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Jason touched Kate’s hand, grateful for her concern.

“Well, tell me a bit about yourself, Miss Barnes.”

Kate began with her childhood and then about her parents moving from Wisconsin to Miami Florida after having enough with the cold weather. They decided to spend their remaining years in a warmer climate. Her father suffered from severe arthritis, and the warmth would do well for him. Both parents passed away a couple of years ago.

“I’m sorry to hear that,” said Jason.

“So what got you into forensics?”

Kate smiled and said, “I have always enjoyed solving puzzles, and what greater puzzle, can you get from forensics!”

Jason laughed.

“Very true. You also need patience and determination for your kind of work.”

After a few more drinks, Kate decided to call it a night. Jason walked her to her car.

“Thanks for a lovely time. I needed it. We should do this again,” he said.

“I enjoyed it also, and yes, we should. Goodnight Jason.”

He watched her drive off, feeling good.

* * *

Travis led the girls out of the dining hall and went to see the gymnasium. Just like the rest of the school, the size was breath taking. The basketball court had been upgraded recently with the latest technology. A huge screen hung from the center of the ceiling. The scoreboard is just like you would see at a professional stadium. Sally and Jackie began imagining the atmosphere here while a game was taking place. Students screaming and shouting at the top of their voices while the cheerleading teams perform during timeout. Coaches and referees shouting at each other throughout the game.

“We have to come and watch a game here,” Jackie said, shouting at the top of her voice.

“There is a game next week, maybe you could both drive over. I will save you the best seats!” Said Travis smiling at their excitement.

Jackie turned to Sally. She grabbed her by the shoulders.

“Shall we? It would be awesome. Please, please say yes.”

Sally looked at Travis.

“I have to discuss it with my dad first, but I’m sure he won’t mind.”

“Woohoo. It’s a deal Travis, count us in,” said Jackie giving her friend a hug.

“Okay then it’s settled. I will give you the time and when the game is and contact one of you. What do you say we head out to the school grounds and football field?” Said Travis.

Sally glanced at the time.

“Okay, great, but after that we should continue another time. It’s getting late, and we have a big day tomorrow.”

The night was cool with a light breeze gently swaying the tree branches. Jackie and Sally followed a pace behind Travis. Jackie gestured for Sally to walk with him.

“Will you be attending the anthropology class tomorrow? Jackie and I can’t wait to find out how you manage to collect so precise information about cultures that existed hundreds of years ago.”

Travis was surprised by what she said.

“Well, that has to be kept a school secret. It’s not for me to tell,” he said with a grin, “but yes, I will be attending the class.”

After the outside tour, they all headed for their dorms to settle down for the night. Jackie trailed behind, happy to watch her friend enjoying time with another person besides herself.

“Well ladies, I hope you enjoyed our quick tour. Maybe tomorrow I could show you the library and science Lab.”

They reached their room, and Jackie said a quick goodnight, leaving Travis and Sally alone in the hallway.

“Thanks so much for spending your time with us. I hope we were not a burden!” Said Sally.

“Of course not. As a matter of fact, I saved those seats at the dining hall for you,” he said.

Sally’s face turned a bright red, flattered by his remark.

“I was praying you wouldn’t find a seat. I hope you don’t mind?”

Sally looked up at his blue eyes.

“No, not at all. It’s good to make new friends, and I’m glad you kept those seats for us. Jackie was complaining that her dinner plate was getting heavier by the second. She eats too much, yet never gains weight,” said Sally with a laugh.

“Well, I won’t keep you. I’m looking forward to tomorrow. Goodnight Sally.”

“Goodnight Travis.”

Sally closed the door behind her to find Jackie sitting crossed legged on the bed.

“Well, well, look who has a new boyfriend.”

Sally on the defensive said, “we’re just friends okay, and besides we only just met. Also, we live miles apart, and I can’t see how that will work out.”

She got ready for bed and turned off the lights.

“Goodnight Jackie.”

“Goodnight Sally.”

Travis made his way to his room with a huge smile on his face.

“That was easy,” he said to himself.

Travis was pleased with himself for finding another replacement for their next gathering.

* * *

It was about eleven thirty in the evening when Jason arrived home. He remained in his car for a while; his thoughts were about Sally. He was concerned about her safety at Miami University, and thought about giving her a call, but realizing the time he thought it would be better not to wake her if she were asleep. Jason dreaded these moments when she was away from home. He pictured the times when Anne was still at home, and how warm the house felt with her presence.

Coming home to an empty house always got Jason thinking of the past and wished things were as they used to be. Jason looked up at the night sky.

“Anne what happened? Why did you leave? We were so happy. Sally needs you so bad. We both need you.”

He got out of the car and went upstairs to take a shower before going to sleep. He let the warm water run, letting it soak into him, relaxing his tired body.

* * *

On her way home Kate kept thinking about Jason, and how much she enjoyed his company. She had no intention of getting involved with anyone until she met him. She decided not to rush things, best to let things take their course. She was not even sure if Jason was interested in her or not.

Arriving home, she entered her two bedroomed apartment that she bought soon after her parents passed away. Being too large for her, she sold their original home, preferring something smaller where she felt safe. She got on well with her neighbors, and they all watched out for eachother making her feel even safer.

The apartment had an open plan kitchen/dining room, an en-suite bathroom, and a very large lounge. The guest bedroom was a bit smaller than the main bedroom but just as comfortable. Her favorite place was her study, where she enjoyed reading and catching up with her work when needing to take it home with her.

Kate went to her room and prepared her nightclothes and headed for the shower. She liked to take long showers, especially after handling corpses at work. After her shower, she stood in front of the mirror brushing her long brown hair. Kate was a very pretty woman, but she thought she was just simple looking. She removed her makeup from her face, and then went to make a bedtime snack. She sat down on her sofa eating her ham and cheese sandwich while watching TV.

Her last thoughts were of Jason before drifting off to sleep.


The emergency ward at Jackson community hospital was always busy, night and day. Doctors and nurses were attending any person admitted from a minor scratch to a ghastly bullet wound. One person entered with his hand wrapped in bandages while in his other hand he held a coffee mug containing his severed thumb packed on ice. The young man had accidentally sliced it off while cutting wood with a circular saw.

An ambulance quickly pulled in at the entrance with sirens blaring as medical attendants rushed out to help the paramedics that were lowering the gurney carrying a young woman. Her face was severely damaged from the impact she received as she hit the vehicle’s steering wheel. She was the lucky one after colliding head-on into an oncoming car. The other driver died within seconds.