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Jason looked at her.

“They were here? Did you see them?” he asked.

Kate looked up at him, holding his face in her hands.

“She’s okay. Sally’s not hurt,” said Kate.

Jason asked her, “which way did they go? I have to get her back!”

“No, Jason! Listen to me! We need to get that bullet out before fever sets in. You have a better chance of getting her back if you are stronger,”

Jason listened to her, knowing she was right. They went in search for a medical kit and eventually found one in Helen’s tent. Kate prepared the necessary things while Jason lay himself down on the camp bed. Taking Jason’s knife, she slits open his jeans leg to reveal the wound. While Kate attended to his wound, Jason narrated what had happened to him during his search through the jungle. Ten minutes later, Jason’s leg was bullet free, and his leg cleaned and bandaged. Jason stood up, relieved he could put pressure on his leg with much lesser pain than before.

They searched around Helen’s tent before leaving, hoping to find something that might help in recapturing his daughter.

“You stay here! It’s too dangerous for you to come,” said Jason.

Kate didn’t agree, “I’m coming with you! I’ve come this far, so now I’m going all the way.”

Jason knew it was a waste of time arguing with her, so he let it go.

“Okay then, are we ready to leave?” He asked her.

As they were about to leave, Kate noticed a small black book on a wooden table that caught her attention. The title read. “The Mayan Underworld And Its Secrets.”

“Jason wait!” She said as she picked up the book.

“We don’t have time to read books,” said Jason.

She ignored what he said. “It might help us understand what’s going on here,” she said.

“Well, be quick about it.”

As Kate ruffled through the pages. She paused midway when she came to the chapter. “Protective Spirits Of The Underworld.”

“Jason! This is what you experienced in the jungle. The mist and dark shadows you mentioned says a dark force will guard the underworld against any threat.”

Looking puzzled, Jason asked, “so why now and not when we were here with professor Shireberg?”

Kate continued reading in search of an answer.

“Did any of you find and disturb the ruler’s tomb when you were here?” She asked.

“It must have been Carlos and his companion when they took Helen. One of them carried a haversack that he held onto tightly. They must have been looking for treasure and needed Helen to guide them. That’s the only reason I can think of why they went down into the cavern and didn’t take her away as soon as they captured her,” said Jason.

“But why are the spirits protecting the ruler’s tomb after it has already been disturbed?” Continued Jason.

She looked up at him.

“What if the ruler’s tomb hasn’t been disturbed? I mean the tomb, which Carlos opened might not have been the rulers resting place at all. Maybe it’s still down there, waiting to be discovered,” said Kate, all excited.

“Well, spirit or no spirit is not going to stop me from getting my daughter back.” said Jason.

Kate found one of Helen’s flashlights. She checked the batteries to make sure they were fully charged. It was then she remembered what she had seen on the airplane just before Jason jumped out. She turned to look at Jason, who was waiting for her to speak. He already knew what was on her mind.

“You don’t need this do you?” She asked as she held out the flashlight.

It was Jason who now was holding her face in his hands.

“No, I don’t. I will explain it to you, but we don’t have time right now. We have to go,” said Jason.

* * *

Not too far away, Tony was leading the way. He could feel the adrenaline rushing through his veins as they approached the site.

“Hurry! We’re soon there,” he said.

But Tony wasn’t the only one who knew they were near the Mayan underworld. Sally suddenly held back, refusing to go further. Rosie still holding onto her hand was trying to pull her along, but she didn’t move an inch.

“What’s wrong with her? Why has she stopped?” Called out Rosie.

Travis took hold of her other hand, but Sally fought back, digging her heels into the ground, pulling away from Travis.

“Leave me alone!” She shouted out.

Tony went over to her. He raised his arm and slapped her across the face with the back of his hand. She fell to the ground but shed no tears. Sally tried to make a run for it, but Travis was ready for her.

“Hold her still, will you!” Shouted out Tony.

He looked into her eyes.

“Well! Well! She’s back! Your mother’s, not going to protect you now,” said Tony, “drag her by her hair if necessary.”

As they came closer to the site, the GPS started to beep continuously. Then it suddenly changed its tone into one long beep. Tony looked at the screen.

“We’re here!”

They had come to the precise spot where Helen had stopped with Jason and Danny. Travis looked around pointing the flashlight in all directions.

“Where is it then? There’s only large boulders and trees,” he said.

“You idiot! Do you think it’s going to have a sign above the entrance? It’s here alright, just not visible in the dark. Give me the flashlight, you stay here with the girls and keep an eye on Sally,” said Tony.

While Tony searched for the opening that Carlos had described to him, Travis went and sat down opposite the two girls. Sally focused on her surroundings, scanning the trees beyond her. She was not afraid of what is planned for her. She still had protection from her mother and from someone else who has been with her since they boarded the plane.

Sally then said, “you have no idea what you’re getting into! This place is evil, and none of us are welcome here!”

“Shut her up will you!” Shouted Rosie.

“She’s just trying to frighten you, which seems to be working,” said Travis.

Tony whistled for them to come forward as he opened the moss curtain revealing the narrow passageway inside. One by one they entered, disappearing into the bedrock.

* * *

Not too far away, Jason and Kate were catching up fast. Jason was able to move more freely through the trees despite his bandaged leg. Kate was only a few steps behind following his every move.

“So are you going to tell me how you are able to see so clearly in the dark?” she asked.

Jason looked at her, his pupils shining like silver pearls.

“I was born with this rare condition. My eyes let in more light, just like cat’s eyes do. Doctors were baffled when my parents admitted me to hospital. They were worried it would affect my eyesight as I grew older. After numerous tests, it was confirmed my eyesight would not be damaged in any way. You’re one of the few persons that know about it. Not even Danny knows.”

Wishing she hadn’t mentioned it right now, she quickly changed the subject.

“Are we heading in the right direction? You still remember the way?” She asked.

“Besides my perfect sight. I have a very good sense of direction,” said Jason with a smile.

The air in the jungle gave off a moist sense of smell after the rains had stopped. The usual sounds of crickets were heard again. As dawn approached, the night wildlife settled into their burrows, making way for the daytime creatures. The howling of monkeys sounded in the treetops, playfully chasing eachother. Now and then there was silence, the rustling of leaves giving away a predator on the prowl. Kate kept close to Jason, who seemed entirely unaffected by the dangers the jungle had to offer.


They stepped into the dark, cold surroundings after clearing rock and debris from the entrance to the cavern left by the explosion. Travis lit up one of the wicker torches that were on the floor in front of them. Holding his flame up high, he approached the steps leading down to the center.