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"What does Styphon's Voice have to say?" he asked.

"First, that Grand Master Soton will not be returning to the Host. He is going to be leading an army, the Host of Styphon's Deliverance, to Agrys City to punish King Demistophon for not honoring his agreement to say out of Hos-Harphax and Hos-Hostigos. He is marshalling his forces in Balph now."

"I hadn't heard any word of Agrysi forces in Hos-Harphax, Your Majesty."

"The Grand Master asked me to keep it a secret, but King Demistophon has been sending soldiers into Thaphigos to unseat Prince Zylannos. Now, of course, I don't have to keep it under wraps as Soton will not be returning to the Grand Host."

"We will be losing a fine officer," Phidestros said, wondering how it would affect his own position with the Grand Host. On the other hand, it was welcome news; he was tired of Soton perching on his shoulder and questioning his every order.

"Bah! No one can replace Styphon's Fist. Furthermore," Lysandros continued, picking up Anaxthenes' missive, "the scroll further reads: 'The Holy Investigator Roxthar will continue his Investigation of the heretical Hostigi until the Grand Host of Styphon leaves the False Kingdom of Hos-Hostigos upon which time The Holy Investigator will continue with the Grand Host to root out heresy wherever he finds it.'"

Phidestros held back a large sigh of relief. His worst fear had been that the Investigator would continue to purge the Hostigi throughout the former Kingdom of Hos-Hostigos until Roxthar reached his lands in Greater Beshta. At that point, Phidestros would have been forced to bar the Investigation from entry into his Princedom, resulting in an undeclared war upon Styphon's House. Or, were he to continue as co-commander of the Grand Host, find himself in a place where he was unable to help his new subjects.

"It sounds like Styphon's Voice has given Roxthar blanket permission to go wherever Kalvan goes and do as he pleases."

"Exactly! Which means that miserable baby-butcher will accompany the Grand Host all the way into the Trygath, or wherever the cowardly Usurper tries to hide!" Lysandros pounded the table, then paused to refill his goblet. "I'm beginning to regret the day that I entered into an alliance with this den of rattlesnakes who call themselves priests!"

Of course, you didn't mind all the gold and silver they gave you to buy your support, my poor wronged king.

"Then Styphon's Voice goes on to say that the Grand Master will be not be staying in Thaphigos to 'rectify my long-standing difficulties in a Princedom, wracked by war for two centuries due to the weaknesses of earlier monarchs.' He tells me that my problems with bandits from Hos-Agrys will be eliminated once the Dralm-worshipping monarch is deposed and beheaded! Is this any way to treat a Great King, even if he is a swine in human form?"

Phidestros shook his head. Of course, Lysandros didn't favor the idea of beheading kings; once Kalvan was killed, Lysandros' neck might be next on the chopping block. Phidestros also understood Soton's reluctance to get involved in internal Harphaxi problems; the Grand Master didn't want to navigate a nasty bramble thicket before he invaded Hos-Agrys. Phidestros was surprised that Lysandros thought that was a problem. If Soton were to pacify Thaphigos, it might well remain under Styphon's robe, so to speak, as the Temple would lobby hard for their own candidate for the next prince.

"This new Styphon's Voice may be the worst of a bad lot," Lysandros sputtered. He paused to refill his goblet with more wine. "I've always said you couldn't trust these wolves in yellow bed sheets. Haven't I?"

Phidestros nodded in agreement, although what he really wanted to say was: "With your permission, Your Majesty, I will take my army down through Hos-Ktemnos to the City of Balph, raze it to the ground and kill every miserable priest in the city. Then we'll melt all the gold off the Temple domes, like Kalvan has done, loot the treasury and the mansions of the Archpriests and split the proceeds in half!" Of course, he didn't dare say it out loud, not knowing what side of the bed Lysandros would wake up on tomorrow morning. Nor would he be content with a straight split of the gold; Lysandros would want the panther's own share. Too bad.

It was a remarkably good idea and he wondered why no one else had thought of it? Probably because of Styphon's Own Guard, but now that the greater part of the Temple Guard was in Hostigos? Hmm. Then it hit him why it hadn't been done before. He'd almost forgotten the Zarthani Knights; the sack of Balph would bring down the wrath of Soton like one of Thanor's lightning bolts! He would rather go up against a bull moose in rut than suffer the Grand Master's wrath.

"Here's the greatest insult of all, Captain-General!" Lysandros exclaimed as he emptied his goblet, filling it again before reading: 'Having recalled the Grand Master of the Zarthani Knights, I now leave the Grand Host of Styphon's House in these three capable hands. Former Knight Commander Aristocles, who is now promoted to Grand Commander Aristocles of the Order of Zarthani Knights, will command the soldiers of Styphon and will command the vanguard of the Host, Lord High Marshal Anaxon will command the main battle, while Grand Captain-General Lysandros will command the rear guard. This is the Will of Styphon. Styphon's Own Voice.' Me, the Great King of Hos-Harphax, and all I'm given is command of the reserve!"

Obviously, Styphon's Voice has not led any group much larger than the Inner Circle, thought Phidestros. A splintered command in charge of an army the size of the Grand Host could only result in chaos or its eventual breakup as each commander tried to impose his own battle plan. This is a Name Day Gift to Kalvan from the gods. Phidestros also noticed one big omission: despite his successes as Grand Captain-General of the Host, he was not named as commander of anything.

"In the Archpriest Anaxthenes' jubilance at being elected Styphon's Own Voice, he has forgotten that I was the one who created the Grand Host and I can Dralm-damn well choose who leads it. Otherwise, I will rip it asunder!" the King shouted, wine slopping over the brim of his goblet.

Phidestros ignored the King's drunken tirade. "Why is it, Your Majesty, that my name does not appear in this scroll?"

Lysandros did have the grace to actually look sheepish, but would not meet his vassal's eyes. "We have other plans for you and your army."

"And what are these plans, Your Majesty?"

"Since Soton will be too preoccupied to give Us aid in Our time of need, We want you to take your Princely army into Thaphigos and restore order and tranquility throughout the Princedom. You and your army will stay there until the end of summer, at which time Demistophon's fate will be settled and order will have returned to Thaphigos. You shall be Our mace throughout Hos-Harphax while We are engaged in destroying the Usurper who falsely calls himself 'Great King of Hos-Hostigos.' Is that clear?"

Phidestros' first reaction to his Great King's words was a desire to smash Lysandros' wine-sodden face into the nearest stone wall. However, he had to remember that such an act would brand him an outlaw before all men; he did have a lot to lose, including his new Princedom. He'd worked too Dralm-dammed hard to get this far only to throw it away on some grand gesture-no matter how momentarily satisfying it might be.

Is this an insult from Lysandros or a gift from the gods? Maybe some of both, Phidestros finally decided, as his blood calmed. Now, he could return to Greater Beshta and set his own affairs straight without worry of interference from his Great King, Styphon's House or Roxthar's unholy Investigation before he turned his hand to settling events in Thaphigos. Of course, he'd have to relinquish his command-well, command was a little strong; leading the Grand Host was much akin to herding kittens. Lysandros, with his smug face, might be doing him more of a favor than his Great King realized.

"I will do as Your Majesty bids," he replied, thinking: But don't come to me if you ever need help keeping the Iron Throne! I'll even clean your stables in Thaphigos, but there will be a blood price.