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Sirna nodded in agreement. "I know just what you mean."

"And what about you and Phidestros? Are you…?" Lavena gave her a mischievous wink.

Sirna tried to keep the grin off her face but couldn't.

Lavena laughed. "I thought so. Phidestros hasn't given me a second glance since we first met."

"He's really a good man, I've been acting as the Iron Band's healer since I was captured."

"You were captured? Oh, what fun!"

"Not really," Sirna said, telling Lavena the tale of the attack on the Royal Foundry and how the next day she found herself in the Gull's Nest, when she regained consciousness. "I was told later that a peasant found me unconscious and sold me to the nearest brothel."

"Oh!" Lavena cried, wrinkling up her face. "That doesn't sound good."

"It turned out better than it sounds. I was very fortunate, praise the gods." She had to force herself not to say the usual "Praise Dralm," since she was now deep in Styphoni territory. The last thing she needed was to be brought up on a charge of heresy for a parcel of gods she didn't give a phenig about. "The brothel, the Gull's Nest, was temporary headquarters for Grand Captain-General Phidestros' personal command. It was also their hospital. When it was learned that I had some skill in healing, I was treated like royalty by the General."

Lavena laughed. "If I know men, I'm sure he was interested in more than just your healing abilities. You are a striking young woman. As long as Phidestros treated you like a Lady, that's all that counts."

"Phidestros did treat me like a Lady. It also gave me an opportunity to get to know him at both his best and his worst. He was under a lot of pressure from your husband and from Styphon's House."

Lavena nodded. "Although he'd never admit it out loud, Lysandros is jealous of your Prince. He believes that Phidestros has had greater opportunities to display his talents. Now, it is my husband's turn to command and he will find great rewards when he returns with Kalvan's head on a stake."

Damn, I've got to remember this is the enemy I'm talking to. Not some new girlfriend I just met.

They had been traveling uphill for some time and the coach came to a stop at a border crossing. At last, they had arrived at the former Princedom of Sashta, now a part of Greater Beshta. There were no guards on the Hostigos side of the border, but the score of soldiers on Beshta's side were wearing Phidestros' green and black livery with polished helmets and breastplates. It appeared the Prince had used his personal livery as the colors for the new combined Princedom of Greater Beshta. The troopers stood at the ready, looking like consummate professionals. She suspected they were there to keep Roxthar's thugs at bay.

Once the guards saw their letter of passage signed by the Prince himself, they quickly passed them through the gate. She noticed that a new watchtower had been built and there was a small swivel gun mounted on top.

Right away it was obvious that they were in a civilized land. While some of the farms were still in ruins, they were either in the process of being torn down or replaced. There was new construction everywhere, and men working in the fields. Even women and children were visible in the small villages they passed. There was still obvious battle damage, but by next summer most of it would be cleared away and this land would look as peaceful as the Harphaxi countryside.

Lavena's face appeared somber. Sirna wondered if the Queen was contemplating her future; it wouldn't be easy bearing a child alone in Harphax City, being friendless, and Lysandros absent. No, the Harphaxi hens would not be enamored of their new Queen-that was certain. She was too beautiful, too sure of herself and too arrogant. They would hate her for being an outsider, a former Hostigi, the daughter of a traitor and the wife of a man many of them detested. No, Lavena's position was not a secure one, nor one to be envied.

Sirna almost felt sorry for her.

"It looks like your Prince has already made a good start on reclaiming his lands."

Sirna nodded. "Phidestros will be a good prince, Your Majesty."

"Please, just call me Lavena. And what about your future?" Lavena asked.

Sirna shook her head. She'd already given that subject far too much thought. She did not want to give herself to an outtimer who would be dead or ancient in fifty years, while she was as young in appearance as she was today. And he would want heirs; Sirna could never doom any of her children to such a short mayfly life. Nor could she take them back to Dhergabar where they would be viewed as half-breeds, neither citizen nor prole. "I don't know."

"You might want to make some plans. Are you aware that Phidestros will soon be married?"

"Marriage! He hasn't mentioned it to me."

"Doesn't he think you're well-born enough?" Lavena asked.

"No. Phidestros is a bastard; he of all people would never put birth above character. It's I who would refuse his hand, were he to ask. I cannot wed someone who is not a free trader. My family in Greffa would disown me."

"Then, you really don't know?"


"That Princess Arminta's hand in marriage has been promised to Phidestros-"

"Arminta!" she cried, quickly running through her mental list of the different tin-pot Harphaxi princes and princesses. Princess Arminta was Prince Soligon of Argros' oldest daughter. Why is she marrying Phidestros?

Lavena's hand covered her mouth. "I swear, by Yirtta's Necklace, I didn't know that you hadn't been informed. This marriage was arranged by my husband before he left Harphax City to join the Grand Host. I know he kept it a secret from Prince Phidestros until after the Siege of Tarr-Hostigos. I don't know why Phidestros didn't tell you…"

"Because it might have upset our leavetaking!"

"Well, men do have a different view of these things."

"Oh, don't they. I'm sure he's convinced I'll stay his mousey little mistress after he's married, too. Have I got a surprise for him!"

"Good for you. You're an attractive young lady, you'll find another man."

"I don't want another man; I didn't want Phidestros! That just happened."

Sirna hadn't wanted an outtime affair, but their mutual attraction had been

too strong. Now, it would be over and she should be relieved. Why am I so

angry? I'm being: abandoned again. Is that why?

Lavena shook her head. "Men don't care what we want. My father is the same way. He indulges me in small things, but my marriage to Lysandros was set in stone before I heard about it."

"You could have refused his hand."

"While I have often disobeyed my father in things small, I would never defy him to his face. His pride is all he owns."

"He is the new Prince of Hostigos," Sirna declared.

"Yes, but it's a grim joke played by the gods. It was my marriage that purchased his crown. Now, father is Prince of a graveyard. Who knew that mad Archpriest Roxthar would turn our beloved Hostigos into a cemetery."

"Only the gods. It's only by Phidestros' intervention that I was not a subject of the Arch-Butcher's Investigation."

"Oh, no!" Lavena cried, her face blanched of color. "You've met the Investigator face to face."

"Oh, yes. Roxthar came to the Gull's Nest to confront Phidestros, when he learned of my presence there."

"But, Sirna, you're not a Hostigi. You're from Greffa. He has no right to Investigate you!"

"I was unclean in his eyes. After all, I had worked in Kalvan's Royal Foundry. To Roxthar there are no physical boundaries except those between Styphon's Sky-Palace and Regwarn. He went after me like a fox after a broken-winged duck! It was only Phidestros' will and the Iron Band's swords that kept me from being dragged out into the streets by that bloodthirsty monster!"