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“That’s it, isn’t it? You didn’t take Trey because you don’t trust him-you think he’s working with-”

“Trey’s not working with anyone,” I insist. “But if I brought him along, I’d be putting him in danger too.”

Nora raises an eyebrow, almost confused by the explanation. “So even though you knew you needed backup, you decided not to bring it?”

I stay silent.

“And you did that just to protect a co-worker?”

“He’s not a co-worker. He’s a friend.”

“I wasn’t trying to… I just meant… ” She stops, catching herself. “But what if Trey… ” Once again, she stops. She’s trying not to judge. She looks away, then back at me. Eventually, she asks, “You’d really give up meeting Vaughn for a friend?”

It’s a silly question. “You think there’s a choice?”

As the words leave me, Nora doesn’t reply. She just sits there-her mouth barely open, a crinkle on her forehead. Slowly, though, her lips start curling. A grin. A smile. Wide.

“What?” I ask.

She leaps to her feet and moves toward the door.

“Where’re you going?”

Putting up her pointer finger, she gives me the C’mere motion. Within seconds, she’s in the hall. I’m right behind her. A quick left sends her toward a closed door on the far end of the third-floor hallway.

As we step inside, one thought enters my brain: This little room is ugly. With its black Formica cabinet emblazoned with the presidential seal, and its too-unaware-to-be-kitschy drapes covered with musical instruments, the place can only be described as a Dollywood-Graceland car crash.

There’re some autographed pictures on the wall from famous musicians, as well as a glass case with one of Clinton’s saxophones. For some reason, there’s also a carpeted three-foot-wide platform that runs along the interior of the room and is set off with a railing. I guess it’s supposed to be a tiny stage. The Music Room-where Clinton used to practice.

I’m about to ask Nora what’s going on when I see her open the black cabinet with the seal on it. Inside is a pristine, highly polished violin and a bow. Using the stage as a seat, she hops up so her legs are dangling over the edge and rests the violin on her shoulder. Placing the bow on the A string, she spends a moment tuning, then looks up at me.

Since when does she…

With an elegant slide of her arm, the bow glides across the strings and a perfect note engulfs the room. Holding the instrument in place with the bottom of her chin, Nora closes her eyes, arches her back, and starts playing. It’s a slow song-I remember hearing it once at a wedding.

“When did you learn to play the violin?” I ask.

As before, her answer comes with the song. Her eyes are shut tight; her chin’s clenched against the instrument. She just wants me to watch, but despite the calm that the music brings, I can’t shake the feeling I’m missing something. When Hartson first got elected, I-like the rest of the country-was force-fed every detail about the First Family’s life. Nora’s life. Why she went to Princeton, her love for peanut-butter cups, the name of her cat, even the bands she listened to. Yet no one ever mentioned the violin. It’s like a giant secret that nobody-

Her chin stays down, but for the first time, Nora looks my way and grins. I freeze. Of everything she does, everywhere she goes, it’s the only thing she’s still in control of. Her one real secret. With a subtle nod, she tells me the rest. She’s not just playing. She’s playing for me.

Suddenly light-headed, I take a seat in a nearby chair. “When did you start?” I anxiously ask as she continues to play.

“Whole life,” she answers, not missing a beat. “When my dad first became Governor, I was embarrassed about it, so he promised to keep it quiet. As I got older… well… ” She pauses, thinking it over. “You have to keep something.”

Up close like this, the vibrations bounce against my chest, almost pushing me back. I lean in closer. “Why the violin?”

“You’re telling me you didn’t think about it when you heard ‘Devil Went Down to Georgia’?”

I laugh out loud. As the song peaks, her fingers dance against the strings, pulling the music from its resting place. Slowly, it grows louder, but it never loses its light touch.

With one final, gentle tug, Nora pulls the bow back across the A string. The moment she’s done, she looks to me, searching for a reaction. Her eyes are wide with nervousness. Even at this, it’s not easy for her. But as soon as she sees the grin on my face, she can’t help herself. Lifting herself up on her toes, she bounces up and down on the balls on her feet. And even though she covers her smile with her fingers, her bright eyes blaze through the room, making even the Graceland curtains look like Renaissance art. Those beautiful, beaming eyes-so clear, I can practically see myself. I was wrong all those other times-this is the first time I’ve seen her truly happy.

I jump to my feet, clapping as loud as I can. Her cheeks flush red and she takes a mock bow. Then the applause gets louder. “Bravo!” someone shouts from behind me-outside, in the hallway.

I spin around, following the sound. Nora looks up, over my shoulder. Just as I spot them, the applause quadruples. Five men-all of them in bureaucratic blue suits and unbearably sensible ties. Leading them is Friedsam, one of the President’s top aides. The other four work under him. They must’ve been up here briefing Hartson, who loves to do after-lunch meetings in the Solarium. From the satisfied looks on their faces, they see their eavesdropping as another perk of the job.

“That was terrific,” Friedsam says to Nora. “I didn’t know you played.”

I turn back to see her reaction. It’s already too late. She forces a smile, but it doesn’t fool anyone. Her jaw’s locked tight. Her eyes glisten with tears. Clutching the violin by its neck, she blows past me toward the door. Friedsam and the white boys part around her like the Red Sea. Racing after her, I make sure to get close to Friedsam. “You leak it and I’ll make sure Hartson knows it’s you,” I hiss as I pass.

Chasing Nora up the hallway, I retrace my original steps back to her bedroom. There’re no guards up in the Residence, which means I can run. As I pass the Solarium, I tell myself not to look. But like a modern-day Orpheus, I can’t help myself. I glance to my left and spot the President sitting by the wide windows, flipping through paperwork. His back’s to me and… Dammit, what the hell is wrong with me?

Before he turns to face me, I open the door to Nora’s room and step inside. She’s sitting at her desk, staring at the wall. With the constancy of a human metronome, she’s mindlessly bouncing her bow against the front edge of the desk.

“How you doing?”

“How do you think?” she shoots back, refusing to look up.

“If it makes you feel any better, I really loved the song.”

“Don’t rationalize with me. Even an animal knows it’s in a zoo when the visitors show up to gawk.”

“So now you’re in a zoo?”

“That music was for you, Michael. Not them. When they walk in and see it, it’s like they’re… ” She pauses, clenching her teeth. “Damn!” she shouts as she pounds the bow against the desk. As it hits, the bow snaps in two, and even though it’s still attached by the strands of horse hair, the top half flips forward, knocks over a silver pencil cup, and sends its contents spilling in every direction.

There’s a long silence before either of us says anything.

“Now what’re you gonna do for an encore?” I finally ask.

Nora can’t help but laugh. “You think you’re a real Mr. Funnyman, don’t you?”

“When you’re born with a gift… ”

“Don’t talk to me about gifts.”

Stepping toward her, I toss aside the broken bow and take her hands in mine. But as I lean down to kiss her forehead, I realize I had it wrong. It’s not that she identifies with what’s missing. Nora Hartson identifies with what’s destroyed. That’s why she can walk into a crowded room and find the one person who’s all alone. That’s why she found me. She recognized the hurt; she recognized herself.