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Matt presented two identical files in front of Jason and Danny.

“Now listen up! You two will be traveling to the Yucatan peninsula, the southeast of Mexico. Some ancient Mayan artifacts have been stolen from an archaeological site recently discovered just a few weeks ago. Two American citizens working there were found murdered at their camp site. The person who discovered and who is in charge of the site is professor Helen Shireberg. She thinks her life could also be in danger. With your archaeological background, we have more of a chance catching these criminals in lesser time than it would take another team from Mexico to solve the case.”

Both Jason and Danny took a quick look at the file. Danny gave Jason a confused look.

“Where exactly is this place, Osario? I’ve never heard of it before. Is it in some remote spot in the Yucatan jungle?”

Jason spoke before Matt could answer.

“It’s somewhere near the Mayan temples of Chichen Itza.”

Matt closed the file.

“Don’t worry. The local police force will be providing you with a guide who will be taking you to the site,” said Matt.

Jason stood up to leave, eager to get started, eager for some action.

“So when do we leave?” He asked.

“You leave tomorrow. So make sure you take what you need,” said Matt.

Danny also stood up to leave. He took the files from the desk before leaving Matt’s office.

“Watch your backs over there!” said Matt.

Jason saluted, then closed the door behind him.

“Hey Danny! You are finally going to see the Mayan city of Chichen Itza. Maybe we should book a tour while we’re there.”

Danny said. “I’m going home to pack some things, and tell Patricia. She is not gonna be pleased when I tell her.”

Jason lit up another smoke right under a NO SMOKING sign.

“Yeah, and I’m going to break Sally’s heart when I tell her where we’re going. She’s going to beg me to take her with us, and has been asking me for some time now to take her to visit the Mayan sites.”

* * *

Danny and Jason went their separate ways. Both not too pleased about leaving on such short notice. But they were also eager to start a new assignment.

Back at the office, Matt received a call from one of his superiors. He knew beforehand what it would be about before the conversation began. His Superior David Hewitt has always had a thing against Jason. The bar incident gave him an excuse to complain and downgrade agent Mallock even more. Matt knows Jason can be a handful at times. But he also knows he is a good agent, who shows results in far less time than any other agent on the force. Jason uses different techniques in solving a case that were not taught to him at the FBI academy. It was Matt who convinced Danny to become partners with Jason. Other agents who were assigned to a case with him rarely made it through the week. Danny is the only agent who has some control over Jason and has begun to understand how his mind works. Danny does admit that Jason can be a selfish son of a bitch at times, but he knows Jason is the person you can trust to cover your back in a tight situation.

Matt answers the phone. “They will be leaving tomorrow morning, and yes, I warned agent Mallock about the bar incident. He assures me it will not happen again. I will keep you updated on their new assignment. Goodbye.” Matt slammed the phone down and went to get a coffee.

* * *

Danny arrived home to find Patricia preparing a small snack for herself. The couple lived in a three-bedroomed apartment in a quiet part of Miami. Danny and Patricia though not married have been living together for the past year now. He liked his lifestyle and went out many a times with friends for drinks.

He and Patricia always made sure at least once a week they went out for a romantic dinner. The couple met at the local pub. Patricia was with friends celebrating a birthday when she noticed Danny looking at her from near the bar, trying to catch her eye, but when she made eye contact, he quickly looked the other way. She was surprised that this well built; muscular person was so shy. She made the first move and has never regretted it.

“Hey, you okay? You’re home early.”

Danny went over to kiss her on the cheek.

“Good news! We’ve been assigned to a new case. Bad news is we will be leaving for Mexico.”

Patricia knew what she was getting into when she started dating Danny. She always asked him to be honest with her, and come straight to the point, as she didn’t like surprises.

She said, “that’s great! When will you be leaving?”

Pat knew when Danny comes home early from work it means he has to pack some luggage and prepare to leave that night or early next morning. He came up from behind holding her around the waist, slowly kissing her neck, making her giggle with the soft touch of his lips.

“Tomorrow morning honey. So let’s make the most of it tonight shall we?” he said, with a sparkle in his eye.

* * *

As for Jason, he went to get a quick bite at the burger joint, which is one of his favorite foods. Even though, he eats up to three burgers a week, he never seems to gain any extra weight. Arriving home, he prepares a quick change of clothes for the trip and packs his passport along with the file that Matt gave them. Next he goes down to the garage, shuts the door behind him securely locking it. He then opens a tool cabinet, which has a hidden compartment at the back, loaded with all sorts of ammunition for his choice of firearms. At the bottom of the locker, he takes out a wooden box. Now this is one of his favorite handguns a Colt Anaconda. A very powerful weapon, having the force to blow your arm right off. One shot is enough to down even a giant of a man. Jason closes the locker and conceals the gun in the back of his jeans. He heads back upstairs and places it in his hand luggage. Jason lays down on his bed and takes out the case file which Matt gave him. The first page has a passport photo of the archaeologist who discovered the ancient ruins. He looks closely at the photograph of Helen Shireberg. A pretty woman, with short Blond hair and blue eyes, somewhere in her late thirties. He takes a look at the other pictures of a stolen gold figurine and a solid tablet slate. He wondered who would kill two innocent people for these two pieces of ancient history. Jason closes the file cover and slowly drifts off into a light sleep.

A couple of hours pass when he is awakened by the sound of a door closing downstairs. He makes his way into the kitchen where his daughter Sally is unpacking her school bag on the table. Slowly creeping up on her, he touches her left shoulder. In an instant, she swings around with her fist flying, missing Jason’s chin by half an inch. Jason was prepared for the strike and quickly stepped back.

Sally shouts out, “dad! Next time I won’t miss and will knock you half way across the kitchen floor.”

She ran to her father hugging him, and asked, “how come your home at this time of the day?”

Jason kissed her on the forehead.

“I came to prepare a few things for tomorrow morning. Danny and I have a new case and have to leave for Mexico.”

As soon as he finished the word Mexico her eyes lit up.

“No way! You’re going to the Mayan site aren’t?”