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Soton shook his head in disbelief. I am surrounded by madmen and incompetents. Why will they not leave me to do my job?

"I see you are not convinced, Grand Master. I think you mistake the root of the problem for the stalk. Kalvan, by exposing the Fireseed Mystery, has done more damage to Styphon's House than a hundred military defeats. He has cost us our most potent weapon against the great lords and kings: the ability to withhold fireseed, thereby guaranteeing them defeat without our help. Now, they can buy this Hostigos filth at any stall in any market! Soon all the nobles will realize they no longer need the Temple's approval or support; they can war as they wish, not as we wish.

"Kalvan, meanwhile, is now just another Trygathi warlord who will not find favor in the false kingdom of Rathon-or with his supposed Grefftscharrer allies. We have already received envoys from King Theovacar asking us to keep Kalvan out of the Middle Kingdoms-as if we will heed their wishes! Soon Kalvan, if he escapes our sword, will be embroiled in the Upper Middle Kingdoms with every man's hand raised against him, and the Grand Host of Styphon chasing from behind. Now, do you see why I do not worry about the stalk?"

He was starting to get a glimpse of Anaxthenes' thinking and he wasn't sure he liked it. As Soton understood it: Styphon's House's duty was not to rule the Five Kingdoms, but to protect them. Wasn't it? Or was that just another sham? Even without the support or favor of the Northern Kingdoms, Styphon's House would still be strong within Hos-Ktemnos and Hos-Bletha. But, obviously, that wasn't enough for the new Styphon's Voice or the Inner Circle. On the other hand, it would be foolish to expect the upper priesthood to show restraint when none had done so in the past.

"You, my friend," Styphon's Voice continued, "will pull out the roots, starting with that turnip, King Demistophon. Once he has been dispatched and put in irons, we will work on his traitorous princes."

"And what army am I supposed to do this with, Your Divinity?"

"The Host of Styphon's Deliverance, Grand Master. I have assembled four thousand cavalry, half mercenary but shortly to be sworn in as Ktemnoi regulars-just in case the Temple of Galzar extends their Ban to include any army coming from Balph. You should be able to bring four or five more Lances from the border tarrs, as well as three more Sacred Squares. These Ktemnoi Princes now jump when Styphon's Voice barks!" He gave a harsh laugh.

"That is a good start, although they might be put to better use in destroying the False Hostigi-"

"Enough! We have Archpriest Haltor in Hos-Agrys buying the service of every mercenary within two hundred marches of Agrys City. He claims that he can offer you another two thousand men. There aren't many Free Companions available with the war against Hostigos going on so long."

Soton's head reeled; this was not the Styphon's House of old, a lumbering ox that shuffled and fell back two steps before moving forward one.

"Soon, we will own the world."

"If these are my orders, Your Holiness, I will leave as soon as my Lances arrive."

"Good." He patted Soton on his shoulders, like a good mastiff.

In his mind, Soton ran through the Order forts and which ones had Lances they could send to Balph: Tarr-Ceros could spare one, so could Tarr-Ryth, while Tarr-Tyros, Tarr-Zokra and Tarr-Gythax could send three or four Shafts each. "I will send orders out this evening. They should arrive before moon's end."

"Excellent, Grand Master. Now, I have someone I want you to meet who will be going with you. He will represent Our Voice."

Soton raised his eyebrows in surprise when Archpriest Cimon entered the box. Of all people, he had not expected the Peasant Priest, as Cimon was known, to be in Anaxthenes' camp.

"It is good to see you, Your Sanctity."

The broad faced Archpriest smiled in return. "You, as well, Grand Master."

"The subjects of King Demistophon and his Princes will have heard terrible things about the Investigation," Styphon's Voice continued.

Soton nodded. Most of which are true, by the way!

"Archpriest Cimon will be in charge of restoring our temples in Hos-Agrys and in building new ones. In him, they will see another face of Styphon's House-one that will be as welcoming as it is unexpected!"

Soton shrugged his shoulders, aware that events were rushing past him faster than a runaway horse. He wanted to be back on the battlefield, any battlefield. He supposed Agrys City would do as well as anyplace else. At least he wouldn't be fighting Kalvan's veterans and new-fangled shells and rifles! And, for once, I'll be doing it with a friend and ally, not an enemy or a madman.


Kalvan looked down with paternal pride as little Demia scurried around the chamber, half-walking, half-running, like any normal toddler with three nursemaids and concerned parents watching on. I'm going to miss her a lot! Her Mom, too, he mused.

"She's gotten used to having you around, Kalvan. You leaving will be hard for her. Me, too!"

Kalvan gave Rylla a big hug, despite the "looks" from Demia's nursemaids-protocol be damned, my family's leaving without me!

Demia started to tug at the bottom edge of the Upper Middle Kingdoms' deerskin map and one of the nursemaids rushed over, picking her up. Immediately, she started to bawl.

"Dysola, please take the baby to the nursery. The Great King and I have things to discuss."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Kalvan reached over and took Demia out of the nursemaid's arms, giving her a big hug, then bussed her on the neck. She started to giggle between sobs, making a sound like a strangled hiccup.

"You go with your nurse, little one. Daddy will be come later to tuck you in."

"Da Da."

He smiled wanly. "Bye-bye."

When she was gone, Rylla said, "She'll probably be speaking Urgothi by the time you see her again."

He nodded. "Dralm-damnit, I'm going to miss you both! I wish I could ferry all of us to Thagnor, but it's impossible."

"We'll be fine. I'll protect our people as best I can, with the Allfather's help."

Kalvan was sure Rylla would do everything possible to see they made it safely overland to Thagnor; he was also sure the Grand Host would do everything it could to make sure she didn't. That's what bothered him. He was taking the safe route, while his family, friends and subjects were in real danger. It rankled.

"We've got enough soldiers to protect our people. Besides, you've given me the better part of the army. Hestophes' Army of Observation will act as the van for my Army of the Trygath. We have no better commander than yourself, my husband."

He nodded. The plans were as good as they could be, under the circumstances; however, circumstances had a way of changing and the best-laid plans- Stop! He told himself. He was more nervous about her leaving than he'd been before battle with the Grand Host. No need to turn into a Nervous Nelly-that won't help anyone, will it?

"Besides Captain-General Hestophes, I've got General Alkides, Captain Nathros of the Sappers and Engineers, Duke Chartiphon and Prince Pheblon, who's not much help in a fight, but he's loyal. What about General Baldour?"

"He'll be going with you, darling," Kalvan said. She would need Baldour's expertise on the Trygath and Middle Kingdoms.

"What about Phrames-is he going with you?"

The tone of her voice made it sound as if the Prince had a terminal illness. To her, Phrames was just another old woman-like her husband. Well, regardless, Kalvan was going to have to stop second-guessing his wife. With Harmakros and Verkan dead, she was his best commander and he needed her generalship-faults and all. Although, even he had to admit she was making a determined effort to "do as I do." Whether that would last once she was out of the Port Ulthor city gates, well, that was yet to be determined.