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“Hope this is comfy.” He said in a whisper.

She felt his arms envelope around from behind and felt his hands begin to explore. Just like a housecat, a purr rumbled through Jan’s chest. She relaxed and settled back against him but didn’t answer back. Instead she made a soft meow and pushed her breasts back into his hands.

Hans practically tore off his tunic and moved down to her skirt, unclasping it. Jan giggled and tucked herself against his skin, as if to hide from his prying hands. “Are you always this fast with your own women?”

Hans smiled sheepishly and put his hands down onto her thighs. “Just too curious maybe. Does it feel like I’m going fast?”

Jan chuckled and curled her tail against him. “Eager, maybe.”

“This… might be true.”

Jan wrinkled her nose and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Turning around, she reached down, paw smoothing over the front of Hans’ trousers.

She giggled and pressed on his cock through the fabric, and leaned in to kiss the tip of his nose. With her paw she unfastened those trousers and slid her paw inside, the pads of her fingers stroking over the head of his cock.

“Have you been with someone here already?”

He shook his head right away. “No… And it’s… been awhile back in my own world as well.”

She bit her lip as he settled his hands onto her pert backside, then peeked down into his trousers. Her curious paws opened the fabric and drew his cock out, running her paw up and down the length.

“It’s different,” she piped up after a moment, before squeezing the head gently. Hans jumped just slightly and she smiled up to him. “But I think it will be good.”

Hans worked his way out of his trousers and briefs too. She leaned in to kiss him softly on the mouth, rolling and grinding her hips up against him and purring into his ear. He returned the wet kiss as she reached down and curled her fingers around his cock and lifted herself up to gently rub the head against her folds.

The human’s breath stopped as he pushed his hips forward, parting the lips of her sex and pulling her deeper onto him. Jan hissed at him, annoyed that she’d been stopped from teasing him awhile longer. That was his loss. Hans’ breath sharply returned, taken aback by Jan’s feline reaction.

He let go of her waist and looked down at his shoulders while Jan dug her claws into them. Maybe he thought she was mad. She allayed his fear by squeezing down on him with a grin. Hans winced, recoiling inside of her.

“Any different from your girls?” Jan chuckled and curled her tail over his legs.

“Tighter… Quite a bit… tighter.”

She grinned again, oddly flattered by the human’s testament. She leaned in to bite gently at his neck. Still Hans didn’t protest or hiss back. Not even a growl, he only stroked her tail with his hand.

Jan ground her hips into a tight circle and finally got a response from the human. His cock recoiled again and she clamped down on it, keeping him firmly in place.

“Ahhh, oh yes… Oh…”

She mewled back, staring up at him in encouragement. Then she kissed him again, mindful of her sharp teeth as she licked her way into his mouth and pressed on him with abandon.

Her climax soon took her by surprise, claws digging sharply into his shoulder and leaving red lines through his tanned skin. Her tail smacked his legs and she redoubled the kiss, this time hard and desperate as she milked and clenched his swollen member. Hans would get no break. She worked her hips back and forth, even though he was trying to delay it for some strange reason. But the last clench brought a spasm from him, and finally he relented and gave Jan what she was looking for.


Jan shivered to a stop and they kissed over and over until slowing to something lazier, her paws still combing through his hair. Hans looked down as Jan rocked her hips slowly and milked him of every last drop. She was flushed beneath her fur. She leaned against him and closed her eyes to enjoy the moment.

“Different,” she murmured after a moment or two, “but very good.”

At Your Service


The crackling embers of Sepp’s winter fire burned out hours ago. Valvela’s soft growl pulled him out of his dream. They slept in a wide foxhole that could shelter himself and the two wolven sisters who relied on his protection. For his protection, the she-wolves grew close to Sepp quickly, and then rarely left his side. Sepp, of course, was able to stay warm at night despite the low temperatures. Tonight each of them snuggled against his flank.

That is, until Valvela woke him up.

“I hear someone coming!” She whined.

Sepp heard nothing, and when he reluctantly removed himself from between the two sisters, to peer into the pitch black night, he saw nothing as well. Then a loud chuckle came from behind the treeline.

“Commander Sepp Dietrich?”

Sepp ducked back into his hole and pointed the rifle into the darkness.

“Who goes there?”

“Hold on I’m coming out…! Don’t shoot…”

A German soldier appeared, with helmet in hand, from the forest. He had thin blonde hair and a grimacing smile that could be mistaken for a snarl. The man raised one of his hands into the air.

“It’s Poetschke, sir. Werner Poetschke at your service!”

“Poetschke? You one of Peiper’s boys?”

“Yes sir.”

As Poetschke came within Sepp’s line of sight, the grin left his face and was replaced by an expression more appropriate for the presence of a superior officer. Sabrae, the younger sister, peeked up out of the foxhole and cowered when she saw the other human.

“Wh-who is that?!” She said.

Sepp placed the rifle back against the wall.

“It’s a subordinate of mine. Um, in my species, males stick together, help each other out.”

Sabrae’s ears drooped. “Wolves can do that too, you know,” she pouted.

“Who you talking to—aaAAAHH!”

Poetschke looked into the foxhole, and the youngest sister peered up curiously. The two locked eyes for a moment before Poetschke shouted, leaped back and fell on his ass.

“G-g-g-g-g-g WHAT is this goddamn place?!”

Sepp laughed and poked back up over the edge.

“Not sure, but this isn’t home. Sabrae, Valvela; this is Poetschke. He’s a good man.”

Valvela cautiously stepped out before the trench and sniffed at the new human from a distance.

“Was this man in your pack before?”

“Yes, he was. And he is part of our pack now,” Sepp declared.

Valvela nodded and crawled back into the trench. She took hold of Sepp’s trouser and tugged at the hem, beckoning him back down to her, but he continued with his subordinate.

“I don’t know where we are, either. It’s some other world with creature’s I’ve never known, some of them very dangerous. No Ami’s, Tommies or Bolsheviks, though. Still, I recommend you stick with us. You’re welcome to, of course.”

“I’ll do that, but, you think anyone else is here?”

“Don’t know.” Sepp shrugged and tossed Poetschke the spade.

“Dig yourself a foxhole. We’ll talk about all this in the morning.”

Now he felt Sabrae’s paw on his thigh, tugging at the cloth to entice him back into the sisters’ toasty embrace.

“It’s uh, gonna be a cold night for me,” Poetschke sighed.

Sepp laughed. “Nice try, but both of these girls are mine.”


“I… I must go. I’m sorry, I’ve stayed too long…”

Jan gracefully lifted herself off of him.

“What? Where?”

“To the village, I’m sorry I want to stay but…”