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My eyes met those of the driver. His frown stayed right where it was. He held out his hand. I pulled a wad of notebook paper out of my pocket and placed it in his palm. He took it and grunted. I got in the jeep and we drove out, following him to our next appointment. I looked at my watch. It was 12:15.

XIX Corps Headquarters had moved out of the hotel, which had been taken over entirely by Allied Forces HQ Corps staff had moved to a big palace on the heights above Algiers, near other French Army staff headquarters. We drove up the winding roads, past churches and large houses that rose up from the slopes to look out over the Mediterranean. Harry had to keep downshifting the jeep to make it around the sharp bends in the road as it wound its way up. The truck chugged along slowly. We didn't rush, knowing that Bessette would want to check out the first half of his payment before letting us in. We arrived at a low, white stone wall with an ornate iron gate barring the drive leading into the palace grounds. We parked off the road, outside the gate. The truck drove up, and we got out, waiting for Bessette. He came down the front steps and yelled orders to the guards at the gate. They opened for the truck and let it through, one of them holding up his hand, signaling us to stop. The truck entered the courtyard, stopping by Bessette. The driver handed him something, the notebook pages I'd given him. Bessette signaled him to park. After several minutes he waved to the guards. They opened the gate and let us walk in.

"Just you," Bessette said, pointing to me. "The others, no."

"Nous attendrons ici," Kaz said, and I thought, damn right you'll wait here. I don't want to be left here with these bastards all by myself.

"When my colleagues see me come out, they'll go to get the rest of the notebook, bring it back and hand it over. Then we'll leave together."

"Okay," said Bessette, enjoying his bit of American slang. "Okay, yes? You, come get your rug!" He threw back his head and laughed as he clapped my shoulder. Good buddies. Good business.

I started to perspire as I walked beside Bessette. Yet it wasn't hot up here. Cool breezes flowed up the hill, making the sun's heat bearable. Even so, I could feel a trickle of sweat running down my back. We entered the building and I saw French soldiers, doing all the stuff HQ staff does everywhere. Carry papers, look busy, look important, stay out of the way of the brass. We hoofed it up two flights of a grand staircase, the kind you might see Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers dance down in the movies. At the top we took a left, and a soldier snapped to attention as Bessette passed. This was his territory; these were his guys. I was either going to buy a rug or buy the farm.

"Enter," said Bessette, opening a door and motioning inside.

"After you," I said politely.

"Ah! Good business. Yes, after me." He went in and I followed.

Villard sat in a leather armchair, smoking a cigarette. He didn't look surprised to see me.

"Ah. Lieutenant Boyle, we meet again. I understand you have something for us."

No expression crossed Bessette's face. This was nothing more than a business meeting. I looked away from Villard to Bessette's desk on my left. A pair of candlesticks stood on it, just like back at the hotel. One of them had been nicely cleaned up.

"Sorry if I ruined your ransom racket."

"That was nothing," Villard sneered. "A sideline, yes. But with our source out of the picture, the value of the rebel prisoners lessened. Too bad, really."

"She was a handsome woman, the American captain of nurses," Bessette said, more fully in command of English than before.

"Yes, but not as pretty as some," Villard stared at me, spitting out a piece of stray tobacco. "Nor as young. But variety in love is wonderful, no?"

"In love, yes," said Bessette. "In business, no. You fail to discern the difference, Luc."

Villard threw his cigarette in the ashtray. "Henri…"

Bessette left, slamming the door behind him. I stood between Villard and the door, as his expression changed from surprise to comprehension. Anger, and maybe a hint of fear flashed across his face before he reached for his revolver. But I was ready. I had no fair fight scruples, no illusions about bringing him in alive and letting the law take its course. The war was the law now, and that war had decreed that Luc Villard was free to go about his business. But the war had taught me a few things, too, things that hadn't been agreed to by generals. I had my knife out already as I closed the distance between us in a step. I had planned on telling him why I was going to kill him. I had planned every word, so he would know exactly why I was doing it, what was going to happen, that he was living his last minutes on this earth, drawing his last breath of air. With one blow, I was going to justify myself, to make everything better, to erase those handprints in black and blue all over Diana, and he was going to know it. It didn't work out that way.

I stepped into him, the knife entering his ribcage as he was still trying to unsnap his holster. He kept trying to get it open but his hand flapped at his side like a bird's injured wing. I pushed him, slamming him against the wall, watching his eyes for some evidence of comprehension and remorse, or even anger at being betrayed. Even anguish would have satisfied me. Instead, there was only desperation, his hot breath in my face, his eyes wide and unfocused, his mouth gasping for air. I twisted the knife and felt a rib crack as he let out a cry. I grabbed his shoulder with my left hand and swung him around, throwing him down on the rug in front of Bessette's desk. I stepped on his chest and pulled out the knife. Blood gurgled out of his mouth as he worked his jaw trying to say something, or maybe choking on his own blood. His right hand flapped around on the floor, still vainly searching for the holstered gun. Then he was still. I squatted next to him for a minute, watching. No movement, no breath, no more bubbles of blood. No heartbeat. Luc Villard was dead. Just like that.

I cleaned my knife on his pants and wiped my hands on his blue cape that was folded over the arm of the chair where he had been sitting. I walked out of the room and Bessette was standing in the hallway. With two of his guards, ready with a new rug to go in the room.

"I was not entirely sure which of you would leave that room," Bessette said.

"We both will, but he's going feet first."

In the courtyard, Harry and Kaz were waiting in the jeep. Harry cradled a Sten gun in his lap, his eyes riveted on Bessette who nipped at my heels. I nodded to Kaz. He reached inside his sling and withdrew the notebook containing the other half of the pages.

I handed Bessette the notebook. Good business.

My clothes had blood on them. I changed in the tent as Kaz took the bloody shirt and pants to throw in the garbage. Harry sat outside the tent, smoking, keeping watch. No one spoke. I headed into the hotel, washed my hands, washed my face, and looked in the bathroom mirror. He wasn't the first guy I had killed, but he was the first I'd killed in cold blood. An execution. Murder, some might say. I half-expected to feel guilty, but all I felt was sad, and tired. I wanted to sleep. Or to go down to the bar and get drunk. I looked at the guy in the mirror. He didn't look any different. Was this the old me or the new me? Would Diana recognize which one I was? Could she still love me? Would the red rage return, or would it fade away with her bruises?

I made myself go to Diana's room and knock on her door. She answered it herself. Diana reached up and kissed me on the cheek. She was still happy because of the release of the rebel prisoners. Yvette wasn't there. I went in, wondering which of us needed the other the most, ashamed that I was still thinking of myself.