When the video evidence is examined, even more anomalies are found. In certain frames, light pings can be seen reflecting off overhead stage-wires attached to astronauts’ backpacks. In one Apollo 16 clip an astronaut falls to his knees and is quickly jerked back up to his feet by what can only be an unseen wire hoisting him straight upwards. One of the more obvious video anomalies is how several Apollo missions show American flags flapping around in the non-existent space-wind. The “Moon” is supposed to have no atmosphere and so the flags should remain perfectly still but can often be seen moving quite boisterously. NASA claims the astronauts brushing up against them could cause this, but is clearly not the case, as the flags stay waving for long periods of time with no astronauts touching or even near them. Another interesting video anomaly is discovered by playing NASA’s “Moon” footage at 2X speed then watching the astronauts walking, running, jumping or cruising around on their little buggy. Without the speed adjustment there is a “low-gravity” illusion as the astronauts seem to float, drift, and glide slowly and smoothly along, but once they are seen at 2X speed it becomes clear that they are in “normal-gravity” walking, running, jumping and cruising at normal speeds! They simply reduced the play-speed by 50% in post-production, and voila, instant “Moon” motion.
“Most, if not all, of the photos, films, and videotape of the Apollo Moon Missions are easily proven to be fake. Anyone with the slightest knowledge of photography, lighting and physics can easily prove that NASA faked the visual records of the Apollo Space Program. Some are so obviously fake that when the discrepancies are pointed out to unsuspecting viewers an audible gasp has been heard. Some have actually gone into a mild state of shock. Some people break down and cry. I have even seen others become so angry that they have ripped the offending photos to shreds while screaming incoherently.” -William Cooper
Not only is the video record fraught with fraud, but NASA claims the original Apollo 11 videos have conveniently disappeared from their records so no one can analyze them for authenticity! You read correctly, they spent over $30 billion of American taxpayer money travelling to “the Moon,” and then “lost” the video evidence! Those blurry, ghostly black and white images shown on TV were purposely lousy because NASA insisted at the time that all TV networks must broadcast directly from a big screen display in their operations room, a mandate which all the major networks accepted, and so what the public saw was just a video of a poorly magnified video, and now it is impossible to watch the original! Not only has the Apollo 11 original disappeared, but NASA claims to have lost all original audio tapes from the Apollo missions, and that their contractors have lost all prints/plans for the Lunar Rover, LEM Lander, and Apollo Ship Engines! What are the chances that these are actually lost, and what are the chances that NASA simply cannot have the public scrutinizing their records because of what might be exposed?
“Exploration of the moon stopped because it was impossible to continue the hoax without being ultimately discovered, and of course they ran out of pre-filmed episodes. No man has ever ascended higher than 300 miles, if that high, above the Earth’s surface. No man has ever orbited, landed on, or walked upon the moon in any publicly known space program. If you doubt this please explain how the astronauts walked upon the moon ‘s surface enclosed in a space suit in full sunlight absorbing a minimum of 265 degrees of heat surrounded by a vacuum.” -William Cooper
Temperatures on the Moon supposedly range from 279 degrees below zero “during the depths of the lunar night” which is far colder than even Antarctica’s coldest winter, and up to 243 degrees above zero at lunar midday, which is hotter than boiling water. NASA claims their special suits are fitted with both heating and cooling systems, but nothing which could withstand these incredible temperatures. These suits are also supposedly pressurized to keep the vacuum non-pressure of space from bursting their blood vessels, but they clearly have deep creases and wrinkles all over; astronauts in true pressurized suits would look like the Michelin Man bubbling out. Also the amount of radiation in space, especially through the Van Allen belt, is far too intense for them to be “space-walking” in such flimsy suits. One Russian study found that the amount of radiation present on the Moon would require astronauts to be clothed in 4 feet of lead in order to avoid instant death. John Mauldin, a NASA physicist, said they would need at least two meters of thick shielding around them at all times, yet there they are, bouncing around “the Moon” in their two-inch thin suits.
Another solid proof of NASA living up to its forked serpent-tongue logo are the many supposed “Moon” rocks given to museums the world over by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. Shortly after Apollo 11, private investigator Paul Jacobs reported asking the U.S. Department of Geology head whether he had examined the Moon rocks and if he could verify their authenticity, to which the geologist simply laughed and insinuated that people high in the U.S. government knew all about the cover-up. More recently, in 2009, curators at Amsterdam’s Rijksmuseum investigated their “Moon rock” personally given to them by Armstrong and Aldrin in 1969 only to find that it was actually a worthless piece of petrified wood!
Bill Kaysing, another Moon hoax researcher, worked at Rocketdyne where NASA Saturn V rocket engines were built and became exposed to documents pertaining to the Mercury, Gemini, Atlas and Apollo NASA programs, which proved trickery was afoot. Kaysing said of the documents that, “one does not need an engineering or science degree to determine that a hoax was being perpetrated.” He wrote a book about his findings called “We Never Went to the Moon: America’s Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle.” In it he exposes how NASA staged both the Apollo 1 fire and Challenger “accident” deliberately murdering the astronauts on board to silence them.
Before the first Apollo mission ever even cleared the launch pad, eleven NASA astronauts died in highly suspicious “accidents.” Gus Grissom, Roger Chaffee and Ed White were all cremated together in an Apollo capsule fire during a completely unnecessary and dangerous test where they were strapped down and locked into a 100% oxygen chamber which incinerated the three of them to death in seconds. Seven other astronauts, Ted Freemen, Charles Basset, Elliot See, Russell Rogers, Clifton Williams, Michael Adams and Robert Lawrence died in six separate airplane crashes, and Ed Givens in a car crash! Eight of these deaths were in 1967 alone. So many astronauts coincidentally dying under such circumstances is highly unlikely, and lends credence to the idea that these were intentional hits by the Masons trying to find the right people to sell their hoax.