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The news of multiple abductions surrounding the pioneer of the new technology left little doubt in Henry’s mind that someone close to Dr. Conrad was connected to the crime, and his intuition kept pointing to someone closely associated with the Quantum Corporation. He’d make book on it. It was most likely someone with in-depth knowledge of the research that Conrad was conducting.

Agent Henry didn’t have the same conviction about Jarrod Conrad. He recognized Dr. Conrad was the genius behind this new technology and he’d remained implacable about losing his coveted research. Conrad’s ego is larger than an Oklahoma prairie, his notes read. Would never sell out; vital to be recognized as the pioneer of this work.

Agent Henry figured it was time to follow his hunch and pressure Niles Penburton. He was certain this guy held the key to the mystery behind both Quantum and Livermore. Everyone had an intrinsic vulnerability, and even though Penburton’s soft spot still eluded him, Henry knew that skillful probing would uncover his weakness. Let’s roll some dice, he thought, grabbing his coat and heading for the door. Niles is about to crap out.

Agent Henry arrived at the Quantum Building at Stanford just after 10:00 a.m. He parked in the visitors’ lot and went directly to Penburton’s office on the tenth floor. He knocked but didn’t wait to be admitted, opening the door and walking directly inside. Penburton looked up from his desk and Henry caught a brief glimpse of terror on the man’s face. He was glad he’d caught the man off-guard.

“Good morning, Professor,” Agent Henry started, watching as the man nervously shuffled together something he’d been reading before quickly storing it away in the top drawer of his otherwise neatly ordered desk. “I hope I haven’t caught you at a bad time, but there are new developments in my investigation that you might be able to address. This’ll only take a few minutes,” he said, indicating that Penburton had no choice otherwise.

“Agent Henry, what a pleasant surprise,” Penburton lied, trying to conceal his alarm. The special agent’s impromptu visit was unwelcome but not altogether unexpected, given the message he had received from Jarrod late last night. The agent’s presence at Quantum was always troublesome and mentally fatiguing, made more so ever since Holloway’s team had stolen Conrad’s antigravity research. “Please, come in. How can I help you?” he asked, hospitably, feigning curiosity.

“Professor, we have a big problem here,” Henry said, taking a seat while removing his notebook from his breast pocket. “Things are just not adding up. I’ve been working with Lieutenant Morris from PAPD, and it seems we’re both running into the same inconsistencies. I don’t know if you’ve heard, but as of this morning, Dr. Conrad is presumed missing. In addition, his cousin’s son was kidnapped from his home late last night and we’ve just learned that Dr. Sela Coscarelli, Ryan Marshall’s ex-sister-in-law, has also been abducted from her home in Maryland.”

Penburton was mortified at the report from Agent Henry. A rush of adrenalin shot through his body when he heard about Sela. He realized that Holloway had acted on his hunch that she was someone Jarrod cared about. He tried valiantly to maintain his composure and not let Henry see that he was mortified. He also needed to conceal his foreknowledge of Jarrod’s abduction, having previously decided not to divulge the late-night call he had received. Penburton realized with grim awareness that he would be considered an accessory in all these capital crimes if Agent Henry discovered his association with Holloway.

“My God, Conrad’s missing?” he asked in mock surprise, contorting his face into an anguished look. “In light of everything else that’s happened since the break-in, I’m surprised you fellas didn’t have someone assigned to protect him. Do you have any idea what happens to our research if he’s not found?” he asked firmly, attempting to deflect the subject of conversation. “What’s all this got to do with me anyway?”

“It’s looking more and more like an inside job, Professor,” Henry bluntly replied, setting a steady gaze on Penburton, looking for a flinch, a jerk, or any imperceptible sign that might give him away as the inside source. He saw it, barely detectable; the professor was scared. His eyes darted almost indiscernibly, but it was a dead giveaway. The professor was exhibiting the mammalian fight-or-flight reflex. When confronted by danger, the subject will choose to fight, or run like hell. There was no doubt: Penburton was looking for a way to bolt. I’ve got you, you son-of-a-bitch, Henry thought.

“Since you’re Dr. Conrad’s partner, I’m sure you must know things about him that most others wouldn’t be privy to. Can you tell me if there’s anyone who might be able to set up this plan? It’s remarkably complex-making it look like his long-estranged cousin was behind the break-in could have only come from someone closely allied to the professor. See where I’m going with this?”

“I understand your point, Agent Henry, but I can assure you I don’t know anything about this. As you correctly point out, I’m his partner. Why would I steal research I already own? And to imply I’m somehow involved in his kidnapping…mind-boggling.”

“Well…then you won’t mind me investigating your phone calls, bank records, credit card transactions, and past tax filings,” Henry responded officiously. “That should clear up any doubt about your involvement quite nicely, Professor.”

Jason Henry had to keep from breaking a smile. The look on Penburton’s face was priceless. It was the look of a trapped animal- inextricably caught, without recourse, and no hope of rescue.

“I can’t see how that information will help you, but if it assists in finding Jarrod and recovering his stolen research, by all means you’ll have my full and complete cooperation,” Penburton calmly replied, stalling while he assessed his next move. “But since you appear to have made me a suspect in this investigation, I’ll need to consult with my attorney, and I must insist that you produce a court order to procure the documents you request. Now, if you’ll kindly remove yourself from my office, I have a class to teach,” he finished, abruptly standing up from his desk, indicating their discussion was concluded.

“No problem, Professor. I appreciate your willingness to cooperate, but making me obtain a court order makes your offer insincere. I would advise you not to leave the city until this is resolved. Good day, Professor. I’ll be in touch,” Agent Henry said, standing to leave.

There was no doubt in his mind that Niles Penburton was dirty. He could smell a rat and this rat was the partner of Dr. Jarrod Conrad, inventor of the world’s first antigravity machine. Lie to me once, shame on you. Lie to me twice, I’ll eat your lunch, Henry thought. I’ve got my man. He’s not Lex Luthor, but this guy knows the man with the plan. I’ll make book on it.


San Jose

08:30 HOURS

Ryan Marshall slowly awoke from a fitful sleep filled with frightful dreams: driving down a dark, steep grade, brakes and headlights failing; fleeing an angry posse brandishing rifles and swinging a noose; being forced to watch Jeremiah drown-his wide eyes looking hurt, longing for rescue. Mercifully the nightmares ceased as the dawn broke and he awoke, relieved that these dreams were just that.

But then reality engulfed him like a mine cave-in as the recollection of his circumstances returned, the certainty of last night’s events crashing down upon him. Even though he badly needed sleep, once his mind began grinding on the enormity of his predicament, he knew it was futile to try further. He looked to the bed next to his and noted that Sarah was not there; it was then that he heard the sound of the shower. He sat up on the edge of the bed, his face in his hands, feeling as though his whole world had been rocked. It was 8:39 a.m.