Dylan smiled. “He should be sleeping.”
“I’m not tired,” Chris’ voice carried through the wall.
Mick shook his head. “At least Dustin and Tigger are out.” He dropped his voice to a whisper. “I would suggest… you know. But…” he motioned his head toward the wall.
Dylan laughed.
Chris pounded on the wall.
Chuckling, Dylan snuggled closer to Mick. “We should sleep. Both of us. Just like this.”
“Want to?” Mick asked.
From the other side of the wall, Chris replied. “Please. I need quiet.”
Mick lifted his arm and banged once. “Go to sleep.” Arm still out, he reached to the night stand and grabbed the alarm clock. He started to set it. “I’ll get up in an hour, check the boys, then crash for the other two. How’s that sound?”
“Sounds good.” Dylan reached down for the blanket and covered them, then snuggled up close to Mick. Her hand rested on his chest.
“Don’t play with my nipple,” Mick joked.
Chris gave a pound. “That’s gross.”
Smiling, Mick looked down at Dylan. “You didn’t say anything about what Lars told me.”
“I’m glad.” Dylan nodded. “Very. But it doesn’t seem quite fair.”
“I blame it on the swine flu when I was four.”
“That’s not what I mean. It is fair about that, but not about us.”
Mick looked at her, confused. “What do you mean?”
Dylan exhaled. “Well, look at us. Look at our family. There’s you. And knock on wood,” Dylan reached and knocked lightly on the night stand, “I’m not sick, Dustin and Tigger so far have been spared when almost all the other kids are ill. Chris made it. My dad, my mom, your mom. We’re lucky, and then I look at the Ross family. Both their boys died this morning and Mrs. Ross isn’t gonna make it.”
Mick closed his eyes. “There is no rhyme or reason, Dylan, for what is happening. None.” After a pause, Mick glanced down at her. “I want to ask you something.”
Three soft pounds hit against the wall. “Ask her when you wake up!” Chris shouted.
“Go to sleep,” Mick ordered him then directed his attention to Dylan. “I know we’ve never discussed it. But I’ve been thinking about it a lot for some reason. The world right now… is gonna be fucked up. I know that, you know that. But I think, no, I know I’m strong enough to take care of you all despite the odds. Do you believe that?”
“With all my heart.”
Mick exhaled. “OK, without making me feel stupid, and without shooting me down right away, will you think about something? I know we aren’t that young anymore, but we’re still young enough. Let’s… when this thing is all over with, let’s have a baby, Dylan.”
Dylan lifted her head from his chest. She stared at him for a few seconds then whispered, “Mick.”
“Okay, go on. Say something sarcastic.”
“No.” She shook her head. “You really want to have a baby with me?”
“Oh, Mick.” She grinned as she exhaled and giggled. “Oh, Mick, I am so happy to hear you say that.”
“Why?” Mick asked, confused.
“Because I was so scared. I was scared you would think we weren’t young enough. I was scared you would think this world is too fucked up.”
“Dylan, what are you talking about?”
“Mick. I was scared to tell you I am pregnant. We’re having a baby, Mick.”
“You’re lying,” Mick said with disbelief.
“Yeah. I’m lying.” Dylan waited for him to groan. “No, I’m not. We are.” She looked straight into his eyes. “I’m about two months along.”
“You… you… oh my God.” Mick ran his hand down his face. “Oh my God.” He grinned. “We’re having a baby?”
“Yes. So I take it… you’re happy?”
“Dylan,” Mick sat up, pulling her to him, “do you realize, I couldn’t ask for my life to be more complete? We’re… we’re…” Mick let out a loud ‘whew!” then laughed. “We’re having a baby!”
Both at that moment looked at the wall and waited for the pounding to start. Just as they both shrugged thinking Chris was finally asleep, they jumped as the bedroom door flew open.
Chris stood there, pale, shaky, and looking shocked. “You’re having a baby?”
Grinning, Dylan nodded.
“Oh, that is so wrong,” Chris gasped. “That is just so wrong.”
Mick slowly sat up straighter. “It’s not wrong, Chris. There’s nothing wrong about us having a baby.”
“Not the baby. That’s good news. But I know how babies are made, Mick.” Chris gave a knowing nod. “And if you guys can’t have sex until you’re sixty, how in the heck did it happen?”
After seeing the confusion on Dylan’s face, Mick plopped backwards with a moan. “My mom.”
Lars, maybe. A quiet med station, or darkness. Patrick expected to see any of these things when he drowsily opened his eyes but not a smiling Mick.
Mick grinned widely and chewed his gum as if he knew a secret.
“Mick?” Patrick questioned.
“Hey.” Mick pulled up a chair. “I’ve been waiting for you to wake up.”
“Why? You should be sleeping; you look terrible.”
“Me?” Mick laughed as he sat down. “I’m not the one with the flu. In fact… that’s why I’m here. Guess what?”
Patrick shook his head.
“Lars did a test.” Mick leaned into Patrick. “I’m immune to it.”
“Yep.” Mick leaned back.
“That sucks.”
Mick chuckled cockily and smiled wider, then sniffed hard. “Yep. Smell that flu.”
“You’re sick.”
“No, you are.”
“How’s the family?”
“Hanging in there,” Mick replied. “Marian has the flu, but she isn’t septic. Tom’s getting well. My mother is still bitching and Chris is recovering.”
“Hanging in there. Not sick.” Mick looked at Patrick. “How are you feeling? I hear you beat the twelve hour mark.”
“Yeah, how about that? How’s everyone holding up today?”
Mick shrugged. “Panicking. We’re starting to uh… we’re starting to lose people now.” His voice cracked and then Mick cleared his throat. “Not as many as the rest of the world, though.”
“We’re still losing them,” Patrick said sadly. “I’ll never get over this.”
“Sure you will.” Mick tossed out a hand. “Lars said you beat…”
“Not the flu,” Patrick whispered. “For what I did.” He saw the confusion on Mick’s face. “Come on, Mick, you know I’m responsible for this.”
Mick stared for a second. “Don’t you think you’re being a little full of yourself taking credit for a history-making plague?”
“Not the plague. I mean what happened in Lodi. If those FBI agents weren’t coming after me, they would have never brought the flu.”
“They didn’t give Lodi the flu,” Mick argued. “The fuckin’ cat did.”
“Who brought the cat?” Patrick asked. “The FBI agents. If they weren’t chasing me, they wouldn’t have been outside the city with an infected animal that got in here.”
“Yeah,” Mick nodded. “OK, I can see why you blame yourself. Good point.”
“I should have never have come to Lodi.”
“Patrick,” Mick gave him a nudge, “it’s really asinine to blame yourself for this. For the flu. I hoped with all my heart, but I never truly thought it would pass us by. My big fear was, what happens if it’s dormant and it hits us after Lars moves on, or after the supplies run bad? It hit us when we were ready. And if you want to blame yourself for anything, blame yourself for the fuckin’ stupid way these cots are set up.”