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“Maybe he’s lying.”

“Maybe he’s not.” Even if I’m not showing it, Adenauer knows I’m squirming. Hoping to help me along, he adds, “I’ll tell you one thing, though-if you want to see an interesting account, you should see Caroline’s. For a woman on the moderate side of the pay scale, she was flush full of cash. More than five hundred thousand to be exact-fifty of it hidden in a box of tampons in her apartment.”

Now we’re getting somewhere. “So Caroline’s the blackmailer?”

“You tell me,” he says.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“We checked your account as well, Michael. Pardon my saying so, but things are looking a little thin.”

“That’s because a quarter of every check goes direct deposit to my dad. Check it out-you’ll see.”

He rubs his hand along the length of his tie, looking almost hurt. He doesn’t enjoy pushing buttons. “Please, Michael, I’m just trying to help. What about your mom’s family? Don’t they have some money? What are they up to now-forty stores nationwide?”

“I don’t talk to my mom’s family. Ever.”

Leaning forward in his seat, he sharpens a dark smile. “Even if it’s an emergency?”

The lawyer in me snaps to attention. “What kind of an emergency?”

“I don’t know-what if your dad were in trouble? What if Caroline were about to open her mouth and send him to one of those white-coat institutions? If she asked for forty grand to stay quiet, would you call them then?”

“No.” My stomach shifts as I realize where he’s going. Forget Simon-I’m the suspect. Trying to cover my ass, I add, “Besides, where’re you getting forty grand from? I thought you only found thirty?”

His hand continues to stroke his tie. “I guess it could be either,” he replies.

I hate that tone in his voice. He’s got something. “What’s your point?” I ask.

“No point-just a hypothesis. See, when we checked out the thirty thousand in Caroline’s safe, we realized it was consecutively numbered. Only problem is, about halfway through, there’s a skip in the digits. Based on the sequencing, we figure there might be another ten grand that’s still unaccounted for. Now you wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?”

Behind my desk, my foot’s tapping nervously against the carpet. “Maybe the original bank teller grabbed the piles of money out of order.”

“Or maybe the extra ten grand was used to pay Vaughn. It’s an easy transaction-take the money from the victim. Only problem is, one of you grabbed the wrong pile.”

One of us?”

He runs his tongue against the inside of his bottom lip. Now he’s having fun. “So how’s everything going between you and Nora? Still getting along?”

“Better than ever,” I shoot back.

“That’s good-because dating a woman in her position-it puts a lot of unnecessary strain on a relationship. And when problems come up? You can’t turn to anyone on the outside; it’s almost like you have to deal with them yourself. I mean, that’s the only way to keep her happy, right?”

Is that his theory? That I had Caroline killed for Nora?

“I’m not here to make accusations, Michael. But if Caroline found out one of the principals was doing drugs… and that principal had access to a person like Vaughn… it’s not much to ask you to bring him inside, now is it?”

“If you’re going to keep harassing me-”

“Actually, I’m trying to protect you. And if you’d help us out, you might actually be able to see that.”

Lamb was right about one thing: As much as they’re after me, I’m just bait for the big fish.

“She doesn’t care about you,” he continues. “To people like her, all we are are dictionaries-useful when you need them, but any one’ll do.”

He’s using “we” to make me feel comfortable. I don’t buy it for a second. “You obviously know nothing about her.”

“You sure about that?”

I look up. He doesn’t blink.

“For all you know, we’ve already spoken twice. Once on the telephone; once in the Residence. In fact, she might’ve already pushed me in your direction.”

I know it’s a lie. “She’d never do that.”

“She wouldn’t save herself? Everyone’s human, Michael. And when you think of the circumstances… if she goes down, you both go down. That’s part of cleaning house. But if you go down-if you’re the one to blame-she’s not going anywhere.” He pauses, letting it grind into my brain. “I know you don’t want to hurt her, but there’s only one way to help yourself… and if you can get us Vaughn-”

“How many times do you need to hear it? I didn’t do anything and I don’t know Vaughn!”

Adenauer flicks a tiny piece of lint from the knee of his slacks. The easygoing English teacher is long gone. “So you’ve never been in contact with each other?”

“That’s correct.”

“You’re not lying to me, are you?”

I can either tell him about tomorrow’s meeting, or I can call his bluff. I’m not ready to give it up just yet. “I’ve never seen or spoken to the guy in my life.”

He shakes his head at the news. “Michael, let me give you a piece of advice,” he says, once again sounding concerned. “I’ve got Vaughn’s profile down to a gnat’s ass. Whatever he’s got with Nora-they’ll both sell you out in a second.”

I stop my leg from shaking and take a mental deep breath. Don’t let him get to you. “I know what it says in the WAVES report, but I swear to you, I didn’t let him in.” Hoping to grab the reins, I dart for my own change of subject. “Now what about the death itself? Have you got Caroline’s results yet?”

“I thought you said it was a heart attack.”

The man never lets up. “You know what I mean-is the tox report back from the lab yet?”

He tilts his head just enough for me to see the arch in his eyebrow. “I don’t know. I haven’t checked in a while.”

It’s a blatant lie and he wants me to know it. He’s not giving me that one. Not unless I cooperate. And especially not when he’s this close.

“You sure you don’t want to tell me what really happened?” he asks, once again playing the teacher.

I refuse to answer.

“Please, Michael. Whatever it is, we’re willing to work with you.”

It’s a tempting offer-but it’s not a guarantee. Besides, if Vaughn comes through… it’s not only the fastest way to prove it’s Simon, it’s also the best way to protect Nora. And myself. Still silent, I turn away from Adenauer.

“Your choice,” he says. “I’ll see you on Friday.”

I pause. “What’s Friday?”

“C’mon, boy, you think we’re going to just sit around, waiting on you? If I don’t hear from you in the next three days, I’m taking you and Vaughn public. That’ll be more than enough to flush Nora out. Friday, Michael. That’s when America meets you.”


“Was he serious?” Trey asks through the phone.

Staring at the blank TV in my office, I don’t answer. On-screen, all I see is my reflection.

“Michael, I asked you a question: Was Adenauer serious?”


“Was he-”

“I-I think so,” I finally say. “I mean, since when does the FBI make empty threats?”

Trey takes a second to answer. He knows what I’m going through, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to hold back. “This isn’t just a bad hair day,” he warns. “If even a hint of what happened gets out… ”

“I know, Trey. Believe me, I know-you read me the polls every morning-but what am I supposed to do? Yesterday you’re telling me to turn myself in so Nora doesn’t bury me; today, you’re crying that if anything gets out, I single-handedly wreck the presidency. The only thing that’s consistent is that either way I’m screwed.”

“I didn’t mean to-”

“All I can do is go for the truth-find Vaughn and figure out if he’s got some insight into what really happened. If that doesn’t work… ” I stop, unable to finish the sentence.