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While driving home, Tony said to Travis.

“What I saw tonight was something else. I know there exist good and bad spirits, but this one was different, it was pure evil Travis. I could feel its energy all around me as I read the ancient text. I believe we’re onto something huge. I need professor Shireberg to complete all the translations. We’re not stopping here. I’m going all the way.”

* * *

Travis kept silent on the journey back to Tony’s house. He had no choice but to keep quiet about what happened tonight.


It was around nine in the morning when Jason arrived at the scene. He could see Danny inspecting the dead girl’s body that lay lifeless in the sand.

“Morning Danny, have you found anything?” Inquired Jason.

Danny stood up. “No, nothing unusual. No foul play or markings on the body, nothing.”

Jason saw the forensic team and coroner pulling up against the side of the road.

“Check again, make sure we haven’t missed anything before these guys take the body to the morgue.” Insisted Jason.

Soon the forensic experts were on the scene snapping photographs and swabbing the body.

Jason called over to Danny.

“Hey Danny, I need a coffee, you coming?”

Both agents entered their vehicles and drove back to town where they usually meet at a local cafe. Jason ordered his usual large black coffee, while Danny prefers a strong espresso.

Jason said, “Danny, hear me out. We need to get some results about Helen’s disappearance. I don’t know if that dead girl’s death has anything to do with Helen’s kidnapping. We need to keep busy, anything we find could be useful right now before Matt starts breathing down our necks.”

Hearing his cell phone ring, Jason answered the call from Sally.

“Hey dad, I just heard about that girl found dead on the beach. It’s on the news.”

Jason gave Danny an uneasy look.

He said, “no need to worry. We’re looking into it right now.”

“Okay dad have to go, I have a class now. See you.”

“Damn media is already broadcasting that the girl was murdered,” said Jason. “Let’s get to the office before Matt arrives.”

* * *

At the FBI forensic lab, Kate Barnes the new forensic and autopsy pathologist was inspecting the body. She began from the head, working her way down to the feet. After performing the usual tests, she confirmed the cause of death was a massive heart attack. She knew the girl was far too young to have such a heart attack at her age. Something triggered her heart rate to beat at an incredible speed until it couldn’t take the strain any longer, causing her heart to rupture.

Kate logged everything in her report and decided to call special agent Jason Mallock, being the agent in charge of the case.

She dialed Jason’s cell phone.

“Hello is this special agent Mallock?” She inquired.

“Yes, speaking. This is agent Mallock.”

Jason did not recognize the voice but knew the lab number.

“This is Kate Barnes from the forensic department. I would like to have a word about the deceased girl that was discovered this morning. When you have time could you please come over.” Insisted Kate.

“I will try to be there in the next hour,” answered Jason.

“Thanks, will see you later then, bye for now,” said Kate.

* * *

At the office, Jason and Danny were busy with their usual reports when Jason felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see the Chief standing behind him.

“I would like a word with you and Danny in my office,” said Matt.

Both agents gave each other a concerned look as they entered the office.

“On my way here I received an anonymous call from someone claiming she knew the girl that was found dead on the Beach. This person sounded scared, and wishes to remain anonymous over the phone,” said Matt.

“Did she say how she knew the girl or gave an address or something?” Asked Danny.

“She might be a friend or relative,” said Jason.

Suddenly the chief’s cell phone rings. He glanced at the screen showing an unknown caller. Matt answered the phone.

“Hello, who is this?” Matt said.

“It’s me again,” came the voice on the other end.

“Are you ready to meet?” Matt inquired.

“Yes!” said the girl’s trembling voice.

“Okay, great. I’m sending two of my agents to meet you. Name the place and the time?” Said Matt looking at Jason and Danny.

“Near the park fountain in half an hour,” said the girl.

“And how will we recognize you?” Asked Matt.

“I will be wearing a black hoodie.”

The phone went dead.

“You two better get a move on. You have half an hour to meet her near the park fountain. She will be wearing a black Hood,” said Matt, before Jason closed the office door.

They quickly gathered their things and headed to their parked cars.

Jason said to Danny, “you go meet with the girl while I go over to the forensics lab. I have to meet with the doc regarding the dead girl.”

Danny gave Jason a frowned look.

“Can’t that wait for now?”

“I think it’s better one of us meets with the girl. She might be scared off by the both of us there,” answered Jason.

* * *

Sarah masters was getting ready to meet with the FBI agents. She put on her black hoodie and was just about to leave when the phone rang. Sarah started to panic, afraid of who was calling. She could not decide whether to answer it or not. She had already received two anonymous calls earlier this morning. Her hands were shaking as she went to answer the phone.

“Hello! Who is this?” She said in a scared voice.

“Sarah oh Sarah what have you done?” Came a very deep voice.

“It’s too late Sarah. Your time is near.”

She slammed down the receiver. Crying, she picked up her keys and ran out of the apartment.

* * *

Danny had now arrived at the park. He looked around as he walked over to an empty bench just in front of the fountain. He could not see anyone wearing a black Hoodie, so he decided to wait a bit before giving chief Berks a call. The park was quiet with a few people on their daily walk and joggers out on their run. It was now late morning and the weather was warming up fast. Danny sat patiently in the shade watching out for anyone with the girl’s description.

Back at the forensic lab, Kate made her way down to the cafeteria for a quick snack. Agents were coming and going, some on cell phones, others at tables having coffee. Other lab technicians were discussing their work, and now and then she heard laughter coming from the other tables.

“A very busy morning today, not usually so many people here this time of the day,” said Kate to herself.

She glanced at her watch.

“Shit! Better get back to the lab before agent Mallock arrives.”

She scooped up her coffee and hurried back to the lab.

On turning a corner, she collides with a tall, dark haired person, spilling her coffee over his black T-shirt.

“Hey, watch where you’re going lady!”

As she was wiping his clothes from the dripping coffee, their eyes met for a few seconds. Kate feeling embarrassed, broke eye contact.

“I’m so sorry. I hope I didn’t burn you, it’s my fault for being in such a hurry. I have to meet someone in my lab and lost track of time.”

Jason said, “don’t worry, I’m fine. I’m on my way to the autopsy lab to meet with the forensic doc. Her name is Kate Barnes. I just hope she’s not as clumsy as you are.”

Kate turned bright red. She held out her hand.

“Pleased to meet you agent Mallock. I’m Dr. Barnes. Forgive me for the coffee spill.”