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Cobb stood and walked closer to the screen. ‘Hector, can you show me a satellite flyover of Siwa?’

‘Sure. Just give me a second.’ A moment later, a high-definition reconnaissance photo replaced the image of the ruins. ‘What are we looking for?’

Cobb traced his finger to the southeast, circling the approximate location of the mysterious second marking that they had found on the dome. ‘Zoom in on this section.’

Garcia zoomed in on a stretch of desert.

Cobb eyed the image carefully. ‘What kind of coverage do we have?’

‘There are thousands of satellites circling the globe. At any given moment, hundreds of those are focused on Egypt, probably more, considering the civil unrest. Together, they offer a nearly constant stream of information if you know where to look.’

Cobb nodded his understanding. With any luck, he would be able to detect the telltale signs of a compound. ‘How close is this to the Libyan border?’

‘About thirty miles. Why?’

McNutt leaped to his feet. ‘Holy shit — the Semtex.’

‘Exactly,’ Cobb said.

‘What about it?’ Papineau asked.

McNutt walked toward the screen. ‘Remember what I said before? In all likelihood, the Semtex came from Libya.’ He placed his hand to the left of the map. ‘That’s right about here. They’re close enough that you could stand in Siwa and piss into Libya. It would only take a quick field trip to secure what they needed.’

Having missed their previous discussion about the explosives, Manjani was trying to piece everything together on the fly. ‘Are you saying that the second location is the tomb, and that the priests are the warriors who are trying to protect it?’

Cobb nodded. ‘That’s exactly what I’m saying. The murders weren’t acts of aggression; they were acts of devotion.’

Even Papineau was convinced. ‘I must admit, it seems to fit.’

McNutt laughed. ‘Papi’s so excited, he’s rhyming!’

Cobb urged everyone to calm down. ‘Right now, it’s just a theory. Before we start dancing the jig, let’s get some evidence to back it up.’

Garcia looked at him. ‘Tell me what you need.’

‘I need a much better photo than this. Something focused on this stretch of desert. Preferably one of our birds. We have the best optics from space.’

Garcia typed away, searching for a different satellite.

‘I also need a second set of eyes. Josh, are you up to the task?’

McNutt nodded. ‘You know I am, chief. What are we looking for?’

‘Anything that doesn’t belong in the desert.’

‘Like polar bears?’

Cobb took a deep breath. ‘I might need a third set of eyes.’

McNutt laughed loudly. ‘Just messing with you, chief. I know what we’re looking for. This isn’t my first desert assault.’

‘Glad to hear it.’

A few seconds later, a new picture appeared on the screen. The detail of the image was remarkable, as if it had been taken from a helicopter instead of a satellite.

‘Much better,’ Cobb said. ‘Good job, Hector.’

Garcia smiled at the compliment.

Meanwhile, Cobb and McNutt went to work.

Cobb knew there were a handful of ways to spot a subterranean bunker — exhaust vents, power cables, and other topside connections — but if they were there, he needed McNutt to see them without being prompted. It was the only way to ensure that he wasn’t simply seeing what he had been told to see.

To the untrained eye, the scene was little more than a vista of endless sand. Fortunately, this wasn’t the first satellite reconnaissance that Cobb and McNutt had studied. Slowly but surely, they began to spot the telltale indicators.

‘Camouflage netting,’ McNutt said as he pointed toward the screen.

Cobb nodded as he pointed out something else. ‘Mesh.’

McNutt drew an X over a ripple in the sand.

Then Cobb circled a suspicious shadow.

Eventually, McNutt traced an imaginary border.

Each time, they exchanged knowing nods without speaking.

From where Sarah was sitting, it looked like they were just making things up as they went along. Either that, or they were playing a foreign version of tic-tac-toe, one that she couldn’t comprehend. ‘Enough already! What the hell did you find?’

McNutt glanced at Cobb. ‘May I?’

Cobb nodded yet again. ‘Be my guest.’

McNutt grinned and turned to face the others. ‘Good news, everybody. Either Jack and I just located the Egyptian equivalent of Area 51, or we just found our target. As far as I’m concerned, we’re winners either way.’


Jasmine had hinted to Kaleem that there was more to tell about her expedition, but she needed one last moment to consider what she was allowed to reveal. Even in her time of crisis, with her life on the line, she was worried what the others might think.

Eventually, she decided that they would understand.

‘What do you know about the tsunami in 365 AD?’ she whispered.

‘Are you referring to the earthquake in Crete?’

She nodded. ‘I have reason to believe that the body was moved at the time.’

Kaleem didn’t understand. ‘Are you saying that Alexander was washed out to sea? Because I don’t believe that for a second. The harbor has been exhaustively searched. And even though they have found ruins, nothing would lead me to believe that his tomb is sitting at the bottom of the water.’

She smiled. For the time being, she thought it best to leave out any mention of the Fates or Pandora’s box. Their role in the decision was far less important than the decision itself. ‘Alexander wasn’t lost in the flood; his body was moved because of it.’

‘This is what you learned from the wall?’

She nodded. ‘The implication was clear: Alexander’s body was relocated so that he would not fall victim to the disaster.’

‘Relocated to where?’

‘I don’t know,’ she answered. ‘The wall only told us when and how it was moved, not where. According to the message, Alexander was smuggled from beneath the city and carried to a waiting boat.’

Until that moment, she had been thrilled by her discovery that Alexander had left the city by way of the coast — if only because it had given them a concrete lead to follow. But hearing it aloud in the strangle-hold of the prison, she was struck by how insignificant it seemed. In fact, the more she thought about it, Alexander’s departure seemed to raise more questions than it answered. The Sahara was vast, but it was nothing compared to the sea. Suddenly, her optimism waned as she considered the seemingly endless destinations that her story allowed.

She stared at Kaleem, fearful that her tale would not be important enough to trade for their freedom. ‘Do you think that will be enough?’

‘Maybe,’ he said, unsure. ‘Is there anything else?’

She shook her head. ‘That’s everything I know.’

Kaleem forced a smile. ‘Then they will have to accept it. The mystery of Alexander has remained for thousands of years. And it will remain for thousands of years to come.’ He gently took her hand in his. ‘His fate is not yours to determine.’

Jasmine appreciated his attempt to console her. She understood that she could only give them what she knew. The rest was beyond her control.

She reached out and pulled him in for a long hug.

For her, the physical contact was remarkably soothing.

Her worries seemed to melt away in his grasp.

Sadly, her solace was short-lived.

Without warning, the heavy door was flung open and smashed into the wall as three robed men stormed into the cell. No words were spoken as they charged forward to separate the inmates, but none were needed. Their intention was quite clear.

Jasmine clung to Kaleem, fearing for his life. Having made a connection to the old man, she desperately hoped that they would be permitted to stay together.