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On July 14, 1976 the orbiter modual which weighed 5,125 pounds detached its lander. I can find no listed weight in my encyclopedia on space but since it could carry up to 638 pounds of fuel in addition to its payload that lander had to weigh at least 1000 pounds. NASA claims that after the lander was detached rockets were used to slow it down to 560 mph at an altitude of 800,000 feet. Then it was allowed to fall 781,000 feet under Martian gravity before a parachute was deployed at 19,000 feet. At 4,600 feet this chute was detached and NASA tells us that it then had a velocity of 145 mph. Rocket engines under computer control then landed it. Martian gravity is about .37 that of Earth. Earth’s gravity accelerates an object at 32 feet per second. This gives Mars the ability to accelerate an object at 11.84 feet per second. The 560 miles an hour horizontal motion will not affect the downward velocity of an object that falls 781,000 feet on Mars. The terminal velocity at the time the chute was deployed was about 4,300 feet per second (which is almost 3,000 mph.) That’s much faster than a speeding bullet. NASA claims that in a matter of 14,400 feet that chute operating under near vacuum conditions reduced the lander’s speed to 145 mph. Sure it did! That was then; let’s look at now. The next probe to land on Mars did so on July 4, 1997. NASA tells us that the ‘Pathfinder’ came in at 16,600 mph and was then jettisoned to boldly plunge into the fringes of the Martian atmosphere without using retrorockets to enter orbit. As usual, there were two different histories given by NASA. The first states that by some miracle during the next minute its speed was reduced to 1,000 mph. The second states that it was jettisoned at 5,300 miles and its speed was reduced in 30 minutes while it fell to 80 miles. In the first case the de-acceleration would have been incredible. However, in the second case the Pathfinder would be at the 80 mile high place still doing 4,280 mph. The NASA story gets murky, but it is assumed the Pathfinder was again allowed to free fall until it was 7 miles high when NASA claims the parachute opened. Instead of streaming because it had been popped in almost a vacuum, it billowed forth and slowed the Pathfinder down. ‘When it was one mile up it dropped the chute, blew up the airbag, and fired retrorockets reducing its speed to 23 mph. Then the air bag hit the ground and bounced either 3 times or 16 times’ [depending on which official NASA source you ‘believe’]” -Ralph Rene, “NASA Mooned America!” (175)

MX News on June 3rd, 2008 featured a picture given to them by NASA of the Phoenix’s first dig into “Martian” soil. But on June 6th, 2008, three days later, The London Daily Telegraph reported from NASA that “another communications glitch stopped NASA’s Phoenix lander again from making its first dig into Martian soil.” How could they give the photo to MX news if they had yet to make their first dig, and why can they never keep their stories straight?

Then “Mars” Phoenix Lander’s robotic arm photographed image 896662759 taken at 14:39:37 LST and image 896662868 at 14:41:23 LST only 2 minutes and 46 seconds later. In the first image there is a fallen loose screw visible by the leg which disappears before the second photo is taken. NASA themselves claimed the robot arm did not touch “Martian” soil until the next day so they cannot claim to have moved it themselves, and the topical arrangement of sand/rocks remains exactly the same, so it cannot be explained by strong winds. Thus the question remains, who picked up the screw? More than likely an observant and well-meaning stage-hand picked it up between shots!

Jarrah White, a diligent Mars hoax researcher also noticed that the Columbia commemorative plaque attached to the Spirit rover on “Mars” photos and videos is not the same one pictured on Earth seconds before launch. This is blatant proof that photo trickery is going on with these Mars missions. Several photography experts have even mentioned how “Mars” looks exactly like Arizona or parts of the Australian outback desert and it appears NASA simply added a red tint to the atmosphere in post-production. By using the “Auto-Levels Tool” in Photoshop, official NASA Mars photographs lose their red-tint, however, and look exactly like the Earth.

“In the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying." -Adolf Hitler

Since 1973 over one billion children all over the world have grown into adults. They’ve been taught to believe in the fairy tale that we landed men on the Moon. I hope this book will one day banish forever this fanciful tale and relegate the story of NASA’s Moon and Mars landings to the realm of fraud where they belong.” -Ralph Rene, “NASA Mooned America!”

Evolution is a Lie, Intelligent Design is the Truth!

The popular modern scientific-materialist-atheist worldview propagated by NASA, the mainstream media and the public education system is that you are here because nothingness for no reason exploded and created everything! Before time, space, matter, consciousness, intelligence, and life, there was nothing. Then the nothingness exploded, and instead of destroying things like every other explosion ever, this explosion created things, created everything! The nothingness explosion somehow created space, time and all matter in the universe in an instant and for no reason at all. Then all the creationary explosive debris flying outwards at over 670 million miles per hour for 14 billion years culminated to create you!

Yes, first some of the more gaseous nothing came together forming suns and stars, then solid pieces of the nothing came together forming planets and moons, then the nothing-turned-hydrogen and oxygen came together forming water on the nothing planet Earth, out of which single-celled living organisms magically appeared, got to work dividing and multiplying into multi-celled conscious organisms, which multiplied and divided and mutated into various forms of sea-life which adapted and evolved and crawled onto land, replaced gills with lungs, lost tails, grew opposable thumbs and started grasping at straws like this ridiculous nihilistic notion of Big Bang evolution.