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One evening Sally was at home waiting for her mother to call before heading to bed. The call she got was not from her mother, but from the Atlanta police department. Jason and Sally were informed that Anne was involved in a freak traffic accident and passed away while being attended by the medics on their way to the hospital. Sally felt shattered by the news of her mother’s death. She never got a chance to say goodbye and tell her how much she loved her.

* * *

Sally came down for breakfast before leaving for university. Studying to be an anthropologist, she spends most of her time at school, or on field trips with other students that could last for days. Sally had always been interested in other cultures and was fascinated by ancient people. Her room is mostly cluttered with DVD documentaries and magazines. Jason rarely enters her room knowing what he will find behind that closed door. Having her mother’s good looks, and quick thinking has made her quite popular at school, especially with the opposite sex. She has had a few boyfriends, but nothing serious.

“Morning Sally, I made you scrambled eggs on toast, you help yourself to the coffee,” said Jason.

Jason made it a certainty to give his daughter the support she needs after Anne left.

“Thanks, dad. Coffee smells good but will eat on my way to school. Jackie will soon be here to pick me up. We’re planning another trip and need to stop for some stationary before class starts.”

Giving Sally her space was important, but Jason still asked the usual parenting where and when questions. It took some time for her to get back to her usual self, and Jason has never been more protective towards her. She is his life and will always be there for her no matter what.

“Well, that’s great. Where will you be heading this time?” asked Jason drinking his coffee.

“Not very far this time dad, just to a neighboring college. We will be comparing our work together from our last trip.”

Jason felt relieved. The last outing was for five days over at the Letchworth Mounds, some native-American culture dating back 450 AD.

“That sounds interesting, hope you enjoy it.”

Sally said, “thanks, dad. Don’t worry about me. I will text you when I get home tonight.”

She left on hearing her friend Jackie pull up the driveway.

Jason cleared the dishes, set the burglar alarm and headed for the office.

* * *

Danny was already at the gym lifting weights. He ate healthy food and watched his diet. Keeping fit was important to him. It would not be the first time he heard of overweight cops losing a chase with some common thug.

He left the gym and headed to the office always taking the same route, but today he decided to take the long way since he was earlier than usual. After a couple of miles driving, he saw a shop sign which he had never seen before. It was half way up an alley and barely visible. He would not have noticed it if it weren’t for the small traffic jam he got stuck in. What caught his attention was the symbols printed on the sign. He decided to check it out, found a space to park further down the road and headed towards the alley.

Danny stood in front of the small shop which was still closed for business. He took a look through the window and saw tattoo symbols printed on all the walls. He has been to a tattoo parlor before, but never one with only symbols and no pictures. He checked the opening hours and decided to come back later to have a word with the owner.

* * *

Danny arrived at the office and went over to Jason, who was at his desk checking addresses.

“Hey Jason, do you know about that small tattoo joint over at 12th Street?” Asked Danny.

“I had no idea there was one in that area. Did you go in and check it out?”

“It was still closed, but I’m planning to go back later on.”

Danny and Jason have been checking out tattoo parlors, asking questions about the tattoo the two deceased girls have, but unfortunately they all turned out to be dead ends.

Chief Berks was in his office waiting for Jason and Danny to arrive. On hearing them, he called for them to come over.

“We might have a lead on the last girl,” Matt said.

Both agents looked at each other with looks of relief.

Matt continued, “a shop assistant at the local DVD place recognized the girl who was run over. He saw her picture on TV and phoned the Miami PD, leaving the address where he works.”

Jason was already half way out the door.

“Both of you keep together from now on and watch your backs.”

Matt sat down waving them out the door.

They reached the police department in no time. Jason entered first asking to speak to who was in charge. Danny recognized detective Mark Andrews and went over to speak to him.

“Good morning, detective Andrews.”

Mark looked up and greeted Danny.

“Special agent Langley if I’m not mistaken. I was expecting you. I talked with chief Berks about the kid who says he knew the hit and run girl.”

Danny was impressed that detective Andrews remembered him.

“Matt told us you have an address to where the kid works,” said Danny, “this is my partner special agent Jason Mallock.”

Jason leaned forward, shaking Mark’s hand.

“Well, the kid’s name is David Wilmore. He works over at video rentals on Park Boulevard.”

Jason asked, “did he mention how he knew the girl?”

Mark replied, “the kid said the deceased girl has some overdue rentals. The owner keeps at photo near the cash till of those with overdue DVDs.”

“Thanks for your help detective Andrews,” said Jason.

“Always a pleasure to help the FEDS,” said Mark as they shook hands.

The agents were quickly on their way, sirens on whenever they met traffic. They were not about to lose another witness.

On their way, Jason said to Danny, “don’t you think it’s kind of odd. As soon as we get back from Mexico we end up with two dead girls, and still have no clues to Helen’s whereabouts. It’s too much of a coincidence if you ask me. There has to be a connection somewhere.”

“Maybe there is a connection. I just hope the same thing doesn’t happen to Helen though,” said Danny.

On their arrival, Jason stops to look at the front of the store.

“This is the same place where Sally rents her movies,” he said.

Both agents entered the store and were amazed at the collection of videos. There were titles dating back to the beginning of movie making. They walked among the isles of DVDs neatly placed on countless shelves.

Danny said, “I’m thinking of becoming a member here.”

Jason walked over to the front desk. The shop assistant was stacking movie discs on racks under the counter.

“Good morning,” said Jason, trying not to startle the kid.

The assistant on hearing a voice just above him bumped his head against the racks while looking up to see who it was. He wasn’t expecting customers this time of the morning.

“Good morning, how may I help you?” asked the geeky looking assistant.

He had to gaze up at Jason as he was short, just reaching the five feet mark.

Jason said, “quite a place you have here, you must have hundreds of titles.”

David looked over to where Danny was and asked, “you two cops or something?”