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“Dr. Coscarelli, it’s so nice to hear from you. What can I do for you?” Ben answered pleasantly.

“Hello, Ben. Good to hear your voice, too. I’m hoping you know where my father is. Please tell me he’s not in a late committee meeting. It’s important I speak to him…immediately,” she said, pausing, letting her last word hang to magnify the sense of urgency.

“Well, it’s your lucky night, Sela. The senator just returned from dinner. He’s still in the Hart building. Shall I have him call this number?”

“No, Ben, have him call my office number. He’s got all my contact information at his desk. I’ll be waiting.”

“Okay, stand by. We’ll get you two together. I hope everything’s all right. Take care, Sela,” Ben said, ending the call. Whatever was bothering Dr. Coscarelli, he knew it was important. He had never known her to be given to drama or affectation. Her expression of urgency was sure to draw the senator’s attention. He went right into the senator’s office to brief him on the call.

“Senator, pardon the interruption,” he said, barging into the ornately decorated office of one of the most powerful political figures in the United States Senate. Alfonse Coscarelli did not look kindly on interruptions to his carefully managed schedule. Ben Dare was one of few staff members that could barge in uninvited, but he chose his times carefully. He knew this interruption would not be questioned.

“I just received an urgent call from your daughter Sela. She would like you to call her office immediately, Senator.”

“Is that what she said, Ben…‘immediately’?” Senator Coscarelli questioned.

“Yes, sir,” Ben replied. “She sounded agitated, but I didn’t press for details. We can go over your committee agenda later. I’ll make sure you’re not interrupted. Take your time, sir.”

“Thank you, Ben,” Alfonse replied, quickening to the request from his oldest daughter.

“Sela, this is Dad,” he said briskly.

“Oh, hi, Pop. I’m so sorry to bother you,” she said, brushing past their usual pleasantries. “It’s Sarah. She’s got more family problems. Ryan’s on the run from the law and Jeremiah’s left school.” She told her father the entire story then added, “I know Sarah would like a call from you. She has questions about getting Secret Service involved. She sounded a bit…frazzled, so I offered to call you first.”

“Damn it, I can’t tell you how disappointed I am to hear that Jeremiah’s left school. But what does Sarah think the Service could do?”

“I’m not sure, Dad. All I know is she’s worried that Jeremiah will take off after Ryan and get into trouble. She figures that because you’re a senator and chairman of intelligence, the Service will protect family members if you request it. She’s just not thinking clearly. A call from you will really help.”

“Okay, I get the picture. This isn’t as bad as I thought. I understand she’s upset. I’ll give her a call. Is she at home?”

“Yes, we just spoke about ten minutes ago,” Sela replied.

“Well, keep in touch, sweetheart. How are you doing…everything going well with you? Have you found a gentleman yet?” he asked, hoping for good news about his biggest concern for his oldest daughter. He believed she worked too hard and was squandering the prime of her life. He wished she would marry, and even though it was well past when she might start a family, he still didn’t like the thought of her being a spinster.

“Now’s not the time, Dad,” Sela said, frustrated there was never any respite from her father’s obsession with her social life. “Call Sarah…she needs your encouragement. Let her know what resources might be available. She’s looking for options. I’m planning to speak with Jer as soon as he’s back in Bernalillo. I’ll make sure he stays with his mom. I gotta go, Dad. I love you…and please tell me if you hear anything new.”

“Okay, I’ll call her right now. Keep in touch,” he said, busily looking for Sarah’s number in the top drawer of his desk.

Without a moment’s hesitation, he dialed Sarah’s number in Bernalillo. Divergent thoughts raced through his mind while he waited for her to pick up.

“This is Sarah Marshall,” she said formally, not knowing who might be calling next.

“Sarah, it’s your father.”

“Oh, Pop, I’m so glad you called. I suppose you’ve heard all about Ryan’s latest trouble?” she asked, hoping she wouldn’t have to retell the day’s travesty another time.

“Yes, I know the gist of what you’re up against. Sela brought me up to speed and asked that I call you directly. Why didn’t you call me yourself, honey?”

“Dad, we know how busy you are. Besides, I’m still trying to figure out what’s happening. I spoke to Sela first because she’s usually easier to reach and can get me focused quicker than anyone. Don’t feel bad…I need your help, too,” she said, not really feeling apologetic.

“Okay, honey, what can I do for you?” he asked. “Sela mentioned you want help from the Secret Service?”

“Well…yeah, I mean…I don’t know. Is that even remotely possible?” Sarah asked bluntly.

“I’m afraid not,” the senator answered decisively. “Service personnel provide security only for the president, vice president, and their immediate families. As chairman of the Intelligence Committee, I have no authority to request protection for personal matters. In fact, if I did, I’d be breaking about a dozen rules against directing government resources for personal gain.”

“Okay…I understand. I should’ve known that, Dad. I just feel so…violated. Why does this keep happening to me?” Sarah asked, bewildered, searching for reasons why her life always seemed to be heading toward a cliff.

“Sarah, listen to me. That’s not the question to ask right now,” Alfonse replied impatiently. “Get a handle on your emotions. Ryan’s actions are none of your concern. Your focus is keeping Jeremiah under control. Promise me you’ll have him call me as soon as he gets home. I don’t care what time of the day that is. Understand?” he said, not meaning to use the demanding tone on his youngest daughter he sometimes took with staffers

Sarah took a long, deep breath as if fighting the impulse to argue the point, but merely said, “Yes, Pop, I’ll make sure he calls you directly. So, if it’s not the Secret Service, what should I do if Jer insists on following after his father? There was a pronounced determination in his voice I’ve never heard before. He had that same irrational tone that Ryan always gets whenever his cousin is the subject. I swear he’s inherited his father’s temperament. I’m afraid, Dad.”

“Let me ponder that a bit, honey. There may be something I can do if, God forbid, Jer does run off after Ryan. But let’s avoid a knee-jerk response. When we know all the facts, our options will be clearer. Now you just sit tight, wait for Jer, and try not to worry. We’re all in this together, you hear?”

“I know, Dad. I do appreciate your help. I’ll do as you say.” Somehow, though, she still felt all alone in the matter.

“Okay, have Jer call me the minute he arrives. I’m depending on you, honey, and I know everything’s going to be just fine,” he said, thinking his words sounded baseless and hollow. He wished for some way to intercede, and decided to consult Ben as soon as he concluded the call.

“Thanks so much for the call, Dad. I love you.”

“I love you too, honey.”

Alfonse Coscarelli leaned back in his chair, unsettled, contemplating the situation, wishing for an incantation that would whisk away Sarah’s problems. With all the authority of a U.S. senator at hand, he wondered why he felt so powerless. He thought back to the age when the girls were young, a time so far removed from his present reality that he couldn’t remember where it all went. Everything was so fresh and easy at that point in his life. He owned his own law firm, was a member of the local chamber, had a lovely, upper-class home, and with his wife, Ariel, they were active in the Catholic Church. They had raised their girls in an idyllic time compared to the surfeit of troublesome conditions young parents now faced raising their children.