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Tears began to stream down her face, tears of joy and sadness.

Tony waited a few seconds before revealing the answer to Sally’s question, when he was unexpectedly interrupted by her sudden outbreak of cries and pleas.

“Why didn’t you let us know it was the reason you left? We could have helped you! It wasn’t too late for you. Maybe you would have lived longer if you didn’t leave!”

Suddenly Tony stood up breaking the link, knocking over his chair. He could not believe what he had just witnessed.

“It’s impossible! You spoke directly to your mother; you could hear her voice without my help. I knew it when I first held your hand. You are not the same as other. You are unique Sally.”

Jackie went over to comfort her friend.

“Sally, I think we should leave now before things get out of hand.”

Travis took hold of Sally’s arm.

“I think you should listen to Jackie. I will call you later.”

Both girls left the house in such a hurry that they did not hear the cries of a woman shouting and banging against the glass window overlooking the garden.

They were a few miles from Tony’s house when Jackie asked, “Sally! What was it your mother told you? What did she say to you that made you so upset?”


Back at the house, Tony couldn’t believe his luck. He went up to Travis.

“You have got to get that girl back! She’s the one we need. She’s the one that will fulfill the Mayan text. She’s what we need to get us into the underworld realm,” said Tony.

Travis thought otherwise. “You mean, she’s the one YOU need. I don’t think I can do it Tony. You saw what happened last time you used that Mayan text. It could also happen to her. We should find someone else.”

Tony was not pleased with what Travis said.

“You get her back, or you’re the one who’s going to end up like that girl we both killed!”

He knew Tony meant every word he said, and didn’t want to end up behind bars. Travis stormed out of the house without a word. He got into his vehicle and drove to the university where he decided to spend the night in his room. On his way, he thought about what Tony had said about Sally. He knew deep down he was falling for her, which was not his intention. Tony was right saying she was different. She had something within her that deeply touched him. Travis felt drawn to her as if she had a spell over him.

On their way back to Jackie’s house not a word was said between the two girls. Sally’s mind kept going back to what her mother had told her. She thought about her father and wondered if he knew the truth, or was he kept in the dark just like she was. There was nothing she could do; she can not change the past. Sally knew she couldn’t tell her father about what had happened. She would never be trusted again if he ever found out.

Jackie was concerned for her friend but understood if she didn’t want to talk right now. She decided to wait until the appropriate moment.

It was past midnight. Travis was lying in bed, still very wide awake when his cell phone rang. It was Jackie.

“Hello! Travis, are you there?”

He recognized Jackie’s voice.

“Yes! Are you both okay? Where is Sally? How is she? I’m so sorry about what happened. May I speak to her?”

“She’s asleep right now. She hasn’t said a word since we left. Travis I need to ask you something.”

“What is it Jackie?”

She looked back at Sally before she spoke.

“What did he mean when he said Sally is unique? What did he feel while holding her hand?”

Travis lied.

“I don’t know what he meant Jackie. Sally is a special person, but in a way we both know. Just keep an eye on her. Make sure she’s okay. I will call her in the morning,” he said goodnight.

Travis needed to think fast about what to do next.

* * *

Morning soon arrived. Jackie got out of bed and went over to Sally’s side of the room to check on her, but to her surprise she was not in her bed. She glanced over at her bedside clock which read a few minutes past seven. She went to see if maybe she was in the bathroom.

Jackie called out, “Sally! Where are you?”

Nothing, no reply. She began to panic; frightened something is wrong. Jackie went to her room and quickly got dressed. She ran down the stairs, hoping to find her friend in the kitchen. No one was there. Jackie took out her cell phone and tried to call her, but again nothing, no answer. Jackie was now on the verge of a panic attack. Her mind was racing back and forth thinking where her friend could have gone?

After stopping to think for a while, Jackie decided to leave for school, thinking she must have caught the bus early and was waiting for her there.

While driving just a few miles, her cell began to ring. She looked at the screen. It was Travis. Jackie didn’t know how she was going to explain to him that Sally was missing and had no idea where she was. She nervously answered the phone.

“Travis! She’s gone; I can’t find her anywhere.”

“Jackie it’s okay! She’s alright. Sally’s here with me.”

She slammed her foot down hard on the brake pedal.

“With you! How did she get all the way over to you? It’s a couple of hours drive and much longer by bus!”

Travis said, “calm down Jackie! She asked me to come pick her up a few hours ago. She didn’t want to wake you. Here, she wants to talk to you.”

Jackie waited to hear her friend’s voice.

“Hi Jackie, I’m okay, you don’t need to worry.”

“Worry! I was going insane. I looked everywhere for you. I tried to call you on your cell phone, but no answer. What happened?”

Sally started to giggle.

“I couldn’t sleep, and I didn’t want to wake you, so I called Travis. He offered to come and pick me up, and we went for a drive losing track of time.”

Jackie asked, “and where are you now?”

“We’re on our way to school.”

“Well, I’m glad you’re okay. I will see you in class, then,” said Jackie as she started her car.

* * *

Jason was about to leave for work, when Kate phoned him.

“Jason! Where are you?” She asked.

“I’m leaving for work. Why, what’s up?” Said Jason about to enter his mustang.

Kate said, “I made a few phone calls concerning the spiritual phenomena classes, and guess what?”

Jason sat down in the driver’s seat.

“What did you find out?” He asked.

“There is no class like that. I mean you won’t find it at any school or evening class. It’s more of a get together. Word on the street is you have to ask around, and then if you’re chosen they will contact you and let you know when the next get together is going to be.” said Kate.

Jason then asked her, “when is their next meeting? Did your contact tell you when?”

“I’m not sure. The thing is, there is more than one group. There are three different groups in fact, and the funny thing is the teacher or group leaders are all women.”

Jason understood what Kate was getting at.

“In Sarah’s diary, she mentioned he, not she.”

“Yes, that’s right!” Kate replied.

“So we’re back to where we started. A dead end,” Jason said.

“Jason, I was thinking. What if I ask around, try and find these groups. You know, try to become a member, and attend one of these classes. I might be able to get more information from inside the group. I guess Sarah’s group is more secretive, more difficult to get into.”

Jason didn’t like what Kate proposed.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea. It’s too risky, and if anything happened to you, the chief would have my head.”

Kate continued trying to persuade Jason.