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Eagerly, Sally rushed to obey. She scrambled down between his muscled thighs and gripped his thick meat in her fist gently. Purring happily, she flicked her long wet tongue out and Mike gasped as she whirled it lasciviously around his knob.

Then the voluptuous redhead began her super special. She slid as much of his long rod as she could into her warm mouth and started teasing it, cautiously nibbling with her teeth, sucking slow and dreamily to send delicious tingles through his erection. At the same time Mike cupped her head in his hands and began fucking her in the mouth with lewd but leisurely strokes.

Every time his huge prick began to swell and quiver in her mouth, Sally quickly withdrew her lips and darted them down to his balls. She sucked and kissed his hairy testicles with loving lips and tongue, easing up on the thrills to prolong her fervent blowjob.

It was Mike who'd taught her the super special, instructing her patiently the first time he'd screwed her. Her first attempts at blowing him had been clumsy and overeager, a direct assault intended to suck the cream out of his loins as fast as possible. That was the way her husband had taught her, the selfish bastard.

But Mike had trained her quickly, going into vivid detail over the way his own hungry wife went down on him. Determined to outdo his wife, Sally not only learned fast but added a few of her own frills. She would arouse him to the point of ejaculating and suddenly pull her mouth away and blow cooling gusts of air on his prick. Then she'd grasp only the giant knob of his rod in her lips and wriggle her mouth in feverish circles or just shower tiny kisses along the entire length of his hot dick for a few minutes.

"Ooooooh, nice, Sally, terrific blowjob, baby!" Mike groaned when the panting redhead abruptly rammed most of his rod into her mouth and simply held it with soft sucking motions. "Hey, Sally, you're getting to be too much, you beautiful cocksucker!"

Mike lay back casually and wallowed in the dreamy blowjob, not in the slightest bit anxious to get his rocks off now that they had plenty of time. In fact, he'd sort of miss the wildly passionate redhead in the next two weeks. He knew he could slip in a few furtive fucks on the sly if he wanted, even though Sally moved back in with her mother when she was divorced and they'd probably have to go to a motel because of Linda's little sister.

But a vacation would be good for both of them. There would be a lot of time to makeup for when they got back together, a storm of tempestuous fucking to look forward to.

Absence made the pussy grow hotter, he'd learned.

As the lustful divorcee nibbled and kissed and sucked his prick, Mike wondered what Linda's sister would be like. All he knew about her was what Linda had told him. She was eighteen, had gotten into trouble up in San Francisco with the cops a few times over truancy and grass and generally had "behavior problems", as Linda quaintly put it. Meaning, Mike thought wryly, the little bitch was rebellious and nasty and probably a big rude pain in the ass.

But it was only for two weeks. And, what the hell, she might even be cute, considering Linda was one of the sexiest things on high heels. Not her face, which was only vaguely pretty, just a cut above average, but her magnificently curved tits and ass and long, shapely legs. And fantastically wild pussy.

One thing about his wife. Even after two years of nightly sucking and fucking, Mike wasn't the least bit tired of her. He had to have his variety, meaning juicy ass on the side like Sally, but no one could even come close to his leggy blonde wife for sheer excitement, for nerve-racking, spine-tingling, wildly torrid sex. Sometimes Mike thought Linda's cunt was plugged into an electric socket, along with her tight lush mouth and silken hot ass.

Suddenly the moaning redhead beneath him had gone crazy with hunger. She stopped the teasing ritual and was now sucking his boiling meat with fierce intensity, whipping her mouth up and down on his cock with ravenous greed. She wanted his gushing cream in her mouth so fervently tears of urgency were streaming down her cheeks.

"Hey, Sally, shit! Ooooooo, honey, mmmmmmm! Goddamn eat it, suck it, wheeeeeewwwww, wow!"

The moment the first stinging drop burst in her frenzied mouth Sally jerked the trunk of his meat rapidly in her tight hot fist. The thick stream erupted deep in her throat, salty and burning. She swallowed it in fast greedy gulps, craving even more when he went limp, rolling the last few drops around her mouth to memorize the pungent flavor. "Ease up," he cautioned her when she continued sucking madly on his deflated rod. "It's only gonna be two weeks, not two years!"

Slowly, Sally released his prick and sat up with a sigh. "I swear I won't brush my teeth until I see you again," she said. "Lord, I wish I had a gallon of that stuff to take home with me!"

"You won't starve," Mike said sarcastically. She'd probably be so hot for it she'd go down on everything in pants for two weeks, but he couldn't care less. All Mike had to do was snap his fingers once and she'd come running like a puppy dog, and they both knew it.

Sally climbed up on top of him and rubbed her big luscious tits lewdly against his chest. "You know, I've never seen your wife's little sister and probably never will, but I hate the little bitch already," Sally sighed.

"Yeah, well I don't enjoy playing big brother either," Mike said. "But hell, Sally, I've gotta keep my wife happy too, you know."

"You've got enough to keep us all happy," Sally whispered, gyrating her hot soaked pussy to his soft cock. "Just one more time, honey?"

He slapped her naked ass so hard she cried out. "Move it, Sally, for real. I need some sleep. I work too, you know."

Reluctantly, the shapely redhead got up and slowly dressed. She leaned down and kissed him goodbye, bringing her wet lips down to his prick in a tender farewell.

"Whoever I have to do it with, I'll be thinking of you, Mike. Only you."

"Me too," he lied, yawning. "But don't call me, I'll call you, okay?"

"All right," she said, standing with her gorgeous tits thrusting against her dress. "But I'll be seeing you every day, stud. If I can't ride your beautiful cock, I can at least ride your bus."

"Just don't pick up any of my passengers," Mike grinned. "Now beat it."

When she was gone, Mike stretched luxuriously and began drifting off into sleep. For a few moments he felt the faintest twinge of guilt. Hell, here was his faithful young wife working her ripe ass off to make money so they could buy a house while he was screwing the lust-happy divorcee in the bed. Then he reminded himself that what you didn't know couldn't hurt you. With that consoling thought, he fell into a deep sleep.

He forgot the saying worked both ways.

His faithful ripe-assed young wife was at that moment getting ready for a violent, unforgettable session of raw hot sex, for a roller-coaster ride of such intense thrills even Mike would have been shocked if he knew.

Especially if ha could see her beautiful partner.


The hot pulsing in Linda's cunt grew more excited as she crossed her long silken legs and raised her fresh drink to her lips.

"I mean, even as bartenders go he must be the biggest asshole in the world," Violet said, her dark eyes blazing on Linda's sleek body.

The brunette cocktail waitress licked her lips hungrily as she smiled at the blonde sitting next to her on her sofa. Smaller than Linda, with huge lustrous eyes and a softly rounded body that reeked with sex-vitality, Violet had to resist the wild urge to just burrow her head down between the blonde's smooth thighs and suck her off in a frenzy without any further buildup. Goddamn, Linda had a fantastic body! Her face was just so-so, although her lips were thick and sensual, but her proud luscious tits and lushly curved ass were like neon signs of lust.