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JAYSON-Curt! This is-really-when we've tried to be so considerate-

JOHN-[Bursting with rage.]It's an outrage to allow such insults!

DICK-You're not playing the game, Curt.

EMILY-[Spitefully.]It seems to me it's much more for Martha's sake, we're urging you than for our own. After all, the town can't say anything against us.

CURTIS-[Turning on her.]Martha's sake?[Brokenly.] Martha is gone. Leave her out of this.

SHEFFIELD-[Sharply.]But unfortunately, Curt, others will not leave her out of this. They will pry and pry-you know what they are-and-

EMILY-Curt couldn't act the way he is doing if he ever really cared for her.

CURTIS-You dare to say that![Then controlling himself a bit- with scathing scorn.] What do know of love-women like you! You call your little rabbit-hutch emotions love-your bread-and- butter passions-and you have the effrontery to judge-

EMILY-[Shrinking from him frightenedly.]Oh! John!

JOHN-[Getting to his feet.]I protest! I cannot allow even my own brother-

DICK-[Grabbing his arm.]Keep your head, old boy.

SHEFFIELD-[Peremptorily.]You are making a fool of yourself, Curt-and you are damned insulting in the bargain. I think I may say that we've all about reached the end of our patience. What Emily said is for your own best interest, if you had the sense to see it. And I put it to you once and for alclass="underline" Are you or are you not willing to act like a man of honor to protect your own good name, the family name, the name of this child, and your wife's memory? Let me tell you, your wife's good name is more endangered by your stubbornness than anything else.

CURTIS-[Trembling with rage.]I-I begin to think-you-all of you-are aiming at something against Martha in this. Yes-in back of your words-your actions-I begin to feel-[Raging.]Go away! Get out of this house-all of you! Oh, I know your meanness! I've seen how you've tried to hurt her ever since we came-because you resented in your small minds her evident superiority-

EMILY-[Scornfully.]Superiority, indeed!

CURTIS-Her breadth, of mind and greatness of soul that you couldn't understand. I've guessed all this, and if I haven't interfered it's only because I knew she was too far above you to notice your sickening malice-

EMILY-[Furiously.]You're only acting-acting for our benefit because you think we don't-

CURTIS-[Turning on her-with annihilating contempt.]Why, you- you poor little nonentity![John struggles to get forward but Dick holds him back.]

EMILY-[Insane with rage-shrilly.]But we know-and the whole town knows-and you needn't pretend you've been blind. You've given the whole thing away yourself-the silly way you've acted- telling everyone how you hated that baby-letting everyone see-

JAYSON-Emily![The others are all frightened, try to interrupt her. CURT stares at her in a stunned bewilderment]

EMILY-[Pouring forth all her venom regardless.]But you might as well leave off your idiotic pretending. It doesn't fool us-or anyone else-your sending for Bigelow that night-your hobnobbing with him ever since-your pretending he's as much your friend as ever. They're all afraid of you-but I'm not! I tell you to your face-it's all acting you're doing-just cheap acting to try and pull the wool over our eyes until you've run away like a coward- and left us to face the disgrace for you with this child on our hands!

ESTHER-[Trying to silence her-excitedly.]Emily! Keep still, for Heaven's sake![The others all utter exclamations of caution, with fearful glances at CURT.]

EMILY-[Becoming exhausted by her outburst-more faintly.]Well, someone had to show him his place. He thinks he's so superior to us just because-telling us how much better she was than-But I won't stand for that. I've always had a clean name-and always will-and my children, too, thank God![She sinks down on the couch exhausted, panting but still glaring defiantly at CURT.]

CURTIS-[An awareness of her meaning gradually forcing itself on his mind.]Bigelow! Big? Pretending he's as much my friend-[With a sudden gasp of sickened understanding.]Oh![He sways as if he were about to fall, shrinking away from EMILY, all horror.] Oh, you-you-you-filth!

JOHN-[His fists clenched, tries to advance on his brother.]How dare you insult my wife![He is restrained, held bake by his remonstrating father and DICK.]

MRS. DAVIDSON-[As if suddenly coming out of a dream- frightenedly.]What is the matter? Why is John mad at Curt?

CURTIS-[His hands over his eyes, acting like a person stricken with a sudden attack of nausea, weakly.]So-that's-what has been in your minds. Oh, this is bestial-disgusting! And there is nothing to be done. I feel defenseless. One would have to be as low as you are-She would have been defenseless, too. It is better she is dead.[He stares about him-wildly.] And you think-you all think-

ESTHER-[Pityingly.]Curt, dear, we don't think anything except what you've made us think with your crazy carrying-on.

CURTIS-[Looking from one to the other of them.]Yes-all of you- it's on your faces.[His eyes fix themselves on his aunt.] No, you don't-you don't-

MRS. DAVIDSON-I? Don't what, Curtis? My, how sick you look, poor boy!

CURTIS-You-don't believe-this child-

MRS. DAVIDSON-He's the sweetest baby I ever saw[proudly] and Jayson right to the tips of his toes.

CURTIS-Ah, I know you-[Looking around at the others with loathing and hatred.]But look at them-[With a burst of fierce determination.]Wait! I'll give you the only answer-[He dashes for the door in rear, shakes off his father and DICK, who try to stop him, and then is heard bounding up the stairs in hall. DICK runs after him, JAYSON as far as the doorway. ESTHER gives a stifled scream. There is a tense pause. Then DICK reappears.]

DICK-It's all right. I saw him go in.

JAYSON-[Frightenedly.]But-good God-he's liable-why didn't you follow him?