to be his own personal bodyguard and owe their loyalty to Styphon's Voice alone. He was their de facto commander and paymaster. If events had given them another year before Roxthar's return to Balph, Grythos would have had time to raise enough loyal troops to face down Styphon's Own Guard.

Roxthar's eyes darted around the lavishly furnished apartment, as though trying to find an answer or escape route. He noted the four guardsmen who stood still as statues with the studied boredom of skilled arena knife fighters. There was no doubt in anyone's mind-least of all Roxthar's-that if so ordered they would step forward with their huge halberds and carve the Investigator into beefsteaks.

"You have won this round, Your Divinity," Roxthar said, with a mocking little bow. "I have more important work to do in Hostigos and in Hos-Agrys. But, do not believe for a moment that I will fail to remember this-"

For a moment, Roxthar was at a loss for words. Anaxthenes felt as if he should fall to his knees and say a prayer to the gods; unfortunately, he didn't believe in any. Begrudgingly, he admitted to himself, they can be useful at times like these.

"But return, I will. I promise you that!" The threat in Roxthar's eyes was almost palpable. "I will be at the head of a great army and will clean the Temple from floor board to attic, starting here."

Anaxthenes, despite the chill that worked its way up his spine, nodded as if he heard these threats every day. "Just remember Archpriest I will have my own army waiting for your return."

Roxthar, his white robes flapping against his bony limbs, turned and stalked out of the room like a man-sized preying mantis.

"I don't know if it was a good idea to whip him up into such a lather," Archpriest Grythos observed.

"Maybe not, but I sure enjoyed it. Besides, this is nothing compared to how he's going to squawk when I call a State of Emergency and take dictatorial power over the Inner Circle."