Once she saw the green dot of a camera pointing at her, Jasmine pulled down her tight blouse so that her big tits fell out. James sucked on one hungrily as he finger fucked her harder.
“Will the universe expand forever, each galaxy a billion light years from each other, such that those in one galaxy cannot detect or communicate with those in other galaxies? Will each galaxy have thousands of intelligent life forms living in peace or battling to the death?
“Will the universe eventually contract and collapse back onto itself in a Big Crunch, a karmic version of the Big Bang? If everything else has a life cycle, then why not the universe itself? Since it is 13.7 billion years old and still growing, and assuming it will contract no faster than it expanded, then its life span could last 30 billion years.”
Jasmine heard someone groan in ecstasy, and realized that her mother was getting Bob off. That slut is stealing her scene! Jasmine instantly doubled the sound of her moans.
“Is the universe infinite, or just really, really big? Is it eternal, or just really, really old? If the universe is expanding, then just what the hell is it expanding into? If you sat at the very edge of the universe, what would you see? Besides the restaurant from the Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe. By expanding, is the universe turning nothingness into empty space? How would you tell the difference? How can the universe be the totality of existence if it gets bigger?
“And if God made us, then why the hell did he wait 13 billion years after the first planets formed? Are we that unimportant, or is he that patient? As Nietzsche put it, is God a blunder of man, or man a blunder of God? Humans separated from chimps several million years ago, so why wait so long before sending Jesus? Why bother making quadrillions of planets if we are so unique? He could have made Earth and taken the rest of the week off.”
Oh, God, Jasmine needed more than a finger. She pulled off his clothes with the agility of a drunk and raced her mother to the first orgasm.
Mr. Freeman continued: “And some things in space just freak space experts out. Like voids.
“A void is not a lot of room with almost nothing in it, like interstellar space. Even tiny amounts of dust and gas, and the occasional rogue planet, exist between star systems and between galaxies. Those are not voids, but lots of space with almost nothing in them.
“Voids are different. Voids have no matter, antimatter, dark matter or dark energy because they give off absolutely no heat or variance in heat. A void is devoid of thermal radiation. Its temperature is always absolute zero.”
James inserted another finger and Jasmine bit her lip so hard she bled. Her mother gave up their current position, took off her undies, and sat on Bob’s lap.
“Nobody believed they could exist until, in 2007, they found one ten million billion kilometers in diameter. That void, called the Big Fucking Void to not confuse it with the Bush Administration, was one billion light years across. 10 million billion kilometers without anything in it. No dirt. No water. No shit. Even Nirvana has a Buddha or two.
“I somehow find it easier to accept that God can make Something out of Nothing than he can make Nothing out of Something. No matter how lost you have ever been using IPhone Maps, you have never been ten million billion kilometers from the nearest sunlight.
“Did it become this big, or was it always this big? How big must Nothing grow until it becomes Something? How can nothing exist? If it’s nothing, then by definition it does not exist. Yet, Zen-like, it does. The Milky Way galaxy has 300 billion stars, yet this void is 10,000 times bigger. That’s a lot of nothing. Some things are better than nothing. Voids, apparently, are not.”
“Mama, show some titty,” Jasmine urged as those behind them whipped out camera phones.
“It would be convenient to write this off as a freak accident, a unique anomaly, except there are lots of voids. Millions, probably, although it’s hard to detect something that isn’t there. Unless it stars on reality TV.
“Maybe astronomers should specialize in studying absolutely fucking nothing. We can’t all be slackers. You can’t have a map of the universe, much less a Hitchhiker’s Guide, without noting the billion-light-year holes where time and freaking space literally do not exist. It is difficult to even imagine a place where Father Time and Mother Nature have not hooked up. Much less one big enough to contain 10,000 galaxies. After Congress, it is the biggest nothing in the universe. Maybe the Big Fucking Void is the undisclosed location where Vice President Cheney hid all those years. Even Hell had stuff — fire, brimstone, self-righteous sanctimonious hypocritical politicians. Perhaps the Big Fucking Void is surrounded by freaked out astronomy professors on one-way trips. Where else can you watch Something stop and Nothing begin? I just want to see the space-time continuum just stop continuing. Maybe this void is Heaven, since Heaven is where you go when you have nothing to do and eternity to do it in.”
That whore next to her pulled her top over her head, exposing her gorgeous new breasts for the cameras. Jasmine didn’t know whether to applaud her mother or ground her.
“The Ganymed Space Port will make space travel possible. And the Chimborazo Launcher makes the space port possible.
“The goal is to get payload into orbit as easily, safely, and cheaply as possible, but launch systems are 99 % rocket and only 1 % payload. Rockets need fuel to lift their payload, but also fuel to lift their fuel, which leads to diminishing returns. But what if you could leave the fuel and the propulsion system on the ground, and put your energy into moving just the payload?
“Frictionless maglev trains can go incredibly fast and don’t wear out. The track has no moving parts and uses electricity for power. Reaching orbit is a question of speed, not altitude. Anything that can be accelerated to 7.7 kilometers per second can reach orbit.”
Jasmine heard her mother huffing and puffing like she was trying to blow a house down. Annoyed, she kicked her ankles up on the seat in front of her, startling a nice older couple who apparently disapproved of sex in public.
“A maglev catapult, at a constant acceleration of 5 g’s, which is the most that an astronaut can tolerate with a pressurized G-suit, blood thinners, and a special seat, only needs to be 25 kilometers long to reach orbital velocity. That’s when we sent our first manned spaceship beyond Earth’s orbit. A few years and several spaceships later, we captured the largest near-Earth-object, Ganymed, and parked her in orbit to turn her into a space port.”
Jasmine saw the camera zoom in so she arched her back to raise her pussy as high as possible as James had his way with her.
“Some roller coasters, like the Fahrenheit at Pennsylvania’s Hershey Park, hit 4 g’s. Since we bought the 58 square kilometer Chimborazo National Park from the Ecuadorian government two decades ago, we have laid over one hundred kilometers of maglev track that accelerates at a constant speed of just 2 g’s to avoid internal injuries. The longer the track, the slower the constant acceleration needed, which means we can launch even the average healthy tourist into orbit. Or, in your case, rich honeymooners. It will be the longest two minute ride of your life. Until the ride down.
“By extending the launcher above the summit, capsules enter the atmosphere at nearly 11 kilometers up, bypassing two-thirds of the atmosphere. Imagine how easily you could hit home runs if the back fence was two-thirds closer.”
Thank goodness her mom was here to help James get his boxers down! James seemed stuck to her breast, so Jasmine pulled his lips to her neck. The prospect of scoring a hickey before millions of viewers excited her.
“Our tunnel inside the extinct volcano is not long since most of the launcher wraps around the national park. Japan’s Seikan Tunnel stretches 33 miles, the Eurotunnel 31 miles, and the record for a people-carrying tunnel goes to the 35 mile long Gotthard Base Tunnel under the Swiss Alps.