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A loud clash of thunder startled Kate, waking her out of her sleep. She looked confused for a few seconds until she realized where she was. The rain was still coming down strong all around her, and it seemed it was not going to stop at any moment now. Kate needed something to keep her dry, but all she found was a large plastic garbage bag, so she cut out a few holes and wore it just like a Pancho, sliding it over her head. She was about to walk out of the tent when she heard sounds coming from the other side of the camp. Peering through an opening, she could see someone just beyond the larger tent. She managed to count four people in all who were coming her way. Not taking any chances, she quickly exited the tent and made a run for the cover of the trees from where she could get a better look at whom had entered the campsite. Keeping as low as she could, Kate moved closer to where the four people seemed to have stopped just outside the larger tent. They opened the tent and entered one by one, the taller one closing the zipper behind him. After a few minutes, the tent lit up, glowing in the dark. Kate felt safe knowing all were inside, so she approached the tent with caution trying to listen to what they were saying. With the noise of the downpour, it was nearly impossible for her to catch a word. She edged a little closer, as close as she possibly can, until she could make out the words. Kate was now only a few feet away, and she could hear two men who seemed to be arguing about something.

“You didn’t have to shoot him! Destroying the bridge was more than enough to stop him from following us! You killed an FBI agent for Christ sake! We’re as good as dead!”

Shocked by what she just heard, Kate stumbled backward, falling into the muddy pools of water. She covered her face to prevent anyone from hearing her cry.

“Jason is dead! They killed him!” She said to herself.

Kate couldn’t stop crying, and had no idea what she was going to do. All she could think of was to run and hide somewhere. As she passed the side of the tent, she heard a voice that she immediately recognized.

“He’s not dead! He’s alive and coming after you, just you wait and see!”

“It’s Sally! She’s still alive!” said Kate.

“Shut her up, will you! He’s dead. I saw him go down! We rest here for half an hour, and then continue on our way. According to this damn thing, the site should be a couple of miles from here,” said Tony.

Kate knew she couldn’t leave, knowing Sally was still alive. She felt it was her responsibility to help Sally for Jason’s sake.

She didn’t have a gun or knife, no weapon to protect herself. She knew where they were going, so she thought she would follow them, hoping to seize an opportunity to take Sally away from them. Kate decided to wait outside the camp perimeter until they left, keeping a watchful eye on the tent.

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With both hands grasping the wooden plank, Jason was more determined than ever. Grinding his teeth together, knowing with each step he took would bring him closer to Sally. The raindrops hit him hard across the face, but it didn’t slow him down, he didn’t give into the jungle, despite all it unleashed at him.

Jason shouted out, “come on! Is that all you got? You sent spirits to stop me! Then the river! Now this downpour! Is that the best you can do?”


Inside the tent, Tony and the others rested for a while. Rosie lay down on one of the camp beds with Sally sitting upright at the bottom of the bed staring in front of her.

Travis questioned Tony again.

“What are we going to do now? The whole FBI force will be after us for killing her father, and why is she just sitting there staring into nothing?”

Tony stood up hovering over Travis.

“Once we’re at the Mayan site, they will never find us. That place has been hidden for centuries. They don’t even know where to begin looking. As for Sally, my only guess is she’s being protected by her mother’s spirit, or by something much stronger. Don’t ask me why? But I have a feeling it’s protecting her from this place, protecting her from something evil.”

* * *

Thankful for the plastic covering, Kate sat on a rock under a large tree, giving her some protection from the rain. She looked up at the night sky, which seemed to be opening up. She thought of Jason, not knowing if he were dead or alive. After a few minutes, the rain suddenly stopped just as instantly as it had begun. She got up to remove her plastic make do Pancho, when she heard the sound of the tent zipper opening. Moving back behind the tree, Kate waited for the occupants to come out. She saw Tony for the first time. His blond hair gave him a neon glow look as he stepped out into the open. He was roughly the same height as Jason and looked equally strong. Somehow he had managed to overpower Jason, which not many men can do.

Then Rosie and Sally emerged. She gasped as she saw Sally, relieved she looked alright, and without injury. Travis was the last to step outside. She knew it was him from the description Sally had given her. Kate looked carefully at her, thinking she must be drugged by the way she was standing there staring at the night sky.

Tony and Travis gathered what they could find from inside the tent, and again started on their way. They moved through the camp, passing the smaller tents and then the main tent where Helen’s murdered colleagues were found. Travis wanted to take a look inside for anything useful.

“We don’t have time! It will soon be dawn,” said Tony.

Kate stepped out into the open once Tony and the others were out of sight. As she approached the tents, she heard the rustling of leaves among the trees. Not knowing if it were a wild animal or something, she moved back behind one of the tents. Nothing emerged from the dark jungle, so she presumed what ever it was must have gone the other way. As she stepped out into the open, there standing in front of her was a large male puma staring her down. Kate froze with fright. She had never seen anything so terrifying. The cat’s large eyes shone in the darkness as it watched her every move. With its claws extracted, it was ready to pounce at kate’s slightest movement. Kate took a step back. The animal growled deeply as it took a step towards her, baring its two inch long canines prepared to kill the prey standing before it.

Without thinking, Kate suddenly turned around to make a run for it, but she lost her foothold and slipped on the wet soft ground. She rolled over onto her back in time to see the large cat make the fifteen foot leap into the air coming straight at her. Kate shielded herself with her arm, expecting to feel the animals large teeth sink in. Then out of nowhere, something got to the animal first. All she saw was a large plank of wood strike the puma’s side, knocking it off balance. Then she saw him crossing her path to where the large cat had fallen. It got to its feet, growling, then ran off into the jungle. Her Savior turned around and limped towards her. Kate couldn’t believe who she was looking at as he held out his hand, helping her to her feet.

“Jason! You’re alive! I thought you were dead!” Said Kate as she held onto him hugging him tightly.

“It’s going to take more than what I’ve been through to get rid of me.” said Jason, nearly toppling over.

Kate noticed the gunshot wound to his leg.

“You’re hurt! Is the bullet still in there?” She asked.

Jason held onto Kate as he looked down at his leg.

“Yep! Still in there,” he said.

“We have to remove it before the wound becomes infected. We can go after them when the bullet is out,” she said.