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And she hadn't even learned the dazzling variety of tricks about fucking that Linda knew. She was a natural, born to get men hard just by licking her lips, born to fuck so torridly they'd never forget her.

Terry was whipping her throbbing cunt back and forth in a fury now, then suddenly wiggling it from side to side, then swinging her sift in wide dreamy circles, her soft screams filling the bedroom, her long blonde hair billowing put behind her as she rode him like an angel of lust.

"Big tot prick is mine, all mine!" she raved, clawing his flanks as she fucked him feverishly. "Belongs to me, not Linda! Every – aooooooooh – fat inch! Unnnnnnnnngh!"

At that moment Mike didn't feel like arguing with her about it. In fact, he'd already decided to screw Terry to the point of exhaustion and to hell with his wife in the meantime. Christ, even Linda on their honeymoon wasn't this passionate or tight or exciting.

With a deep blissful moan, Terry fell down on top of him, swinging her hips in violent spasms as her cunt gushed with her blazing climax. She found his tongue and bit down on it and left red welts on his shoulders with her crazed fingers.

Mike couldn't have held his load back any longer under her slippery pussy if his own wife came in and fainted on the spot. She was sucking his jism out of him like a velvet pump, thrashing her slit on him deliriously, sweat pouring off her silken nakedness in rivulets.

They came together in a series of spasms and groans, Terry's luscious ass shuddering madly for five full minutes. Even after he was limp and dry, she kept squeezing her fiery crack on him, trying to get him up again in seconds.

"Need a rest, kid," he panted, pushing her off him with force. "I'm not an electric screwing machine, you know."

Terry's eyes burned with an insatiable gleam. "Well, I am, Mike. And you're not about to get soft on me, honey."

She scrambled down between his husky thighs and a minute later Mike wearily groaned. Goddamn if she wasn't getting him stiff again, using her greedy mouth like her hot sucking pussy. All he had to do was push her away.

But he didn't want to. Nothing Linda ever did for him prepared him for the hot, delicious fuck her little sister turned out to be, and the eighteen-year-old might even suck and fuck him to death before her two-week vacation was up, but at this moment with her tight hot mouth working on him in a frenzy of lust he didn't give a damn.

Two hours later he staggered into the kitchen and got a beer. She'd followed him, naked, and sat on his lap at the kitchen table while drank it, rubbing and squirming her hot ass lasciviously on him, ramming one of her sweet tits into his mouth between gulps of beer.

He knew then he'd simply have to get someone else to relieve him or he wouldn't be able to keep his job. His prick felt like ground round and he didn't have any will power left, not with her luscious little cunt. There was magic in her eighteen-year-old pussy and pouting mouth, so electrifying he couldn't resist her.

It was beginning to look like he'd mated the wrong sister.

"Look, Terry, why don't you go out tomorrow and hustle a date for yourself, huh? Give some lucky kid your own age a break. I need a rest, baby."

"Nice kids make me puke," she sneered. "Aren't you man enough to handle it, Mike?"

His face burned. The little bitch knew how to get to him and fast.

"One more snotty remark out of you and I'll paddle your ass," he said ominously.

She grinned and climbed off his lap and then huddled over his thighs, with her lovely naked cheeks trembling.

"Go ahead," she whispered. "And then kiss and lick it afterward, Mike, 'cause you know it'll turn you on."

He spanked the hell out of her with vicious smacks, which only excited her more. And himself.

And to his humiliation and surprise he found himself actually licking and kissing her luscious pink ass afterward, drawn irresistibly by the hot silky flesh.

His wife's kid sister was wrapping him around her little finger like a dainty ribbon. He realized with a shock after he fucked her again on the kitchen floor that he was becoming hooked on her, like a eighteen-year-old himself.

When they both lay gasping for breath on the floor, Terry turned to him with an evil smile, startling on her innocent face. She stroked his exhausted cock with loving fingers.

"Hey, stud. Let's run off to L.A.. Just you and me, swinging every night without waiting for Linda to come home and spoil it. What do you say?"

"Cut that crap out," he snapped angrily. "You're talking about your own sister and my wife."

"I can get a job as a waitress in a crummy restaurant or as a carhop, and you can drive a bus down there," Terry went on as if he hadn't said anything. "And every morning I'll eat you for breakfast, and all we'll do is go to drive-ins and screw and watch TV and drink beer. And smoke a little dope. And live happily ever after."

"Crazy Goddamn kid-talk," Mike muttered, standing up and grabbing another beer from the refrigerator.

But she'd planted the seed in his mind. She embraced him from behind and rubbed her tits into his back and squirmed her wet, hot cunt to his bare ass lewdly.

"Let's take another shower, stud."

He was about to tell her where to go, when she reached around to seize his chafed prick. She began jerking it softly in her warm fist, and a tingle began deep in his loins.

It was the seventh time for him in three hours, breaking his old record of six with Linda in an all-night session.

Even after the savage and thrilling fuck in the shower, she wouldn't leave him alone. She stalked him around the apartment, greedy and relentless, insatiable and completely uncontrollable.

Mike found himself wondering what the weather would be like in Los Angeles.


The Horn Inn was a roadside restaurant that did a volume business every night. This night in particular was extremely heavy, and Violet realized with irritation that it would be impossible for her and Linda to get a break at the same time.

All the brunette wanted to do was grab a few lascivious licks in the employees' bathroom, go down on Linda for a couple of minutes just to keep her hotly primed. But she was consoled by the thought that the sexy blonde was coining home with her after work.

Or so she thought until an hour before closing time.

That's when she saw Linda talking excitedly to a tall, sleekly handsome man at the bar. They seemed to know each other. The man would squeeze Linda's hand and give her an affectionate kiss from time to time.

About a half hour before closing time, Violet had a chance to talk to Linda briefly.

"He's a guy I used to go with before I married Mike," Linda told her, her eyes glowing with excitement. "Gee, Violet, I don't know about [missing text]."

The blonde looked confused. She wanted to go home with Violet, obviously still hot from her wild initiation last night, but she wanted to be with her old boyfriend too.

Violet made a snap decision. She'd been watching the man for a while earlier, observing him, and something about his easy grin and calculating eyes struck a chord of recognition in her.

He was a selfish, grade A bastard if she ever saw one, the kind that hustled women for whatever he could get, Linda was too inexperienced to know that, of course. Women could be so dumb!

"Well, look honey," the brunette murmured, stroking Linda's wrist suggestively and feeling her tremble in response, "why don't the both of you come over to my place? We'll have a few drinks together and you guys and chew the fat. Of course, if you want to be alone with him you can just leave after a little while, but we can party it up if you feel like it, too."