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“I’m trying my best,” she says, already downplaying. “They said it’ll take till tomorrow.”

“Screw tomorrow,” Trey says. “I got Vaughn’s number from information-we can call him right now.” He picks up the phone and starts dialing.

“Don’t!” I shout.

Trey stops cold.

“If this is the guy who killed Caroline, the last thing I need is a call to him originating from my phon-”

Before I can finish, the ringing of my phone cuts through the room. Pam and I look at Trey, who’s still closest to the receiver.

“What’s it say?” I ask as Trey checks the caller ID screen on the phone.

He shakes his head. “Outside Call,” which means that the person is either calling from an untraceable pay phone, an untraceable cell phone, or the person is one of the few White House bigshots who has a screened identity. I rush to my desk as the advice comes simultaneously.

“Pick it up.” “Don’t pick it up.”

“Let it go,” Pam adds. “He’ll leave a message.”

“If he leaves a message, you’re stuck where you are now,” Trey says. “Afraid to call him back.”

Unsure, I go with instinct. Trey over Pam. “This is Michael,” I say as I bring it to my ear.

“Michael, get over here,” Nora says on the other end of the line.

“Over where? Where are you?”

“Uncle Larry’s office. He just got the dirt on your new friend, Vaughn.”

“How’d you find out abou-?”

“C’mon, you don’t think the FBI sends him updates?”

I stay silent. Eventually, I ask, “Is it bad?”

“I think you should come up here. Quickly. Please.

Like the day in the bowling alley, there’s something completely unnerving about hearing fear in Nora’s voice. She’s trying hard, but she’s not good at hiding it. I hang up the phone and race for the door.

“Where’re you going?” Pam asks.

“You don’t want to know.”


Lawrence Lamb doesn’t even look up. Sitting with near-military poise, he’s inspecting a red file folder that’s spread out on his huge leather-topped desk. I whisper a deferential “Good afternoon,” but he’s not interested. Nora, staring out the window, whirls around as I walk in.

“What’s going on?” I ask her as soon as the door to Lamb’s West Wing office slams shut.

“You might want to take a seat,” Nora suggests.

“Don’t tell me what to-”

“Michael, sit down,” Lamb insists in his always-calm voice. With more speed than I’d give him credit for, he whips off his reading glasses and finally looks up. His sharp blue eyes say the rest: I’m in his office now.

Sitting next to Nora in one of the two chairs opposite Lamb’s desk, I rephrase the question. “Nora told me you found out more about Vaughn.”

“And she told me you’re a trustworthy friend. Which means I’m only going to ask this once: Have you ever had any personal dealings with Patrick Vaughn?”

I look over at Nora, who reads my mind. With a subtle nod, she answers my question about Lamb: I can trust him. “I swear to you, I’ve never seen him, spoken to him, dealt with him… nothing. The only reason I know his name is because the investigator at the FBI-”

“I’m well aware of Agent Adenauer,” Lamb interrupts. “And I’m also aware of what you did for us that night with the authorities.” He shoots me a subtle nod to make sure I understand. In the back-scratch world of politics, this is his way of returning the favor. Lamb slides on his reading glasses and looks back at the file folder. Wearing his suit jacket despite the fact he’s in his own office, Lamb has a formal, almost dignified air about him. Like his subdued Brooks Brothers ties, he doesn’t need to try. After years of managing a successful health care company, he’s made his money-which is why he’s just about the only person on staff who doesn’t have chewed-apart fingernails.

Letting the red file folder rest in his manicured hand, he begins, “Patrick Taylor Vaughn was born in Boston, Massachusetts, and started out as your basic punk drug dealer. Pot, hash, nothing special. The interesting part, however, is that he’s smart. Rather than nickel-and-diming his way through the old neighborhood, he starts servicing the young elites at Boston’s many fine universities. It’s safer, and they pay their bills. Now he moves up to designer drugs: LSD, Ecstasy, lots of Special K.”

My eyes quickly dart at Nora. She’s staring at the floor.

“After a few turf battles, Vaughn gets sick of the competition and heads for your home state of Michigan.”

I give him a sharp look.

“You wanted the story,” Lamb says. “In Michigan, he has a few run-ins with the law. Then, two years ago, the police find the body of Jamal Khafra, one of Vaughn’s major competitors. Someone stood on the back of Jamal’s neck and used piano wire to slice his throat. Vaughn gets fingered for the murder, but swears he didn’t do it. Even passes a lie detector. After some prosecutorial blunders, the jury comes back with an acquittal. Feeling lucky, Vaughn hightails it out of Michigan and starts over right here in D.C. He lives in Northeast, off 1st Street. The problem is, when the FBI went to question him about Caroline, they first spoke to one of his neighbors, who apparently tipped him off. Right around then, Vaughn disappeared. He’s been missing for almost a week.”

“I don’t understand. Why’s he even a suspect?”

“Because when they examined the WAVES records on the day of Caroline’s death, the FBI found that Patrick Vaughn was in the building.”

“In the OEOB? You’ve got to be kidding.”

“I wish I were.”

“So what does that have to do with me?”

“That’s what we have to talk about, Michael. According to the computer records, you’re the one who cleared him in.”


Are you nuts?” I shout, grasping the armrests of my chair. “I have no idea who he is!”

“It’s okay,” Nora says as she rubs my back.

“How could I… I never heard of the guy!”

“I knew it wasn’t you,” she says.

Lamb looks less convinced. He’s barely moved since he broke the news. Leaning up against his desk, he’s studying the scene-watching the two of us react. It’s what he does best: surveying first, deciding later.

Making the plea personal, I turn his way. “I swear to you, I never let him in.”

“Who else had access to your office?” he asks.

“Excuse me?”

“To have your name on it, the WAVES request had to’ve been sent from your computer,” he explains. “Now after the staff meeting, who else was near your office?”

“Just… just Pam,” I reply. “And Julian. Julian was there when I got back.”

“So either of them could’ve used your computer.”

“It’s certainly possible.” Yet as I say the words, I don’t really believe them. Why would either of them invite a drug dealer into the-Son of a bitch. My eyes focus on Nora. I can still picture her little brown vial. That night in the bar, she said it was headache medicine. I’ve done my best to avoid it-but she has to get it from somewhere.

“Is there anyone else who had access to your computer?” Lamb asks.

I think back to that first night with Nora. She told me she took the money as evidence. To protect her dad. But now… all that money… the cost of drugs… if she’s looking for a scapegoat…

“I asked you a question, Michael,” Lamb reiterates. “Did Pam or Julian have access to your computer?”

I keep my stare on Nora. “It could’ve been done without the computer,” I explain. “There’re other ways to clear someone into the building. You can call the request in by an internal phone, or even do it by fax.”

“So you’re saying it could’ve been anyone?”

“I guess,” I say. Nora finally looks up at me. “But it’s got to be Simon.”

“Even if it is, how’d he get this Vaughn guy in?” Nora interrupts. “I thought the Service does security checks on all visitors.”