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Heliocentrists would have you believe the very opposite of what every human who has ever walked the Earth has seen with their own eyes. It is obvious to any child and sovereign-minded adult that the Sun, Moon, stars and planets, every light in the sky above, revolves around the motionless Earth beneath our feet. It is also plain to see that the Sun and Moon are both approximately the same size and situated relatively close to Earth, not 400 times divergent and millions upon millions of miles away. To abandon your senses and every day experience in favor of such unfounded science-fiction fantasies is a fallacy of appeal to authority so extreme that it leaves the brain-washed believer impotent to trust his own natural instincts and forever thereafter chained to the fantastical explanations of astronomical charlatans.

No one ever yet felt or saw the earth careering through space at the terrific rates it is credited with, but everyone who is not blind can see the sun move. But the matter can be tested. It may be known for certain whether the sun moves or not. Take a school globe and place a stile on the semicircle that holds it in position. Cause the globe to rotate against a lamp on a table, and you will find that the shadow left on the globe is always parallel to the equator, at whatever angle you may incline the globe. Further, let the stile be of sufficient length to allow the shadow to fall on to a flat surface, moving the globe towards the lamp, and the shadow will be a straight line. If, therefore, the shadow left on the earth by the sun be a straight line, then undoubtedly the sun is stationary. Drive a stake into the ground in such a position as to expose it to the sun for the greater part of a day - the whole day if possible. Mark the end of the shadow every quarter of an hour, and you will find that the marks form part of an elongated curve, clearly proving that the sun moves over a stationary earth.” -Thomas Winship, “Zetetic Cosmogeny” (113)

The Path of the Sun is Concentric, expanding and contracting daily for six months alternately. This is easily proved by fixing a rod, say at noon on the 21st of December, so that, on looking along it, the line of vision will touch the lower edge of the Sun. This line of sight will continue for several days pretty much the same, but, on the ninth or tenth day, it will be found that the rod will have to be moved considerably toward the zenith, in order to touch the lower edge of the Sun, and every day afterwards it will have to be raised till the 22nd of June. Then there will be little change for a few days as before, but day by day afterwards the rod will have to be lowered till the 21st of December, when the Sun is farthest from the Northern Centre, and it is dark there. This expansion and contraction of the Sun’s path continues every year, and is termed the Northern and Southern Declination, and should demonstrate to Modem Astronomers the absurdity of calling the World a Planet, as it remains stationary while the Sun continues circling round the heavens.” -David Wardlaw Scott, “Terra Firma” (184-5)

Earth is Not a Planet, Planets are Just Stars, and Stars Are Not Suns

In the heliocentric model, Earth is just one of 8 “planets” in our “solar system,” all of which are said to be huge spherical Earth-like habitations or globular gas giants millions of miles away. They claim the Earth under our feet along with these 7 other planets all revolve concentric circles/ellipses around the Sun - hence the term “heliocentric.” The previously prevailing “geocentric” model had placed the Earth as the immovable center of the universe with the Sun, Moon, stars and “planets” all revolving around us, just as they appear. In the heliocentric model, however, which would be more appropriately titled the “Acentric” model, the Sun is only the center of our “solar system,” while itself supposedly simultaneously revolving 500,000 mph spirals around the “Milky Way galaxy” which itself is constantly shooting 670,000,000 mph away from an alleged “Big Bang” creationary explosion at the beginning of time!

In the geocentric model, the 7 “planets” were known as “wandering stars,” with the multitude of other stars known as “fixed stars.” The wandering stars were so called because they can be seen meandering their own unique paths around the heavens while all the other stars remain fixed in their steady group-rotation around Polaris. The wandering stars also happen to be among the brightest in the night sky, and just as heliocentrsits falsely claim the Moon to be a mere reflector of the Sun’s light, they claim the bright starlight of these “planets” is merely them reflecting the Sun’s light back at us! This has already been shown to be geometrically impossible, however, as convex bodies do not and cannot reflect light in this way.

In the heliocentric model, the wandering stars are all supposedly spherical Earth-like places several million miles away from us, while the fixed stars are all allegedly super-distant “suns,” similar to our own, but several trillion miles away, complete with their own “solar systems” and accompanying planets, perhaps even populated with sentient alien beings like ourselves! NASA’s current “official” astronomical statistics state that there are upwards of 10 trillion such “planets” in our “galaxy” alone, and at least 200 billion galaxies in the universe! Therefore, they claim, Earth is only 1 of 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, or one septillion planets in the universe!

Our Modem Astronomers imagine the Stars to be immense worlds or suns, some of them many thousands of times larger than our own, and at an enormous distance. Sir Robert Ball, in his ‘Cause of an Ice-Age,’ p. 77, says of Sirius - that it is ‘a million times as distant from us as the Sun’ - that is, that it is ninety-two millions of millions of miles from the Earth! It is thought that Stars are in a more or less advanced state of development, and that probably some of them may be already inhabited by beings suited to their spheres. Their distance from us they calculate to be so immense, that, according to Sir William Herschel, the light from some of them will take a thousand years to reach this world of ours!” -David Wardlaw Scott, “Terra Firma” (153)

Again, these stars are assumed to have positions so far from the earth that the distance is almost inexpressible; figures, indeed, may be arranged on paper, but in reading them no practical idea is conveyed to the mind. Many are said to be so distant that should they fall with the velocity of light, or above 160,000 miles in a second of time, 600,000,000 of miles per hour, they would require nearly 2,000,000 of years to reach the earth! Sir William Herschel, in a paper on ‘The power of telescopes to penetrate into space,’ affirms that with his powerful instruments he discovered brilliant luminaries so far from the earth that the light which they emitted ‘could not have been less than one million nine hundred thousand years in its progress!’" -Dr. Samuel Rowbotham, “Zetetic Astronomy, Earth Not a Globe!” (376)

The fixed stars are so called, because except for very long periods, they do not appreciably alter their relative positions; and they are mere points of light, so small that the most powerful telescopes cannot magnify them into discs. Yet they are supposed to be suns of immense size, removed by the astronomers to immeasurable distances away from us, for the credit and convenience of their theories.” -Albert Smith, “The Sea-Earth Globe and Its Monstrous Hypothetical Motions” (32)