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“I feel great except for this pain in my chest. Will be up in no time,” said Danny rubbing his hand over his bandages.

“You take all the time you need. The Chief has given us a few days off from the case. As soon as you feel fit for work we can continue where we left off,” Jason said.

After an hour or so of chatting, Kate and Patricia went down to the cafeteria for a cup of coffee. Danny said to Jason.

“I’ve been waiting to tell you something Jason. I didn’t want to bring it up in front of Pat.”

Jason moved closer to Danny.

“What is it Danny?”

“There were two vehicles that night. The first one was a black BMW. I’m positive the pickup truck was following it. I didn’t manage to see the driver, but I still remember the registration plate.”

Jason looked for a pen and paper ready to write it down.

“You don’t need to write it down. I’m sure you won’t forget it,” said Danny.

Jason looked down at Danny. “What is then?” He asked.

“Clairvoyant,” said Danny.

“You mean like in psychic?” Asked Jason.

Danny tried to sit up straight, eager to tell Jason before Patricia and Kate came back.

“I believe we’re dealing with the same person who had Helen abducted. I’m sure he is also responsible for the deaths of those two girls,” said Danny, now feeling the pain from his wound as he tried to move.

Just then, Kate and Patricia entered the room. Pat sensed something was wrong by the looks on the guy’s faces.

“Hey! Don’t strain yourself. You need to rest. Work will have to wait for now,” she said, looking at Jason.

He got the message and thought it best to leave.

“Hey Danny. Kate and I will be leaving now. You take it easy and get some rest.”

Jason and Kate said their goodbyes, leaving Patricia and Danny alone. As they were walking down the hospital corridors, they passed Dr. Tony Barrette, who immediately recognized Jason. He took out his cell phone hiding his face from view while pretending to answer a call. Tony then realized Jason must be visiting the FBI agent brought in last night.

* * *

At the office, Jason searched for the registration name of the BMW and soon found details to whom it was registered to. He explained to Kate what Danny had told him.

“Kate, it’s me Jason. That number plate is registered to a Dr. Tony Barrette. His residence is a couple of hours drive from here. I’m going over there to take a look.”

“Jason! Don’t go alone. Ask Chief Berks to send someone with you.”

“I don’t need anyone with me. I work better when I’m alone. Don’t worry about me,” said Jason half way out the office.

* * *

Back at the hospital, Tony decided to pay Danny a visit. He wanted to see if Danny recognized him from that night. As he approached the ward, he saw the room being guarded by a police officer who was standing outside the doorway. Tony unclipped his identification badge from his white coat, placing it in his pocket. He had no problem entering the room as the police officer assumed he was checking up on his patient. Patricia had just left, and Danny was about to fall asleep when he saw the doctor at the foot of his bed holding his medical chart.

“Agent Langley. How are you feeling?” asked Tony.

Danny did not answer at once. He looked at Tony for a few seconds before answering.

“I’m feeling fine doc. Just a bit drowsy and my head is killing me!”

Tony was not entirely sure if Danny did or did not see his face as he overtook him that night.

“It’s quite normal feeling that way after what you went through. I will get the nurse to give you something for that headache, but you must try to rest now.”

Tony replaced the chart and walked calmly out of the room. He wondered if agent Langley was pretending not to recognize him. It was a chance he did not want to take. Tony decided to leave work early that day to play it safe, making sure not to run into Danny’s partner Jason if he decided to return.

* * *

It was just a few minutes before noon when Jason arrived at Tony’s house. He parked his mustang on the opposite side of the street and went over to the gate, pressing the intercom button on the side of the wall. He waited a few seconds before pressing it again. No one was home. Jason had no intention of leaving before checking out his suspect. So he went back to his mustang and waited until Dr. Barrette returned home.

He was just about to doze off when he heard a car door close on the opposite side of the street. Jason immediately got out and walked over to the person who was about to enter through the front gate.

“Dr. Barrette!” Jason called out.

On hearing his name, Tony turned around to face Jason. He took a step back as he recognized who it was.

“Yes. I’m Dr. Barrette,” said Tony trying to hide his startled look.

“Who are you? And what do you want?” he asked.

Jason took out his FBI badge showing it to Tony.

“I’m special agent Mallock. Would you mind if I ask you a few questions, please?”

Tony tried his best to avoid Jason.

“I’m sorry. Maybe another time. I have just finished work, and I’m rather tired if you don’t mind.”

“Don’t worry, this won’t take long,” said Jason, not backing down.

Tony unlocked the gate and opened it, ready to close it behind him when Jason put his foot between it, preventing Tony from closing.

“All I want to know is where were you three nights ago?” Asked Jason.

Tony stalled for a bit before answering.

“If I remember well, I think I was out for a drive along the coast. I decided a drive would do me good after a stressful day at work. I needed to let off some steam,” said Tony.

He thought it would be better to tell the truth for fear that Danny might have seen him that night.

“Where is it you work? You’re a doctor. A medical doctor?” Continued Jason.

“I’m an Anesthesiologist at Jackson community hospital. Now if you don’t mind, I must go now,” Tony said as he slammed the gate behind him.

Just before Tony turned to walk away.

Jason said, “I know what you are Dr. Barrette! You can’t fool me!”


The house was quiet as Tony slammed the front door behind him. The sudden noise got Bruce barking from the rear of the house. Things were not going as planned, and time was running out. According to the Mayan text, the calling of the underworld gods is best performed when the moon is at its brightest and fullest. Tony knew the magnetic force of the moon has always been associated with the spirit world. He missed the last full moon three nights ago but did not intend to miss the next. He thoroughly researched and found out that tonight an event will take place when the moon will be at its brightest and fullest. The last event like this took place about three years ago. Tony had to act quickly, knowing he would not get another shot at this. The only person who can get things moving fast was Travis. Taking out his cell phone, he speed dials Travis. After a few seconds, he answers his phone.

“Hello Tony! What a coincidence. I was thinking of giving you a call.”

“Listen Travis! I need your help!” Said Tony.

Travis looked around to make sure he was alone.

“What is it? Is something wrong?”

“I need you to bring that friend of yours with us tomorrow night for another gathering, what’s her name? Sally is it?” Tony said.

Travis was not getting the picture.

“I thought you took Helen!”

Tony was getting impatient and raised his voice.

“Helen is dead! Carlos shot her three nights ago. He ran into trouble with some FBI agents when we were on our way to the gathering. He had no choice but to shoot her and then the big idiot got himself killed trying to make a run for it. I was lucky to get away unnoticed. Now this FBI agent is starting to ask questions.”