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The incoming missiles passed through the minefield next, and then into the range of the fleet’s ECM. Finally, West’ ships unloaded with the full effect of their own point defense, taking out most of the few missiles that remained. Barely twenty were going to detonate in proximity to the fleet. They could still do a lot of harm, but it could have been much, much worse.

“All ships report prepared for impact, admiral.” Athena’s steady voice was a welcome touch of calmness to West. Even veteran spacers found it difficult to sit and wait to see if a 500 megaton warhead detonated close enough to vaporize their ship.

“I want live damage updates, Athena.” West leaned back in her couch, subconsciously bracing for any hits Cambrai might suffer.

“Yes, admiral.” There was a brief pause before Athena started rattling off updates. “Shenandoah reports extensive damage. Her reactor is out, but Captain Walsh advises she expects to have power restored in 30 minutes.” Another short silence, then: “We’ve lost contact with Quebec, admiral. Scanner reports indicate she was bracketed by multiple detonations.”

West grimaced. Quebec was a light cruiser, not one of her most powerful ships. But it still hurt to imagine the vessel as a twisted, irradiated wreck holding its place in formation, dead along with its crew. “Keep reporting, Athena.” West wasn’t sure she really wanted to hear every grisly detail, but it was her job to know what was going on with her fleet.

“Brace for impact.” Cambrai’s central AI made the shipwide announcement. West reached out and grabbed the handholds on her couch just as the vessel began to shake wildly.

Chapter 25

Committee Room Combined Powers Excavation Site Carson’s World – Epsilon Eridani IV

Ivan Norgov had no idea what was happening. He’d heard the alarms, and before he’d been able to find out what was going on, the explosions started. Norgov was a bully, but that didn’t mean he had any real courage. He was the head of the Committee and, as such, he had a responsibility to all of the scientific personnel in the facility. It was a duty he failed to execute.

Two armored Marines pulled him from his hiding place in one of the storage rooms and brought him to the Committee room. He was shaking with fear, and his legs kept giving out. It didn’t matter – the Marines easily carried him into the room and put him in one of the hard, uncomfortable chairs facing the Committee table. There were at least a dozen more Marines in the room, all wearing jet black fighting suits, and a lone, unarmored figure sitting in the center chair of the Committee table…Norgov’s chair.

“Welcome, Dr. Norgov.” Friederich Hofstader tried to maintain his poker face, but he was enjoying this whole thing far too much, and a tiny smile forced its way out. “The expression on your face is reason enough for the long journey I have taken.”

Norgov stared back, his mouth open in amazement. There were several popping sounds as the Marines retracted their helmets. The shocked Russian scientist looked around the room in stunned silence.

“I’m reminded of an old saying…now how does that one go?” Hofstader leaned back in the plush leather seat. “Oh yes…payback is a bitch.” He stared directly at Norgov and smiled. “Though one could argue that such a phrase is simply common sense now…wouldn’t you say?”

Norgov tried to speak, but he mostly just stammered an unintelligible babble. He was in shock, unable to form any coherent thoughts. He was also terrified. Being dragged around by armored troops was a new experience for him.

“Come, come, Ivan…you can do better than that.” Hofstader’s cold stare bored into the Russian’s hapless eyes. “I’ve never been impressed by your scientific ability, but I know you’re literate.” A shadow of anger passed over Hofstader’s face. “Indeed, you were quite talkative when you expelled me from this facility. I thought you’d never shut the hell up then.”

“Friederich, please.” Norgov spoke slowly. He was shivering and looking down at the floor.

“I could remind you of how you responded to my own entreaties.” Hofstader was glaring at Norgov, but the Russian continued to look away. “You pompous, miserable piece of shit. You wouldn’t even let Katrina remain on staff.” Hofstader’s voice was getting louder. He had a lot of anger toward Norgov. He’d intended to control it better, but sitting there looking at the whimpering fool his hostility got the better of him.

“Friederich, you don’t understand.” Norgov was pleading. He looked nervously at the armed Marines lined up along the wall. “I only did what I thought was right.”

Hofstader stood up and stared at Norgov with withering intensity. “I don’t understand? I don’t understand?” He was trying to get a grip on himself, but his fury was in control now. “Listen to me you arrogant, useless asshole. I was right. Thanks to you we have lost months of research time here. Meanwhile, the beings who built this place have returned. They have returned, and they are massacring every human being they encounter. Colonies have been destroyed. Thousands of military personnel have died. Better people than you are being killed every day, and for months we have failed to exploit my discoveries here while you played your political games.”

Norgov was silent, slumped miserably in his chair. He tried to respond, tried to look up and meet Hofstader’s gaze, but he didn’t have the strength to do it. He stared at the floor, tears running down his face.

Hofstader looked at the pathetic creature with disgust. Norgov wasn’t worth his time…he realized that. He had important work to do here. He was as much a part of the war effort as the Marines on the front lines…and those men and women were counting on him to get them something they could use in the fight. He laid a small ‘pad on the Committee table. “This document is signed by Fleet Admiral Garret, General Holm, and Roderick Vance. I appoints me military governor of Epsilon Eridani IV, with full and sole executive power.”

Hofstader looked down at Norgov, but the Russian didn’t say anything. “Where are my manners? I’d like to introduce you to Major Hank Taylor, from the Martian Confederation.” He pointed toward one of the Marines. “Major Taylor and his Marines are here to enforce my authority over this facility. You will note that the document appoints me military governor over this entire planet. This research operation is now under my sole and complete control.”

He walked around the end of the table, still staring at the hapless Norgov. “You are to be expelled from this facility. You and every scientist here who cares more about politics and petty power struggles than unlocking the scientific mysteries on this planet. You will all be held in custody until a ship can arrive to return you to Earth.” Hofstader’s eyes narrowed, and he stared into Norgov’s. “Though I have authorized Major Taylor to shoot you if you cause any trouble.”

“Brad, I’m glad to see you.” Hofstader smiled as Bradley Travers walked into the room. “I think I owe you for a little behind the scenes help.” Hofstader didn’t know for sure that Travers worked for Roderick Vance’s intelligence outfit, but he’d gotten a pretty good idea there was more than a passing relationship between the two.

“It’s good to have you back, Friederich.” Travers walked across the room and extended his hand. “You had no idea how right you were about the urgency of this research project. Maybe we can get something done now. Something that might help in the fight.”

Hofstader shook Travers’ hand. “We’d better. I haven’t seen the enemy in action, but I’ve been through enough video and spare parts to keep me up nights.” He paused. “And I’ve talked to some of the people who have faced them.” He looked right at Travers, his expression grim. “If we’re going to win this fight…survive this fight…we’re going to have to find something useful here.”