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He'd had one of the Royal Scribes write up a duplicate list of the men, armaments and provisions he was taking with him so that he could present it to the Nythrosi Ambassador. He was just finishing his tea when Cleon entered.

"The Nythrosi Ambassador has arrived, Your Majesty."

"Thank you, Cleon. Is he in the audience chamber?"

"Yes, sire. I did as you requested. And, I had two of your Guard placed behind the screen as you requested."

After the last assassination attempt a week ago, he wasn't taking any chances. The two men behind the screen would have rifled pistols with the order to kill if there was any hostile move on the Ambassador's part towards his person. After a supposedly friendly Agrysi nobleman had tried to open his breastplate, using a poignard as a can opener, Kalvan no longer trusted strangers or retainers who hadn't been old hands around Tarr-Hostigos. As Rylla liked to point out, the death of Great King Kalvan was worth more than an entire army to the Styphoni! The bounty on his life was one million ounces of gold. Vanar Halgoth and his Bodyguard now frisked anyone entering his audience chambers, public and private. If they didn't like it, they could argue it out with Halgoth. Wisely, Kalvan thought, few chose that course of action.

The Ambassador was sitting in the chair facing the private throne-the Fireseed Thrones were in the public audience chamber-which formerly held Prince Kestophes' chair-of-office. The Prince was restricted to his current quarters, the mansion of one of his Dukes. Kalvan had enough problems without having to listen to underlings who didn't know when or how to shut their yaps. If his attitude didn't quickly improve, Kestophes might find himself leading a rear guard action against the Grand Host-a suicide post if Kalvan ever heard of one.

Ambassador Dykar made a strong visual statement; he was well over a lance in height (about six-foot two back home) and dressed in the latest Urgothi, or Spanish-style, garments as Kalvan called them-he would have represented the height of fashion under Philip II. He wore a high crowned hat and a peapod doublet with a thick ruff neckpiece that would have been called a St. John's Platter back in otherwhen. Dykar bowed, saying, "Your Majesty, it is good to meet you at last."

"Yes, Ambassador Dykar. Please have a seat."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

The Ambassador then passed over his credentials, which explained that he had the power to make treaties and agreements in the Name of the Koynig and the Family of Five. It was more of an open portfolio than Kalvan had expected; Ambassador Dykar was highly placed indeed. Unfortunately, he had no one in his own cabinet who could brief him on Nythros politics or the who's who of the City State."

"I would like to speak frankly here, Your Excellency."

"Anything you say to me, Your Majesty, will go no farther than Koynig Harthmann's ears and those of the Family of Five. You have my word of honor."

Kalvan had to accept that or else insult the Ambassador. "Of course, Your Excellency. I desire enough ships to transport thirteen thousand men and two thousand horses from Ulthor Port to Thagnor City."

The Ambassador's pupils widened, but otherwise he remained impassive. "That could be arranged. However, we had been under the understanding that we would be transporting civilians and some guard units."

Kalvan smiled and stretched his arms out, opening his hands. "We did not want other ears to learn of Our plans."

Ambassador Dykar nodded thoughtfully. "Probably wise, in this instance, Your Majesty, as rumors have it that Koynig Theovacar has intelligencers stationed in Ulthor Port. We even recognized one or two at the docks."

"If you would be so kind as to give any names and descriptions to my Chief Intelligencer, General Klestreus, I would be most appreciative."

"Of course, Your Majesty."

Kalvan used his bell pull to alert Cleon. A moment, later his body servant entered and was told to have Klestreus wait outside the Audience Chamber for the Ambassador.

"Thank you. That will be most helpful. We may be able to use one rat to catch the entire nest."

"It is wise, Your Majesty, to take precautions when one has the opportunity," the Ambassador said. "Thirteen thousand men will require the use of a fleet. However, we have some sixty troop transports, each carrying around one hundred-and-fifty men and fifty horses, sitting at our docks in Nythros. Our galleys are as large as Grefftscharri galleys, holding almost a hundred marines. We have almost thirty of them in the Western Fleet. That should be enough to transport the bulk of your forces."

Kalvan shrugged his shoulders. "Now, how much would your superiors regard as fair price for transporting these men and horses to outside Thagnor City?"

The Ambassador hemmed and hawed for a moment. 'Your Majesty does realize that our transporting your Army from Ulthor Port to Thagnor City may be regarded by their overlord, Koynig Theovacar, as an act of war."

Kalvan said, "On the other hand, your current dispute about trade rights with Morthron Town is enough provocation for Theovacar to declare war- were he of such a mind. Is this not true?"

Ambassador Dykar replied, "It is a good summation of the current impasse, Your Majesty. In regards to the cost of passage, our Koynig has declared fair and reasonable value at two ounces of gold per man and twenty per horse."

Kalvan leaned back on his throne, his face a bland mask. This was about twice the going rate for civilians, and about half of what he'd been afraid the Nythrosi might charge. A good deal, since it would only cost him somewhere in the vicinity of sixty thousand ounces of gold. Kalvan held out his hands, both palms open. "We have a deal."

The Ambassador looked disappointed, as if he were really hoping that Kalvan might refuse his terms or had missed a good haggling session. But, he laid his hands atop Kalvan's, sealing the deal by local custom. "Agreed, Your Majesty. I will send word to Nythros to have the galleys and transports come to Ulthor Port. That will take about a moon half."

"That is acceptable, Your Excellency."

"Now that we have closed our negotiations, Your Majesty. May I inquire as to your plans once we land your force outside of Thagnor City?"

Kalvan shook his head. "You may draw your own conclusions, but Our plans are a state secret. However, they will not endanger your City State and We will welcome you as allies if Koynig Theovacar decides to dispute your claims with hostilities."

Dykar looked him over like a card shark looking for a tell. Seeing none, he said, "Your Majesty, I would like to see our states united in purpose against the rapacity of Koynig Theovacar and his dynasty. I will inform our Koynig and the Family of Five of your words."

"Very good," Kalvan said. He suspected that the only way the Nythrosi would press for an alliance was if war were to break out with Grefftscharr; otherwise, thanks but no thanks. You're on your own.

"Now, on a more delicate subject, Your Majesty. How would you like those funds to be transferred? We can take specie or banknotes."

"I have banknotes drawn on the Great Banking House of Styphon. I would prefer to use those." For two reasons, thought Kalvan, it amuses me to finance our getaway with Styphon's Own gold taken from parchment banknotes I found in their temples that we sacked. Secondly, we have to use them soon before Styphon's House realizes that we have them and comes up with a way to cancel them!

If Dykar saw any irony in King Kalvan using Styphon's own funds to escape from Styphon's Grand Host, it didn't show on his face. I'd hate to play poker against this s.o.b.!, Kalvan thought. "I'll have my Treasurer present you banknotes worth around one hundred thousand ounces of gold and your agent can present them to your Koynig. All balance remaining can be credited to Our account."