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She stared at him. “Really?” she asked like a ninny, then wanted to smack herself in the head. He wouldn’t have asked if he didn’t mean it!

Jimmy nodded, face serious but not grim. “I care about you a lot. I realized for certain after this morning. I want you, but it’s more than physical attraction. I really like you. You’re not just a hookup. And I don’t think I could stand to talk to you about sex without wanting to make love to you. I want you to be happy, not just feel one night’s pleasure.”

Sabrina was speechless.

Jimmy took a deep breath. “Would you be my girlfriend?” he asked formally.

“Oh, wow,” Sabrina breathed, beaming. She couldn’t come up with anything more coherent than that in the face of such an incredibly romantic proposal. For years she’d been the nerdiest girl in school, and despite her newfound confidence (thanks to contact lenses and newly tamed hair), she often still felt ugly and uncertain. Yet here was this gorgeous man asking her if she would be his girlfriend! She nodded slowly, still trying to understand what had just happened.

“Is that a yes?” he asked her gently. The hand on her thigh tightened nervously. Could he be worried about her answer? Jimmy waited, shifting in his chair as Sabrina stared at him.

She gathered her courage. “Yes,” she said, reasoning that the simpler the response, the better at this point.

“Wonderful,” he said, smiling. Then Sabrina felt her heart knock against her ribs as the smile dropped from his face and his eyes darkened. She’d thought the day couldn’t get any better, but then he leaned forward and kissed her, sliding his tongue gently into her mouth for just a moment before he moved his lips to her cheek, where he stopped, breathing her in. She nearly cried. She’d been fooling herself. This was more than a crush. She brought her hands to his face and pulled him back to her mouth. She kissed him lightly before leaning back and running her thumb over his lips. He nipped her and sat back in his chair.

“I was worried that you were going to say no,” he said. She looked at him in disbelief. “I thought you might think I was too old for you—”

“Too old? Are you nuts? You’re only five years older than me, Jimmy.” She rolled her eyes at him, and he laughed, looking relieved. “I think this is going to be a fantastic summer,” she said and he nodded. She felt overwhelmed. Jimmy looked at her as if he were about to say something when a burst of raucous laughter echoed across the tables.

“So much for our nice, quiet breakfast,” Sabrina said, trying to see who was making all the noise. She looked around and to her disgust, Darrin and a few of his friends sat a few tables away, talking and laughing loudly. She wrinkled her forehead as she heard what they were saying.

“Then she let me kiss her, and let me tell you, her tits are gorgeous! Who knew that nerd-girl was so hot?” Darrin laughed loudly as his friends guffawed. “Maybe you can show her a good time, too,” he continued. “I bet she’d let us—she seemed eager enough last night! Why don’t you guys come along on our next date?”

Sabrina sat in silent dismay, listening to his boasting. It never occurred to her that Darrin could be so cruel after their date. Suddenly she was glad she had slapped him and told him in no uncertain terms that she would never go out with him again. Not to mention, she couldn’t believe guys actually talked like that! They sound ridiculous, she thought, pissed.

“Please tell me they’re not talking about you,” Jimmy said, interrupting her thoughts. He frowned, and she could tell he was getting angry as Darrin and his friends continued to joke around.

“Just ignore it,” Sabrina said, pushing the hurt down. “They’re not worth it. I told him he would never get his hands on me again, so he’s just trying to save face.”

“I know.” Jimmy sighed. “I just hate when guys act like complete morons. Gives us all a bad rep, you know?”

Sabrina nodded. “We should just go, I’m done here,” she said, pushing her plate away.

Jimmy agreed, then tipped his cup to finish his coffee. They split the bill, and she grabbed her iced tea to finish on the way home. She wanted to get out of there and forget all about Darrin, but just as they left the table, Darrin walked over, smirking.

“Who’s this?” he said, nodding at Jimmy and reaching out to touch her hair. Sabrina stepped back, glaring at him as Jimmy tensed.

“None of your business,” she said.

“Oh, I think it is my business,” Darrin replied, staring at Jimmy rudely. Darrin and Jimmy were the same height, but where Darrin was heavily muscled almost to the point of grossness, Jimmy was lean. He was very strong, but graceful, as though he were a dancer rather than a body-builder. Darrin snorted as Jimmy rolled his eyes. Sabrina couldn’t help snickering. It was a bit absurd for Darrin to be so obnoxious after one date. Jimmy shook his head and took Sabrina’s arm, but Darrin stepped in front of them.

Sabrina frowned. “Go away, Darrin. I’m not going out on another date with you, so don’t even think about asking.” She began to move around him. Jimmy placed his hand on her back, ready to follow her lead.

“Oh please, you can’t seriously be thinking of breaking up with me?” Darrin asked.

She stopped and stared at him in disbelief. “We’re not dating! We only went out once, seriously. And it won’t be happening again, especially not after last night’s demonstration.” By now, Darrin’s friends had joined them, standing behind Darrin, chuckling and leering.

“You don’t think this little guy can take us all on, do you?” Darrin jeered.

Jimmy, little? Was Darrin a complete idiot? Jimmy was six feet tall! “What are you talking about?” Sabrina retorted. “I’m not going out with you. I’m not going on another date with you. There’s no reason to drag Jimmy into this, and frankly, you wouldn’t like the outcome if you did.” Sabrina was growing angry as well as frustrated. She had no idea Darrin could be such a moron. Sure, he had been a jerk on the date, but it never occurred to her that he would simply not accept reality. Maybe it’s the presence of his friends making him belligerent, she reasoned.

“Come on, Sabrina,” Jimmy murmured. “Let’s go home.”

She nodded, but as they moved past the boys, Darrin reached out and grabbed Jimmy’s arm.

“You think you’re going to just leave?”

Jimmy stared at the hand pressing into his skin, then looked into Darrin’s face.

“I’m not your girl, Darrin!” Sabrina exclaimed, exasperated.

“Sabrina’s made it clear to you that she’s not interested,” Jimmy growled. He flexed his arm, getting ready to pull away if necessary.

“Or what?” Darrin grinned malevolently.

Sabrina rolled her eyes, then caught Jimmy smiling at her obvious derision. She saw Darrin tighten his fingers, pressing into Jimmy’s skin hard enough to bruise. She could tell the exact moment Jimmy made the decision to move.

“Or this,” he answered quietly. Suddenly, his arm was free and Darrin stood there looking shocked, then angry. Darrin reached for Jimmy again but missed as Jimmy moved Sabrina behind him where she would be safe. He blocked the arm heading for his face, hoping to avoid further violence, then realized Darrin’s friends had surrounded them.

Sabrina glared at Darrin, angry that he was ruining her morning. She wasn’t afraid. She had a tendency to throw punches first and think of the consequences later. She may not have had a lot of friends, but most people knew to leave her alone. This felt like the same kind of crap she’d had to deal with in school. “This is ridiculous,” she muttered, looking around for something to throw at the group of boys.

“I agree,” Jimmy said, moving to the side as Darrin lunged. Sabrina moved with Jimmy, trying to stay out of the way. Darrin tripped over his own feet and landed on one of the tables. He looked dazed, so he must have hit his head. She almost laughed aloud before thinking better of it, as Darrin’s three friends seemed to be getting angrier. They were no longer jeering. One of them moved in to grab her while another tried to hit Jimmy. The third crouched near Darrin, who lay on the ground, clutching his head.