One of the most outspoken of the fallen astronauts was Gus Grissom. By 1967 Grissom had become increasingly irritated and vocally negative about NASA’s chances of ever landing man on the Moon. He stated the odds were “pretty slim” and famously hung a lemon on the Apollo capsule after it repeatedly failed safety testing procedures. Grissom threatened to go public with his complaints about the LEM, and even told his wife Betty, “If there ever is a serious accident in the space program, it’s likely to be me.” Right after his murder, government agents raided Grissom’s house before anyone had been informed about the fire or his death. They removed all his personal papers and his diary, never to be returned.
“In a prosecutorial mode, I accuse NASA, the CIA, and whatever super-secret group that controls the shadow government of these United States of fraud on the grandest scale imaginable, of murder by arson, and of larceny of over $40 billion in conjunction with the Apollo program that allegedly landed men on the Moon. I also accuse them of violating a federal law against lobbying by government-funded entities and of serial murder of low-level NASA employees, witnesses, and other citizens who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Such accusations seem incredible because none of us ever want to believe our governmental father is deceiving us. However, by the end of this book, even the most trusting reader will have no doubt that NASA MOONED AMERICA!” -Ralph Rene, “NASA Mooned America!”
In 2001, investigative journalist and award-winning filmmaker Bart Sibrel produced the excellent documentary “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon.” When requesting footage for his movie, Sibrel was sent either by mistake or by a well-meaning whistle-blower, an official raw slated NASA clip from the Apollo 11 mission showing a young Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong and Michael Collins, for almost an hour, using transparencies and camera-tricks to fake shots of a round Earth! They communicate over audio with control in Houston about how to accurately stage the shot, and someone keeps prompting them on how to effectively manipulate the camera to achieve the desired effect. First, they blacked out all the windows except for a downward facing circular one, which they aimed the camera towards from several feet away. This created the illusion of a ball-shaped Earth surrounded by the blackness of space, when in fact it was simply a round window in their dark cabin. Neil Armstrong claimed at this point to be 130,000 miles from Earth, half-way to the Moon, but when camera-tricks were finished the viewer could see for themselves the astro-nots were not more than a hundred miles above the Earth’s surface, likely flying in a high-altitude plane!
“Many gullible people still accept NASA’s claim of sending men to the Moon, without bothering to carry out any research, or investigation, to see if NASA are indeed telling the truth. There are some who will never accept the Moon missions were faked, regardless of how much factual evidence of a fake is put before them.” -Sam Colby, “N.A.S.A. Numerous Anomalies and Scams Abound”
In 2004, Bart Sibrel completed a second documentary entitled “Astronauts Gone Wild” where he set out to film interviews with Apollo astronauts and ask them to swear on the Bible that they walked on the Moon. In reaction to Sibrel’s accusations many of the astronauts indeed “went wild.” John Young of Apollo 10 and 16 threatened to “knock him in the head,” then ran away into a nearby closing elevator. Ed Mitchell of Apollo 14 literally kicked him out the door and threatened to shoot him! Buzz Aldrin punched him square in the face! The documentary is a fascinating psychological study, watching the astronauts repeatedly squirm and quickly escalate to threats and violence; they behave more like pathological liars than honorable cosmonauts. Many of them have battled depression and alcoholism since “returning from the Moon” as well.
Buzz Aldrin was once asked at a NASA banquet what it felt like to first step onto the lunar surface. He staggered to his feet speechless then left crying uncontrollably. On the 25th anniversary event for the Apollo 11 landing, one of the few interview appearances Armstrong ever made, he gave a cryptic speech basically telling the young people in attendance that there were many truths about Apollo they could uncover if they dug deep enough! He said holding tears back, “Today we have with us a group of young students, America’s best. To you we say we have only completed a beginning. We leave you much that is undone. There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth’s protective layers.”
In the past 45 years the Masons in Hollywood and NASA have only gotten more adept at Photoshop, CGI, and faking shots of Earth from space. Hit movies like “Apollo 13” and “Gravity” show how realistic and convincing these sound-stage, green-screen, computer-built environments can be. People believe it more too. A Knights Newspaper survey taken just after the Apollo landings found 30% of Americans were “suspicious of NASA’s trips to the Moon.” A Gallup poll taken in 1999 found only 6% of Americans had any doubt the Apollo astronauts walked on the Moon.
“NASA is now preparing to take us to Mars the same way they took us to the Moon. This time a small cadre of computer experts will astound us with photos created by the new digitized computer graphics which didn’t exist in 1969. Next time we will have no way of determining the truth.” -Ralph Rene, “NASA Mooned America!” (2)
Since the faked Apollo moon landings in 1969 NASA has moved on to faking Mars landings with the 1976 Viking, 1997 Pathfinder, and 2007 Phoenix. Right after “landing” they got straight to work photoshopping the famous “Face on Mars,” Martian pyramids, and the supposed Martian city of Cydonia. NASA shills like Richard Hoagland and Steven Greer have ever since been propagating the idea that this and other “evidence” proves the existence of extra-terrestrial aliens. Just like the faked Moon landings, however, their science-fiction “Mars” landings are utter bold-faced lies. To begin with, the “planets,” (formerly known as “wandering stars”) are not terrestrial Earth-like habitations capable of landing anything on! The Sun, Moon and stars are all simply luminaries, celestial lights relatively close to Earth, not something tangible and solid that humans could ever walk on.
“The planets are not solid, opaque masses of matter, as is believed. They are simply immaterial, luminous and transparent discs.” -Gabrielle Henriet, “Heaven and Earth” (23)
Even assuming Mars was an actual spherical desert planet as NASA claims, it is impossible for them to have safely landed the probes based on their own trials and statistics. They say the surface pressure on Mars is only 3/10ths of 1% the surface pressure on Earth, and equivalent to the pressure at about 23 miles above Earth. There is not enough air matter at that pressure, however, to provide any lift for opening and billowing out the parachutes NASA uses to land its Mars probes. No parachute ever devised has been able to successfully deploy at that altitude; they simply stream straight back then never fill the rest of the way down. Joe Kittenger’s record highest, fastest, and longest parachute dive from the Earth’s upper atmosphere had him free-falling from only 19 miles high for 15 minutes at 767 mph and his drogue chute proved useless and offered no deceleration. Yet NASA would have us believe, for example, that Phoenix’s parachute managed to somehow slow it down from 12,738 mph to 123 mph in just 2.86 minutes before its final landing. In other words, NASA is claiming to do something on Mars that we have no evidence is even possible on Earth at significantly lower altitude and 16 times slower speed!