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Belly Martin’s stomach sagged obscenely over his waistband, and his pudgy fingers would lift leftovers from a neighbour’s school-dinner plate straight into his gaping mouth. Fat boys are usually ridiculed at school, both in comics and in reality, but Belly was too ghastly to have even that fate befall him. He was not the archetypal fat boy.

Indeed, Sandy often shuddered when he contemplated the differences. Belly was vicious. He would hug you to him in a clinch and would crush your face against his chest, smothering you. His shirt smelled of vinegar, as if he had not washed for a long time. He lied and stole and cheated, and if confronted by a teacher would retreat into the guise of typical fat boy — picked on, unloved, unwanted, innocent. To the frustration of his classmates, it was a part he played to perfection. He would spread his arms wide plaintively, and his eyes and mouth would open in astonishment, then he would blurt out his controlled acting until the teacher frowned and looked again for a culprit. Belly would soon be grinning, and would reach a hand deep into his trouser pocket, wriggling it around until he found some ancient paper-covered sweet. This he would crunch into tiny pieces, still laughing and slavering mild taunts at those who had informed on him.

‘Ha! Better luck next time, clipes. Go tell fucking teacher. Ha!’

Sandy was revolted by the boy and always had been. He seemed impervious to pain, either mental or physical, like a lumbering dinosaur. That was the frustrating thing. Sandy tried not to be sitting near him in the examination hall. Belly scratched his bemused face with a rasping sound like the unwrapping of a difficult toffee and made life unbearable for those around him.

Revenges, often colossal in intent, were planned against him, but were never carried through with any degree of success. Sandy had planned several of his own. The simplest was the braining of Belly with an empty bottle in a dark alley. The most complex involved pieces of machinery, a trifle containing ground glass, and a nest of rats. Sandy used to keep these plans in a stolen jotter in his secret drawer at home, but he had guiltily torn them up just before his exams in case there was a God and it or he or she decided to spite him with low marks. It had been childish anyway. Any worthwhile revenge would be simple and short-winded. But what? That was the problem.

After the final examination, Economics, a few of them went down to the park with a carry-out filched from Colin’s father’s drinks cabinet. They leapt what had once been the hot burn — now a sorry old thing, dehydrated, its clay a raw, rusty colour — and jogged across the playing field in the direction of a small pond in the Wilderness. They carried the cans of warm lager inside their rolled-up jackets. They were so nearly men, only weeks away from the dole and the free money that came with it.

All except Sandy.

‘Christmas!’ yelled Colin. ‘Christ’s Mass! Sandy’s got to stay on till Christmas!’ As Sandy wiped his damp forehead he found it impossibly difficult to envisage snow and being wrapped up in layers of clothes and rushing to the fireside. It seemed too ludicrous an idea to have any grounding in the real world. He became disorientated, and almost asked his companions if they really believed in something as alien as snow. Then his head cleared a little, just in time for him to realise that they were crossing the pipeline over the river. He watched the others playing at being acrobats as they walked over the slender cylinder, then walked across himself, his legs trembling. They were waiting on the other side, laughing and pleading with him to fall off. He tried to smile, but kept looking down at the long green tendrils of weed in the water below. Once over, he leapt from the pipe on to crumbly brown earth. It was a good feeling. They jogged the rest of the way through the field to a pool of algae covered water. Immediately one of them, Clark, stripped, and penis waving like a comedian’s wand ran into the pond. He shrieked, but no one told him to be quiet. They were truly in the wilds here. No one would hear them shout or laugh or scream. Clark splashed out of the pool, green tapioca clinging to his white body. He scratched it away with a look of disgust.

‘It’s freezing in there,’ he said. ‘Dare you.’ He looked around, but the rest of them were busy opening cans and catching the foam in their mouths. He wiped himself with his T-shirt. ‘Fair shares,’ he said, walking towards them.

They lay in the long grass and stared at the sky as if it were a picture-show. They had blades of grass in their mouths. It was a time for lazing. They had spent their energy fighting in the pool.

‘The dole in eight weeks,’ said Clark. ‘I can’t believe it.’

‘It would be better if we all had jobs, though,’ said Colin.

‘Ach, we’ll get jobs eventually,’ said Mark. ‘We’ve deserved our rest. Complete rest and relaxation. No early rises except when you’ve to sign on. It’s just what the doctor ordered.’

‘Oh aye?’ said Sandy. ‘Seeing the doctor, are you, Mark? I wonder what for?’

‘The clap if I know him.’

‘Now, now, lads. Let’s not be too hasty in condemning the poor sod. Let’s condemn him slowly.’

‘Ha fucking ha,’ said Mark.

‘Any advance on that?’ said Sandy.

‘But seriously, guys. No more school! It’s like being let out of jail after doing thirty years’ hard labour.’

‘Now, now, Mark. Remember one of us has to go back.’

‘Oh yes. Sorry, Witchy. I forgot.’

‘I don’t like being called Witchy, Marcus.’

‘I don’t like being called Marcus, Witchy.’

Sandy stuck a hand up into the air and Mark clasped it. They shook. Then there was silence for a time. Sandy lay with his shirt crumpled over his genitalia. They had to be protected, he had told his friends, as you never knew when they would come in handy. Sandy worked hard at every utterance he made in this group. His jokes were his defence in a way, and were also what had first gained him entrance to the gang. He did not want to lose his privilege.

‘Freedom,’ said Clark. ‘It’s okay, Sandy. You don’t have any exams when you go back. No work to do. Just sit it out, like you were in jail in Monopoly.’ Everyone chuckled, grass still wedged between teeth. The sun was too bright. It made Sandy’s eyes dizzy to look at it. He watched the blood red of a foetus form whenever he closed his eyelids.

‘That little shit Belly Martin. It’s about time somebody got him. And good, too. Give him something as a souvenir.’

‘You’re right, Colin. But how?’ They thought for a few moments.

‘Bring him down here,’ said Sandy, savouring the words as they formed inside his aching head, ‘and throw him in the pond. Then leave him, naked, wet, lost in the dark, and just go home.’ Somebody sat up. Their shadow blocked the sun.

Sandy peered up but could not see who it was.

‘That’s brilliant, Sandy. But how do we capture him?’ said Colin.

‘Kidnap him some evening when he leaves the chip shop,’ said Sandy, closing his eyes again.

‘It’s a fine plan,’ Clark said lazily.

‘A great plan,’ said Colin. Everybody agreed. ‘So great that I think we should have a trial run!’ Colin was on Sandy immediately. Sandy gasped, nearly choking on his blade of grass. He clung with one hand to his shirt while the other clawed at the earth. Colin was dragging him by the feet towards the pond. Too late, Sandy released his grip on the shirt and grabbed for Colin. With a splash, he had been thrown in a semi-circle right into the pond. He was going down. It seemed incredibly deep, and certainly much deeper than it had been twenty minutes before. It was like being tossed into the sea from a helicopter. Sandy turned and turned. He sucked in some liquid and began spluttering. The water was sour for a second and then was bland, filling his mouth, trickling down his resisting throat. It was dark down there, but he fought against the darkness. His feet touched bottom. He pushed hard, and his head rose above the surface. Someone was shouting.