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Helen said, “this is where we found the statue and the bronze plaque. One in each section of the wall. I placed them inside a metal box which were then taken back to camp, ready to be transported to the museum for further studies.”

Jason asked Helen, “were they the only items that were stolen?”

Helen replied, “yes, that’s right.”

Danny was curious to know why the statue and plaque were placed here just outside the archway.

“This is the passageway into the underworld. Only the high priests were allowed to pass beyond this arch. It was their way of communication with the underworld lords and demons,” explained Helen.

Danny took a step back, letting Jason enter first.

“Don’t worry, it’s safe, nothing to fear,” laughed Helen.

* * *

It was early afternoon when two suspicious Mexican characters arrived at the Chichen Itza temples. They mingled in with the tourists whenever security guards were seen coming their way. After making sure professor Shireberg had not come back for supplies and was still at the camp, they were soon on their way, taking the same route as Andreas had taken with Jason and Danny.

Driving as fast as the terrain would permit, they arrived at the exact spot where Andreas had stopped. They then started their trek through the jungle. Both men were well prepared and wasted no time as they planned to take Helen and get out as fast as they can.

* * *

As Jason made his way through the archway, he felt the surrounding air somewhat cooler than before. They descended deeper underground down the three feet wide stone steps, leading them into the darkness. Their flashlights were nearly drained of power and were unable to penetrate through the black surroundings. The steps seemed to go on forever taking them further underground.

Suddenly Helen said, “this is the furthest I have gone. I counted the steps the last time I was here, but had to turn back, as one of the locals who had run all the way from camp was hysterical. That’s when we got the news that John and Paul have been murdered.”

Jason said to Helen, “so beyond this point we’re entering unexplored territory, and have no idea what we will encounter down there.”

Jason took out his Colt and removed the safety latch.

Helen saw the firearm and said, “my god! What do you think we’re going to find down there…. Big Foot?”

Jason slowly turned around to face Helen.

“Listen woman! I’m taking no chances, okay. For all we know there could be some wild animal down there. Now if you’re not comfortable walking behind me, you can move your ass to the back of the line!”

Helen was shocked by Jason’s words. She kept quiet but remained behind Jason having second thoughts about the wild animals.

They were well beyond sixty steps and still descending. Helen directed her flashlight in front of Jason, expecting some animal to jump out in front of him. Finally, after another ten minutes, they came to the last step. The passage opened up into a large, roundish shape with the ceiling over twenty feet in height. Jason suddenly stopped where he was. Twenty feet in front of him stood a dark figure, well over seven feet tall. With lightning speed, he aims his Colt, ready to fire at the slightest movement. But the figure didn’t move.

Helen touched his arm lowering his weapon.

“It’s just a statue,” she said.

She edged her way past him and went up to it. At over seven feet tall it hovered above her like a giant. A large head and a protruding mouth bared large rows of teeth. It wore arm bands covered with skulls and serpents. As head gear, it wore a round cap with a large hollow horn pointing upwards. A large beaded neck band covered with teeth and beads were worn tightly around the neck. The rib cage was clearly visible just like a decomposing body would look. Everything about the statue resembled death.

“What is it?” Asked Danny.

Both Helen and Jason examined it carefully, going over every detail.

“Well!” Danny asked again.

“This is a statue of one of the underworld gods. It’s magnificent. The details are so precise,” answered Helen.

Jason agreed with her. “You’re right. Not even in Egypt have I seen a statue with so much detail, and to think it’s sculptured out of marble makes it so more remarkable.”

Suddenly the two locals who remained a few feet behind started talking out loud. One of them seemed on edge while the other tried to calm hi friend down.

Helen stepped forward, interrupting. “What is it? What’s wrong with him?” She asked.

But before he could answer her, the frightened worker turned and fled up the stairs.

“He says we cannot go any further. It is forbidden. Only the high priests are worthy to be here,” said the remaining local.

Helen shook him with both hands and said, “nonsense! That’s just old sayings. Nothing’s going to happen.”

Danny looked rather shaken also. He was the only one who did not bring a flashlight, and now he seriously wished he had.

Jason said, “it seems we can’t go any further. It’s a dead end.”

All of them looked around the cave-like walls for another doorway. Helen saw something behind the statue. Chiseled out on the wall were some hieroglyphs.

“Only the chosen ones may enter.”

Danny looked confused.

He asked, “what does that mean? Only the chosen ones may enter! Enter where? There’s nowhere else to go!”

Jason was convinced there was a hidden entrance somewhere. He began to search around the statue’s base, behind it, feeling the surrounding walls for a way inside.

“God damn it!” There has to be a way in. Or else why would it read, only the chosen ones may enter.”

He took out a pack of cigarettes and lit one up, exhaling a large amount of secondhand smoke in the air. Helen shone her flashlight at Jason, not believing he just lit up a cigarette in this confined space. The smoke started to rise slowly above them, when suddenly it was drawn to the rear of the statue, disappearing through a small crack in the wall.

“There!” yelled out Helen. “The smoke! It’s being sucked in through the wall!”

Jason then exhaled smoke again to see it pass right through the wall. They immediately shone their flashlights in the direction of the smoke. Jason ran his hands over the wall that seemed to be much smoother compared to the other wall surfaces. He then turned his attention to the statue.

“It has got to be here somewhere. There has to be a way inside and this statue is the key.”

Jason then tried to move it, but it was much too heavy.

“Give me a hand here will you! The Egyptians used sand, just like we use hydraulics to move or open things. I’m sure there is a connection with this statue that will get us inside.”

They all put their weight on one side and pushed, but it didn’t move an inch.

Jason said, “let’s try from the other side.”

Again they tried to move it, but it would not budge.

“It’s not working Jason. This thing hasn’t been moved in centuries, it’s either stuck or has nothing to do with getting inside,” said Danny.

Helen came up with an idea. She took out her water bottle from her backpack and poured the water around the base of the statue.

“Lubrication! Smart girl,” said Jason with a wink.

“Come on! Give it another try,” said Helen.

Once again, they pushed as hard as they could, when suddenly they heard a grinding sound.

“It’s working!” cried out Helen.

“Again! Push harder!” She said.

The next instant the figure moved six inches. They pushed harder, and it moved even further, when all of a sudden a huge amount of air came gushing out from beneath the statue. Instantaneously the wall began to sink into the ground, opening a five foot doorway. They let the dust settle before entering inside. Jason entered first. It was pitch black inside, and the air let out a bad smell from being closed up all these centuries. After a few paces inside, Jason’s flashlight lost all power. He dared not to venture inside without knowing what lay ahead of them.