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He shouted out, “this place is amazing!”

Tony took hold of two unlit torches lighting each one from Travis. In a few minutes, all flames on both sides were blazing away once again bringing the cavern back to life. No one noticed the dark shadow slip out of sight into one of the open doorways.

“Travis!” called out Tony, “hold onto Sally, she’s not getting away this time!”

To his surprise it was Sally who came forward giving herself to him. Tony then took out a long white cotton nightdress from his duffel bag.

He gave it to Rosie.

“Here! Get her into this.”

Tony then placed multiple candles around the stone sacrificial table, lighting each one while Rosie helped Sally into the white gown. Tony prepared the syringe to sedate Sally. He was surprised she was cooperating and not putting up a fight. The needle found its mark, and she immediately passed out in his arms. He then laid her body across the stone table. Her hands are dangling from both sides with palms facing upwards exposing her wrists. Tony dressed in his usual ritual clothing and took his position in front of Sally’s unconscious body. Travis and Rosie stood on each side of her holding a candle. With the flame torches lit all around the cavern, the place was once again transformed into its original self again after nearly two thousand years of darkness. The last sacrifice being the ancient Mayan kings daughter.

Tony took out the bronze plaque, ready to repeat the exact words the old Mayan priest had read on that fatal night. A cold chill came over him as he read the first few words. He felt the energy buildup around him and smiled as it grew stronger and stronger. Suddenly the flames around the cavern seemed to die down, turning themselves into a dimly lit light. The cavern from brightly lit became gloomy and chilling. The candles in the circle gave out just enough light for them to see each other.

Unaware to them hovered a dark figure above Sally’s body. Rosie felt ice cold chills all around her as Tony continued with the word chanting. At one point she was about to drop the candle, turn around and leave. The whole atmosphere was much different compared to what she was used to on the beaches back home. Tony noticed the unsteadiness in her. One look at Travis was all it took for him to warn Rosie.

“You move now, and break the circle means certain death!” Said Travis to Rosie.

It was then she saw a dark figure standing next to Sally. Rosie froze where she was. Her eyes fixated on the unknown creature. It swirled around causing the candle flames to flicker. As Tony raised his voice, it grew larger, taking the form of a man and beast.

* * *

By the time they reached the entrance, the sun was beginning to appear through the darkness of the trees. Kate entered first, feeling safer in the front, then at the rear. With her flashlight revealing the way they walked through the first chamber, then began the long descent down the stone steps.

As they approached the half way mark they could see flames dancing in the distance with large shadows swirling around the cavern walls. Jason feared it was too late. He just hoped his daughter Sally was still alive. Kate could hear his deep breathing, feeling his urge to descend, but his leg wouldn’t permit it. Kate stopped to help him, quickening their way down. Thoughts ran through Jason’s head as he remembered the last time he was here. The entrance to the cavern was blocked by rocks that meant Tony and the others had to clear the entrance, buying more time for Sally’s survival.

Jason turned off Kate’s flashlight and continued towards the entrance. He led the way with Kate behind him, who was barely able to see three feet in front of her.

Tony and Travis managed to remove a fair amount of rocks from the entrance, enabling Jason to pass through with ease. He kept himself as low to the ground as he could. When he saw it was safe for Kate to enter, he signaled for her to enter. They both crawled to the edge of the stairway, peering down on what was going on. What they saw stunned them both.

Kate was shocked when she saw the body of Sally slumped face up on the stone table. What shocked her even more, was the ghastly figure a few feet away from her helpless body. The dark figure had revealed its true self, transforming from a dark, ghostly figure into a rotting human body having the head of an owl. The remaining flesh began to peel off with every move it made. Standing above Sally’s body was the underworld god Ah-Puch.

Jason rose to his feet at what he saw, but Kate quickly pulled him back down.

“I can blow that mad man’s head off at this range! Why are you stopping me?” asked Jason.

“And what about that thing down there? Bullets won’t kill it! I’ve seen pictures of that in books. It’s some Mayan God of the underworld. Sally is still alive, or else this ritual would already be over. The sacrifice has not been made yet,” answered Kate.

“Okay, but I’m not waiting until it’s over! Sally’s in danger down there. I have to get to her before he harms her,” said Jason, trying to keep calm.

Kate said, “that thing could harm her before we even get close to them! I don’t think we’re dealing with the living here!”

So Jason and Kate backed away as they tried to find an alternative way to get as close as possible to rescue Sally. Tony and the others were all focused on what was happening around them. Jason took a chance and made his way down the steps with his back pressed against the wall, keeping hidden in the shadows. Kate, holding her breath followed him, keeping watch on what was happening. Not more than twenty yards away from the center, they both remained hidden in the shadows.

The Mayan God stood where it was a few feet away from Sally. Tony nearing the end of the text was now raising his hands in the air, about to ask his wishes to the God Ah-Puch in return for the sacrifice of Sally. Tony knew once she was dead, her energy would be transferred from her body and into his. The underworld god would have her spirit and soul.

But Tony wanted more, he wanted passageway into the underworld realm. Having the ability to communicate with spirits, he closed his eyes in concentration, communicating with the spirit in front of him.

Ah-Puch looked up at him as if surprised by Tony’s capability. The owl eyes locked onto Tony, waiting his requests. He knew it would take more than one offering for him to enter the underworld. So it was agreed three sacrifices would have to be made to the gods besides Sally. Tony also offered the sacrifice of Travis and Rosie.

The spirit focused its eyes onto Travis and then across to Rosie. They both realized something was not right. Rosie was the first to try and make a run for it, but somehow, she could not bring herself to move her body. Travis also was paralyzed on the spot. By the power of the spirits, both Travis and Rosie were at the mercy of the underworld god.

Tony then took out his Bowie knife from his bag. He crossed over to Rosie slitting her wrists. She was not able to move or make a sound. It was her eyes that gave away the pain she was feeling. Tony looked her in the eye, smiling as she slowly slipped away into unconsciousness.

Travis knew it was his turn next. By eye movement alone, he begged for Tony not to take his life. The underworld God released the hold it had on Rosie, letting her drained bloodless body fall to the ground. Tony absorbed the energy flowing from her body. Feeling revived and fresh, he made his way over to where Travis stood.

Kate watched Rosie as her body fell to the ground. Jason also saw what had happened. He rushed out of the shadows, took out his loaded weapon ready to end all of this right now. Bullets hit the statues that surrounded the sacrificial table, pieces of marble flew in all directions with each impact. Kate followed Jason keeping behind him, protected by his body. The sound of the gun echoed loudly around the cavern.