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“It can’t be! I slit her wrists! I saw her die!”

Ah-Puch regained control of Tony’s body, dragging him forward until he was a few feet in front of him.

“The girl is strongly protected,” answered Ah-Puch.

Tony felt tightness around his neck as the underworld god squeezed his grip tighter and tighter, breaking his neck. He then tossed his body across the floor. Its next move was to get rid of Jason, who lay on the ground too weak to move. Sensing his weakness, Ah-Puch had no need to take control of Jason’s body. He knelt down next to him, holding his beaten face in his hands. Jason felt the pressure as his skull was slowly being crushed.

“Sally needs you Jason! She’s calling out to you. Go back to her!” Pleaded Anne’s voice as he was about to black out.

Jason regained consciousness, opening his eyes as he felt the large dagger in his hands. He drove it deep into the underworld god’s stomach, slicing upwards through its chest.

“Nobody messes with me and lives to tell! Not even you!” cried out Jason.

The underworld god yelled out, loosening its grip on Jason. It then turned away into the dark corners before Jason passed out.

* * *

Kate, relieved that Sally was still alive couldn’t stop crying. She took out a bottle of water and washed away her bloodstained hands. Sally asked again as she managed to sit up.

“Where is my father? Is he alright?”

Kate brushed away the loose strands of hair from her face.

“I don’t know what happened Sally. He was right in front of me when he knocked Tony off his feet. That’s the last time I saw him.”

Both girls held onto each other, tears streaming down their faces.

“We have to get out of this place. It’s pure evil down here. This cavern should remain hidden from the outside world. It’s a place for holy priests that ruled the Mayan world,” said Kate.

Sally held back. “No! I can’t leave here without him. He’s alive. I can feel it.”

Then through the silence they heard groaning sounds like someone was in pain.

“Did you hear that?”

The sound was coming from a dark corner of the cavern.

“Sally be careful! We don’t know what it is!”

Sally knew right away what it was. Taking a flamed torch she walked cautiously towards the sound. As the light penetrated the dark shadows, she saw the figure of a man sitting with his back to the wall barely alive.

“Dad!” Cried out Sally, “you’re alive!”

She ran to him throwing the flame to the ground. She knelt down beside him hugging her father around the neck, eyes swelling with tears as she kissed him on his bloodstained face.

“Easy there sweetheart! You’re not getting rid of me that easily,” said Jason trying to hold back a tear as it rolled down his battered cheek.

“Sally! Your mother helped me. She is here with us.”

“I know! She’s been with us the whole time!”

Kate was soon by his side, wiping her tear streaked face.

“Are you able to stand up? She asked.

“I think I can manage with your help.”

They helped him to his feet and walked out of the shadows and into the center of the cavern.

Kate said, “I need to dress your wound. Your bandages have blood all over them.”

They began to make their way towards the stone table, when Jason suddenly lost his balance. He fell forward, hitting the stone table and slightly dislodging the top part.

Sally cried out, “dad are you alright?”

“I’m okay. I guess I’m too heavy for you guys.”

Kate noticed something strange about the sacrificial table. She took out her flashlight and walked around, shining the light inside the hollow table.

“Jason! Look here. There’s something inside.”

Sally came over to have a look as Jason edged his way holding onto the sides.

“It seems deeper than it looks,” said Sally.

“On three, we push the top part away,” said Jason.

With all three pushing to one side, the heavy lid slowly crunched open revealing a large opening. What they saw inside surprised them all. They were looking down into an underground chamber buried deep under the cavern floor.

“My god!” Said Sally, “it’s a secret tomb! We have to get down there and check it out!”

“It’s up to Kate. I don’t think I can make it down there, and besides who’s gonna pull you back up again if I go down?” Said Jason.

Kate was excited just as much as Sally.

“Jason, this might be the lost king’s burial chamber that we read about in Helen’s books,” she said.

“We better hurry up about it. I have a gut feeling we’re not alone down here,” said Jason, as Sally was already climbing into the tomb.

Jason then took hold of her hands lowering her down. He released her, letting her drop the last few feet. Kate was soon standing next to Sally inside the dark chamber. Jason then handed them one of the flame torches. As soon as Kate held it up, the whole thirty foot square room was a sight they never dreamed of seeing. In the furthest part of the chamber lay a huge sarcophagus painted in gold. Rubies and emeralds covered its sides, glittering and shining as they approached it. Surrounding it were churns filled with golden nuggets. On the rear wall stood colorful paintings of the king standing high upon the tallest pyramid of Chichen Itza. Surrounding the temple grounds were his people bowing to him in respect. In the picture, the king was seen holding up his arms to the heaven gods as rays of sunlight poured down over his people. The king must have been one of the greatest rulers of the Mayan civilization.

Kate had discovered the resting place of the lost king.

Sally was about to touch the sarcophagus when she heard her father calling.

“We have to go! You have to get out of there now!”

Kate ran back to the opening.

“Jason! What is it? What do you see?”

“You were right! This is the lost king’s tomb, and I think we’ve woken its Guardian! Get Sally out of there!”

Kate called to Sally, “come on! We have to leave and don’t touch anything!”

They both desperately tried to reach Jason’s extended hands.

“We can’t reach you Jason!”

“Sally come in front of me. I’m going to try and lift you up. Then grab your father’s hands,” said Kate.

She took hold of Sally by the legs, lifting her while she balanced herself against the wall. Kate raised her higher and higher until Jason was in reach of her. Jason took hold of his daughter’s hands quickly pulling her to safety. Once in the clear, she looked around and saw a dark mist approaching them from the farthest ends of the cavern. Sally immediately felt its evil, she now knew what her mother was protecting her from.

Jason called down to Kate, “is there anything you can stand on so I can reach you?”

She looked around the tomb.

“No! there’s nothing Jason! Take Sally and go! Get out of here!” She said.

Kate held the torch in her hands and sat down, waiting her fate. After a few minutes, the flame died down, leaving her in the dark.

Jason and Sally were watching the dark mist as it came towards them. Jason had already felt its power back in the jungle. He placed his daughter behind him, protecting her with his body. They slowly backed away waiting for it to strike out at them.

“Dad! We can’t leave her down there!” Said Sally.

Jason turned around to face his daughter.

“I don’t intend to! Go up the stairs quickly and wait for me there.”

Jason picked up two flame torches. One of them burning and the other was out. He then limped his way back to the underground opening, throwing the burning torch for Kate to see.

“Jason! What are you doing? I thought you left!”

“We’re not leaving without you. Here grab hold of this. I’m going to try and pull you up.”