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Towering over him, he said, “not many people tend to make it out alive after they fire a shot in my direction! Lucky you shot the other way.”

Danny intervened, calming Jason down, loosening his grip.

“Hey! Take it easy Jason. They’re just protecting the camp site.”

Jason pulled the man to his feet, then let go of his hand.

Andreas stepped forward.

“Come, I take you to Miss Helen now.”

They followed him another forty yards to one of the larger tents which were lit up from inside. They could clearly see the movement of someone inside. Jason and Danny could hear loud music coming from within the tent. Andreas asked them to wait where they were while he went inside to call Helen.

As she stepped out from the tent, Jason’s eyes opened wide.

“Wow! She’s prettier than I thought,” he said.

Helen went over to Danny and shook his hand.

“You must be agent Langley. Welcome to my camp site. I’m so glad you arrived. This place is not safe since the discovery. Looters will do anything to get their hands on something valuable. Where is agent Mallock?” She said, looking straight past Jason as he cleared his throat.

“Oh my god! I’m so sorry. I thought all FBI personnel wore a suit. Please forgive me,” said Helen, shaking Jason’s hand.

She offered them refreshments and invited them inside her tent, where all her equipment was set up. Jason held back for a while, observing the darkness of the jungle around the camp site. The place was rather large, having a total of seven tents. Helen’s tent was positioned about forty yards away from the others, which were all set up in a line. The camp fire was crackling away, and he could see the local workers gathered around, drinking and eating.

Jason counted four local workers and Andreas their guide. He ventured to the outer perimeter of the camp, wondering where the entrance to the newly discovered Mayan site was. It’s been quite a while since he has been inside an archaeological site. His memories went back to Egypt, where he first started out as an archaeologist. Maybe one day he and his daughter Sally would go abroad to Egypt to visit the pyramids. He smiled at the thought of her all excited, taking pictures of this and that.

Suddenly the sound of a twig cracking from beyond the trees brought him back from his thoughts. On instinct, he automatically drew his firearm peering into the dark jungle. He held firm, looking around, but could see no movement. After a few minutes, he relaxed.

Danny and professor Shireberg were heard talking in the background. He went back to the tent, tucking his gun inside his jeans. Jason interrupted their conversation.

“Miss Shireberg. One question, please. There is a total of seven tents, but I can only see four of your help force.”

Helen explained to Jason. “Well, after the killings of my two colleagues. Half of them left, afraid they will be next. They are very superstitious people. Some of them think it’s the doing of the gods. They think it’s their fault for disturbing their domain.”

“You okay, Jason? You look spooked!” asked Danny.

Jason looked back into the trees. “Thought I heard something beyond the trees,” he said.

Helen seemed to look worried.

“It’s most probably an animal. Most of the wildlife venture out at night looking for food,” said Helen. “Danny tells me your also an archaeologist. What made you change your career?” She looked up at Jason waiting for an answer, when she suddenly realized how good looking he is.

Jason gave her one of his best smiles. His perfect white teeth flashing in the dim light of the tent. Helen gazed into his sparkling green eyes, she could feel herself somewhat relaxed, even hypnotized by his stare.

Jason replied. “Well, somebody has to stop the theft of the world's ancient artifacts. I guess it was a calling I couldn't refuse.”

It was getting late, so Helen showed them to their tent that was prepared for them prior to their arrival.

“Well gentlemen. We better call it a night. Tomorrow I will take you to the site. Best we get an early start.” Said Helen.

They said Goodnight and settled down for the night.

* * *

In the early hours of the morning, Tony Barrette was on the phone with the very same people he had hired for the theft. This time he planned to capture one of the few people who can decipher any type of hieroglyph. He has arranged to kidnap professor Helen Shireberg.

The fee was high, and extremely difficult for the hired men to go back to the same place where they had killed the two Americans. Tony knew the risks, but it was the only way if he wanted total control of the underworld spirits.

He always felt from the time when he was a young boy that he had another sense besides our natural five senses. It first started when he was about five years old. He could feel another presence next to him. He would hear voices and feel their energy around him. Tony was not afraid of what he experienced as a child. He saw it as something special, like always having someone or something to talk to and guide him. His parents hardly noticed anything different about him. They dismissed it as an imaginary friend, which younger children makeup during their young age. As he grew older, he became more and more into his, you can say ‘gift.’ He sought out knowledge and information on how to control his thoughts and connections to the other side, and how to communicate with the spirits. Tony gained more and more knowledge as he grew older. Fine-tuning his extrasensory perception, interface with the dead or spirits in other dimensions. He can feel their thoughts and obtain mental impressions from the spirit world. Tony’s goal was to enter the other dimension, not only mentally but also physically. He has found out how to boost his spiritual powers by taking the energy from other living beings.

The plan has been set, and the two hired men were now on their way to do their job of kidnapping professor Shireberg.


At around six in the morning, the camp site was rising to a new day. The locals were preparing the necessary hiking gear needed to reach the ancient site. Helen was already up, inputting data into her computer while sipping on a mug of coffee.

Danny woke fifteen minutes ago. He stepped out into the chilly morning air. Daylight started creeping in. The suns rays penetrating through the misty trees. The air was fresh and clean. He took in deep breaths, filling his lungs with pure air. It felt good to be out in the field, instead of the bustling city life. He had replaced his suit with some casual clothes and put on a pair of walking boots.

He noticed everyone was up and bustling around preparing for the hike to the site. Well, everyone, except Jason, who can be heard snoring his head off in the back of the tent. He entered the tent where Jason was sprawled out on the bed, one arm and leg dangling over the small camp bed. Danny went over, shaking him in an attempt to wake him. But Jason kept on snoring. Eventually, after a few failed attempts, Danny knelt down and shouted in his ear.

“Jason! Wake up!”

He eventually opened his eyes, grumbling at the same time.

“Okay, I’m awake. Now back off will you!”

Jason sat up. He grabbed his jeans and took out a cigarette, lighting it up.

Danny said, “for god’s sake, can’t you at least get dressed first? Everyone is awake and about, and most probably waiting for us, well waiting for you.”

Jason puts on his jeans, saying, “yeah, whatever!”

It was around eight fifteen by the time Jason met up with the rest of the team.

Helen stepped forward.

“Right, we have about an hour’s walk to the site. Stay close by as it’s easy for one to get lost without realizing it.”

Danny spoke up. “Why set up camp this far from the site? It would have saved us time walking back and forth.”