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“Did you already know how to kiss by then?” she asked.

“Oh yeah, that was the easy part.” Jimmy grinned at Sabrina.

“Well, you obviously have a natural talent,” she retorted, thinking about Darrin’s kiss and how different it was from kissing Jimmy. “I mean, all Darrin did was slobber on me.”

“I like to think I have more imagination than most guys,” Jimmy smirked. Sabrina whacked his arm lightly with her hand, and they both laughed. “Seriously, Darrin may have just been a bit eager. I was so scared the first time I kissed a girl that all I did was brush my lips against hers. I didn’t learn how to do anything with my tongue until I met Brodie. That probably saved me tons of humiliation.”

She shook her head in disbelief, trying to ignore how hot the thought of Jimmy kissing another guy made her. She shifted, hoping he couldn’t tell. When she looked at him he seemed to be concentrating on a spot just over her shoulder, lost in his memories. She tried to imagine him being an inexperienced eighteen-year-old.

“So, what happened next?”

Jimmy sighed, then continued his story. “The fourth night we were in the city we came back to the rooms after touring Edinburgh Castle. I was completely wiped so I went upstairs to nap before dinner. Of course, that meant I slept right through the meal! I woke up around ten p.m., starving, and wandered down into the pub to see if they had anything to eat. Brodie was there. They don’t normally serve dinner, but he found some rolls and cheese and an apple for me. I sat at the bar as he took care of the customers, and we began chatting. After he got off work, he asked me out for a walk.” Jimmy smiled while Sabrina listened, entranced. “By then he’d been flirting so heavily with me that I’d finally figured out what was going on.”

“Did he kiss you on your walk?” she asked, trying to imagine them embracing in the cool dark. Did anyone see? Did they care?

“We weren’t two blocks from the pub when he grabbed my arm and pulled me into one of their little alleyways,” Jimmy said. “The next thing I knew, he leaned in and put his face next to mine. We were about the same height, and he says, ‘I want to kiss you, can I?’ in that charming accent of his. I had enough presence of mind to nod. And that, as they say, is that.” He released her hand and leaned back against the leather of the couch. He looked unbearably smug.

“Jimmy! You left out the best part!” Sabrina argued, crossing her arms, trying to frown at him and laugh at the same time.

“Oh, but I just showed you what he did, Sabrina,” Jimmy teased.

“Well, what about the rest of the two weeks?”

“Brodie and I spent all our free time together until I had to leave. Let’s just say that I learned a lot about how to appreciate being with someone,” Jimmy replied, his face losing some of its humor and turning thoughtful.

“Is it really different, kissing someone of your own sex?” she asked him, then looked away quickly when he caught her eyes. She could tell he was amused by her blush.

“Actually, though the plumbing may be different, the way you care for your partner is the same for both sexes,” he answered. “Sure, there are things you do differently, but the feelings are the same. Women need a little more time to come to a climax than men, but both sexes like being kissed and stroked.” With that explanation, Sabrina blushed so furiously she was amazed that her face didn’t burst into flames. She tried to imagine Jimmy making love, distracted by the idea until he leaned forward again and her attention snapped back into reality. Her heart started pounding as he neared, but just as their lips touched, his cell phone rang. Jimmy sat back up and sighed, looking around for his phone before remembering it was in his jeans pocket. He laughed sheepishly, then checked the call.

“Oh damn, I have to take this, Sabrina. I’m so sorry. It’s from one of my editors. I’ve got an article that’s slated for their next issue, but they had some problems with the length, and the deadline is Monday. Can we take a rain check?” he asked regretfully, trying to tamp down both his disappointment and his erection, unsuccessfully.

“Of course,” Sabrina said, trying to hide her dismay. She felt strangely bereft as he nodded and pressed the call back button on his phone, stroking her thigh absently as he began to talk. She shivered, still feeling his kisses. She needed to get out of there before she did something stupid, like leap onto his lap and throw his phone to the floor.

“I’m going upstairs to change and go to bed. I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said quietly, getting up. Jimmy waved at her and smiled absently, then began speaking into the phone. Sabrina walked slowly up to her room, suddenly exhausted. Two kisses in one night! One awful and one incredible. All the emotional seesawing must have tired me out, she thought, stifling a yawn. Still, the heat Jimmy kindled so easily simmered beneath her skin. As she settled into her bed, she found herself thinking about his hands and lips just before she dropped into sleep.

Chapter 2

Sabrina woke up the next morning grateful it was Saturday. It was a sunny June day, and she hoped to spend it doing nothing more strenuous than sitting around reading a good book. After the turmoil of last night and the conversation with Jimmy, she didn’t think she could handle anything stressful without self-destructing. She got up long enough to brush her teeth and wash her face, then climbed back into bed. Of course, just as she was stretching and contemplating whether or not she should just go back to sleep, Jimmy knocked on the door. So much for being lazy! she thought, secretly thrilled that he had come to her door so early in the morning.

“Hey, Sabrina, you awake? I thought I heard you in the bathroom,” he asked, voice muffled by the wood.

Sabrina yawned and sat up. “Yeah, I just woke up, Jimmy. Come on in.” She pushed her hair off her face and groped on the nightstand for her glasses. Jimmy opened the door and walked in, stopping as he saw her leaning half off the bed. He walked over to the nightstand and grabbed her glasses, handing them to her silently. As soon as she put them on and looked up, she could see him looking at her fondly.

“Hey!” She frowned sheepishly. “I’m blind as a bat here, not nice making fun of the disabled.” He obediently controlled his smile, but Sabrina could tell he was still amused.

“Don’t you usually wear your contacts to sleep?”

Sabrina nodded. “Yeah, but I threw out my old pair last night. Today I’ll have a new set in, and you won’t see me in these ugly glasses for another month.” He nodded as she squinted, trying to see him more clearly. The morning sun reflected across her glasses, making it difficult, but when she tilted her head, she saw that his hair was still mussed from sleep and he wore a pair of old sweat shorts, nothing else. She blushed but that didn’t stop her from gawking. His chest was lightly sprinkled with dark hair and nicely muscled. Right below his navel, another line of dark hair arrowed down to his groin. Sabrina couldn’t tear her eyes away, sure she could see his cock swelling beneath the soft fabric.

Sabrina looked back up just in time to see his gaze settle on her breasts, the peaked nipples barely covered by the thin cotton tank top she wore. She moved from embarrassed to aroused when Jimmy cleared his throat and shifted his weight. She couldn’t believe he was looking at her like that. She had her dorky glasses on and most likely some hideous bed-head as well.

Jimmy swallowed and cleared his throat again. “Would you like to go out for breakfast with me?”

Sabrina rubbed her eyes, sliding her fingers beneath her glasses as she tried not to look at his erection. She failed. He stood beside her bed, cock fully hard right in front of her. Between the obviousness of his arousal and his bare chest, she couldn’t stop staring. Jimmy was beautiful.