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“That’s not enough for us to get back!” He said.

Travis looked around for Tony and saw the beam of a flashlight just beyond the rocks. He jumped off the boat and ran over to him.

“We don’t have enough fuel for the return trip! How are we getting back?” Said Travis.

Tony said, “follow me Travis.”

They went over to some nearby rocks about forty yards away. Tony disappeared behind a large rock and came out dragging two large Jerry cans full with fuel.

“You underestimate me Travis! You think I’m an idiot! I’ve been planning this for weeks. I have enough fuel here to get us to the gulf of Mexico. The only thing I had no control of was the damn weather we experienced on our way here!” Said Tony.

Travis lowered his head. “Okay, I’m sorry! How was I to know what you planned?”

Tony dropped the heavy fuel tanks and placed his arm around Travis’s shoulder.

“Have faith in me, we always managed to work our way out of our past problems. We work as a team and in the end, we are rewarded with what we do. Now help me take these tanks to the boat before the night ends.”

They each dragged a fuel tank and loaded it on board the boat. Tony took out two of his bags that he had preloaded a few days ago. He took out the clothes that he usually wears when performing the ritual, and removed his drenched jeans and top, then put on his ritual garments. They consisted of a white top and trousers, with a robe worn on top. He then took out a large cloth about twelve feet square with a large pentagram printed in the middle. Tony handed it over to Travis, who went over to where the girls were. They helped him spread it out over the warm sand. Sally sat a few feet away watching them lay down the sheet.

Stacy gained consciousness only ten minutes ago with a large bruise visible across her cheek from where Travis struck her. Krissy stayed close to her friend, while Rosie had her eye on Sally, watching her every move. She was confident Travis will be hers after tonight’s ritual.

Tony opened his second bag and took out his small black pouch placing it in his robe pocket. Next he removed a wooden bowl eight inches in diameter, that had some kind of ancient civilization markings written on the side. Tony stepped out of the boat having the front half embedded in the soft sand. He took his place at the top of the pentagram.

“Travis you know what to do,” he said, looking at Sally.

Travis jumped down from the boat, his eyes fixated on her. Things were starting to heat up, and Sally knew time was running out for her. She could be dead in the next hour. She thought of getting up and run, but run where? There was no way off this island. To the front of her was the sea, with sand and rocks on every side. Behind her seemed the only place of escape. She earlier watched Tony and Travis disappear into the darkness before coming back with fuel for the boat. She didn’t have much of a choice but wasn’t just going to sit around and wait for death.

* * *

Jason was becoming impatient, pacing up and down the road checking his cell phone, he couldn’t wait much longer, so he dialed Matt’s number.

“Jason! I just got off the phone with detective Andrews. The location you gave us is a deserted beach near the Florida keys. No sign of anyone here and hardly a vehicle in sight. How about you? Have you found anything?”

Out of frustration Jason kicked the car door.

“We found an abandoned van, partially hidden among the trees. Plenty of footprints around the van, leading down a rough pathway to the sea. I’m sure the van belongs to Dr. Barrette. It seems they vanished into thin air. They either had another vehicle waiting, but I can’t see any tire tracks. My guess is they had a boat hidden among the rocks and headed out to sea. Chief, we’re at a dead end, and I fear the worst!”

Kate came over trying to keep Jason calm.

“Listen Jason! Has Danny contacted you? I received a call from him just fifteen minutes ago. He said he were on his way to pick you up,” said Matt.

Jason quickly looked up and down the road, but still saw no sign of Danny.

“Yes, he must have called me just before he contacted you. I don’t know what he’s up to, and time is running out. We won’t reach her in time…..”

Jason’s voice trailed off, when out of nowhere a huge gust of wind came from beyond the treetops, causing Jason and the others to shield themselves from flying leaves and debris. Suddenly they were blinded by a bright light. Jason then recognized the sound of helicopter blades slicing through the air. To their amazement an FBI chopper was hovering above them, slowly descending in the middle of the road with its searchlight partially blinding them as someone opened the side door.

“Hey you guys! Come on get in!”

Jason recognized that voice anywhere; it was Danny.

“Boy am I glad to see you!” shouted Jason.

He then turned to Kate and Jackie. “You two go back. Take my mustang. I will keep in touch as soon as I can.”

Danny shouted out to Jason, “now let’s go and get that son of a bitch!”

The helicopter swiftly took off into the night across the glittering sea.

* * *

The situation at the beach was becoming intense. Travis began lighting the oil lanterns, and then placed each one at the tip of the star points. A light breeze was picking up, just enough to flicker the lanterns flame. The moon was at its highest point remaining there for at least another five to six hours. Tony then retrieved the black pouch from his robe. Travis summoned the girls to take their positions at the pentagrams points. He went over to Sally, holding out his hand for her to take.

“It’s time, Sally. Take my hand, and come with me,” he said.

She slowly but nervously took his hand and stood up, taking her towards the others who were kneeling down with their hands placed on their laps. Sally looked over at Tony, who had his back towards her. He then slowly turned around, holding something in his hands. Sally stopped where she was, watching as Tony dispersed the liquid from the syringe he was holding. Travis felt her body tremble in fear as she held back digging her heels into the sand. He smiled, excited knowing he has control over her. The syringe was for her, and she didn’t stand a chance if Tony succeeded in drugging her.

“Sally, It’s alright! Just give yourself to us, and it will soon be over.”

She forced a smile, convincing Travis that she was okay. They took a few steps forward, but Sally pulled back with a sudden jerk of her arm, surprising Travis, who lost his grip on her. Sally ran, running as fast as she can in the opposite direction, making it to the rocks where Tony had stored the fuel tanks. It was difficult for her to keep her balance with her hands bound together. Before Travis realized what had happened, she was already out of sight.

Tony dropped the syringe, shouting at the top of his voice, “get after her for Christ’s sake!”

The three girls remained where they were not knowing what to do. As for Travis he fell over, but quickly rose to his feet again chasing after Sally, who was already within the safety of the rocks.

Eventually, she knew she would be caught, but it would buy her some time, some hope of rescue from her father. Travis raced after her like a greyhound chasing a hare. He had no need for a flashlight since the moonlit rocks were enough to see where he was going. Sally took cover behind a large rock as she tried to free herself from her bonds by rubbing the nylon zip-ties against a jagged rock. After a few tugs and scrapes she managed to snap the bonds enabling her to keep her balance and move faster over the rough terrain.