Item: The Goatfuckers aren’t the only people who are into the Laundry; Panin and the Thirteenth Directorate clearly know a lot more than I do about the CODICIL BLACK SKULL flights, Triple-six Squadron, and the Eater of Souls (who keeps cropping up in this mess like a bad penny). And anything that worries the KGB ought to worry the hell out of me, too.
I come out of the arcade in a wide alley lined with loading bays, rusting metal shutters drawn down across concrete slabs. Overflowing dumpsters redolent with the sweet fetor of dead rats lean between scraped and battered steel bollards, huddling together like school kids sharing a fag behind the bike shed. The sky is clouding over, the merciless sun shrouded by dirty clouds of doubtful provenance. I keep walking.
Item: The Auditors wanted to know about Mo, and about paper clips. I know about paper clips and why they’re a security risk. (The laws of contagion and sympathy are fundamental to all systems of magic: quantum entanglement and spooky action-at-a-distance for the witch doctor set. More prosaically, if you’ve got a paper clip from the same box as a sibling that’s clipped to a top secret file… you figure it out. Okay?) But why did they want to know about Mo? What was the document she wanted me to retrieve? Am I missing something? What if it’s not all about me, or Angleton? The business in Saint Martin a few years ago should have been a wake-up call. Just because I’m under investigation, it doesn’t mean she-
– The hell I’m under investigation. No. I’m under suspicion. But suspicion of what?
My feet carry me past the end of the delivery alley and across a road where a cast-iron railway bridge shadows the terraced houses, their fronts smeared with smuts from the diesel locomotives that rumble overhead, freighting coal to the power stations that keep the lights burning and the hard drives turning. There is a cycle path here, and my feet seem to know which way they’re going. I turn left and find myself on an incline, ascending a tree-flanked slope. The faint tinkle of a bell prompts me to stand aside as an urban cyclist in luminous lycra zips past, coasting in the opposite direction.
Item: Angleton wants to use me as a tethered goat, but I’m not much use to him if I’m not in the right place when the Goatfuckers come calling. Damn, I hope he gets my message via the Memex. Where are we leaking? Is it via the BLOODY BARON committee? That seems to be the logical place, but…
A chill creeps over me and I glance up at a turbid cloudscape that wasn’t there five minutes ago, swirling masses of dirty cumulonimbus crammed with a promise of rain to come. Uh-oh. Here’s me, out and about in a lightweight summer jacket. I really ought to head for home. I keep walking, because it seems like the thing to do, although the shadows are lengthening among the dark green trees to either side. The cycle path is empty; I ought to start looking for an exit from it that’ll take me back down to street level and a bus stop or tube station. I glance behind me, but I can’t see the ramp I came up anymore.
Item: Doctor Mike’s research finding about the early onset of CASE NIGHTMARE GREEN. Let’s hypothesize that the Goatfuckers heard about it by way of our security breach. We know the Goatfuckers want CASE NIGHTMARE GREEN to come about-they’re fans of the old, dead nightmares that will stalk the planet once more. (They worship the things. How twisted is that?) Ford’s new finding suggests that the onset conditions for tearing a hole in the structure of reality are a bit more flexible than we previously thought. Which suggests that there are things the Goatfuckers can do to accelerate the onset of apocalypse, the stars coming right as the pulp writer put it. They’re showing an interest in the Eater of Souls. Why? Do they think that if they get their hands on the Fuller Memorandum they can control him, make him do something unspeakable that will shiver the stars in their tracks and split the sky apart like-
– I look up. “Oh fuck.” Then I shut my mouth and save my breath for more important activities. Like, for example, running away.
While I have been wandering aimlessly, locked in my head, my feet have guided me onto a dismal path. There are no cyclists or pedestrians in sight, just an endless dark strip of tarmac that curves out of sight ahead and behind me, surrounded by impenetrable walls of spiny evergreen shrubs that lean inwards above my head. I can’t see through the hedge, but there are pallid mushroom-like structures bursting from the soil around their roots. The cloudscape overhead is turbulent and dappled, side-lit by sunlight slanting under its floor-even though there are hours yet to go until sunset-and the ever-shifting whirlpools and knots of darkness roll and dance, lit from within by the snapshots of cosmic paparazzi.
I have no idea how I got here and I’m not amused with myself for succumbing to what was, at a guess, a very low-key glamour, but the urge to get out and find a safe refuge is overwhelming. Every instinct is screaming that I’m in immediate danger. And so I begin to jog, just as the U-boat klaxon starts to honk urgently from my breast pocket.
“Bob?” It’s Mo.
“I’m kind of busy right now,” I pant. “What’s up?”
“The memo I was after, are you sure it wasn’t in?”
Huh? “I’m dead sure. Listen, what was it about?”
“That external appraisal of my violin, I told you about that, remember?”
“Oh, that-”
“The examiner was murdered! About thirty-six hours ago. Bob, if they think you’ve got the violin report-”
“Listen, let me give you an update. I’ve been suspended on pay. I need you to pick up a ward for me, as soon as you can. I’m heading home now, but I’m in a spot of bother and they took my pistol. Angleton isn’t AWOL: Can you find him and tell him he was right, the Goatfuckers are after the bait and I need backup right now-”
The NecronomiPod beeps at me three times and drops the call.
“Fuck.” I thumb-tap the software ward back to life, then shove the JesusPhone back in my pocket and keep jogging, breathing heavily now. There’s a breeze in my face, shoving me back and slowing me down, and the surface of the footpath feels greasy and turgid, almost sticky. The sense of wrongness is overwhelming. I have a sense of déjà vu, harking back to my midnight run, although that path was miles away and didn’t look anything like…
Oh. Am I on a siding? I ask myself, as the headwind builds and the shadows deepen. I hear distant thunder and the first heavy slap of rain-drops on the path ahead: Did the Necropolitan line have branches that were edited out of the public record decades ago, by any chance?
The hoarse scream of a ghostly steam whistle echoes in my ears. It’s behind me. And it’s gaining ground.
It’s funny how you lose track of a situation while it spins out of controclass="underline" in the space of about fifteen minutes I’ve let myself be led by the nose-or rather, the feet-from a busy suburban high street in London, right into an occult trap. There are places where the walls of reality are thin; the service corridors of hotels, subway footpaths at night, hedge-mazes and cycle paths. You can get lost in such places, led astray by a lure and a snare and a subliminal suggestion. These routes blend into one another. Of all the myriad ways that link the human realm to the other places, these are the ones we know very little about-because those of us who stumble into them seldom return with their minds intact.
I can feel my heart hammering as I run. The hedges to either side brandish spikes edged with a nacreous rind of blight. There are pale white shapes embedded in the wall of leaves, the flensed bones of intruders trapped in the interstices of the vegetative barrier. Overhead, the clouds are black as smoke from the funnel of a racing steam locomotive, boiling and raging at the ground. I don’t dare look back, even though I’m sure I’m being herded towards an ambush: the phone in my pocket is buzzing and vibrating in urgent Morse, signaling the presence of hostile intent.